Chinese English Sentence:
  • 如果以前的调查结果正确,他们之中半数会玩[电子]游戏,直玩到成年。
    If the results of previous surveys hold up, about half of those will continue to play [electronic] games into adulthood.
  • 装入计算机就可以重复运行的程序。
    a program that can be loaded once and executed repeatedly.
  • 装入计算机就可以重复运行的例行程序。
    a routine that can be loaded once and executed repeatedly.
  • 不断让(个演员)扮演同类型的角色
    To assign(a performer) repeatedly to the same kind of part.
  • 满足定条件时重复执行的指令序列。
    A sequence of instructions executed repeatedly while a certain condition prevails.
  • 无意识影像,意像童年时期对某个人形成的经常是理想化了的形象,并且无意识地直保留到成年时期,通常是对父母
    An often idealized image of a person, usually a parent, formed in childhood and persisting unconsciously into adulthood.
  • 然而有讽刺意义的是,我们在成年时和儿童时代样需要友谊。
    And yet, ironically, we need our friends as much as ever in adulthood.
  • 承担责任是每个成年人的门主修课。
    Responsibility is a major lesson of adulthood.
  • 毛瑟枪种连发步枪和手枪的商标名
    A trademark used for a repeating rifle or pistol.
  • 对不起,请您再说遍行吗?
    I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that, please?
  • 不知您是否介意把号码再说遍?
    I wonder if you 'd mind repeating the number?
  • 请你再把它重复遍,我没有完全明白。
    Do you mind repeating that, I didn't quite catch on.
  • 对不起,请您把那个词重复遍好吗?
    I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that word again, please?
  • 请原谅我,可不可以把你的名字再说遍?
    Please forgive me, but would you mind repeating your name?
  • 托尼说的笑话太没意思了,点也不值得重复。
    Tony told us a joke that does not bear repeating.
  • 他不用草稿,连讲了个多钟头句话也没重复。
    He spoke more than an hour without a note-never repeating himself.
  • 连续重复同操作或同组操作。
    The continued repeating of the same operation or group of operations.
  • 你能重复遍吗?我不太明白。
    Would you mind repeating that , I did not quite latch on.
  • 英格兰亨利八世的第二任妻子,伊丽莎白世的母亲(1507-1536);以通奸的罪名被处死。
    the second wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Elizabeth I; was executed on a charge of adultery (1507-1536).
  • 诗人们,只要是真正的诗人,也定在不断地重复着“我不知道”这句话。
    Poets, if they're genuine, must also keep repeating "I don't know".
  • 规则而反复发生的系列事件进行次完整的循环所需要的时间。
    The time required for one complete cycle of a regular, repeating, series of events.
  • 聚醚种聚合物,其中重复性的单位含有由个氧原子连结的两个碳原子
    A polymer in which the repeating unit contains two carbon atoms linked by an oxygen atom.
  • 对不起,请你重复下你那个论点,在辩论中我似乎没有搞清楚。
    Sorry, would you mind repeating that point, I seem to have lost the drift of the augument.
  • 站成行抵制强行登船者。
    stand by to repel boarders.
  • 他们准备好打退切进攻。
    They stood prepared to repel any attack.
  • 旦通过电流物体就既可以排斥,也可以吸引。
    When electrified bodies may repel as well as attract.
  • 个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
    A country must have the will to repel any invader.
  • 其中方与他人通奸通常是离婚的原因。
    adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce.
  • 卫生球种弹子大小的球,原本由樟脑制成,现在由荼制成,与衣物存在起以驱除蛾子
    A marble-sized ball, originally of camphor but now of naphthalene, stored with clothes to repel moths.
  • 个妻子犯有通奸罪的男人。
    a man whose wife committed adultery.
  • 这些纤维状溶液本身带有相同的电荷,互相排斥,像布纹样,其纹理排列得极有规律。
    The fibers have the same charge, so they repel one another and regularly space themselves like a textile weave.
  • 那是一件通奸案。
    That is a case of adultery.