  • 阿爾丁國中部的一片早期非常廣阔,樹木繁茂的地區,位於斯特拉福西部。它為莎士比亞的皆大歡喜提供了背景
    An unincorporated city of north-central California, a residential suburb of Sacramento. Population,49, 130.
  • 國與美國之間的關係很特殊。
    Britain has a unique relationship with the USA.
  • 他在國文學中占有獨特的地位。
    He occupies a unique place in English literature.
  • 鎊是國貨幣的標準單位。
    The pound is the standard unit of money in Britain.
  • 國法定單位製采用的官方容積單位;適用於液態和固態。
    a unit of measure for capacity officially adopted in the British Imperial System; British units are both dry & wet.
  • 2個單位乘以4個單位的,尤其是以寸單位
    Measuring two units by four units, especially inches.
  • 不像國廣播公司的智囊團,他們不回答問題,而是衹提出問題。
    Unlike the BBC's Brain Trust, they ask, not answer, questions.
  • 調查顯示,有53%的未婚同居人士願意花100鎊為自己的戀人買聖誕禮物,而肯花這筆錢的已婚人士則衹有31%。
    While 53 percent of those unmarried, but living together, will spend over 100 pounds on presents for their partner this Christmas, only 31 percent of married couples are prepared to spend that much.
  • 王稍許停步,但聲色不動。
    The king just hesitated for a slight moment and continued quite unperturbed.
  • 所以後來有所謂(臺灣)“民意如流水”的笑話出現,馬九等人還為此受傷不小。
    This led to a joke that Taiwan’s public opinion is “as unpredictable as flowing water”. It also caused much political damage to politicians like Ma Ying-jeou who is now the mayor of Taipei.
  • 熱帶國傢的學生往往對國的氣候毫無準備。
    Students from tropical countries are often unprepared for the British climate.
  • 在數學班裏,媽媽總是兩三個女生之一;而且她自視為精並非全無根據,她各科成績幾乎都名列前茅。
    Mom was always one of two or three women in her math classes,and since her cream confidence wasn't unrealistic,she was also near the top of each class.
  • 他答道這全都是因為國的無常的、靠不住的天氣所致。
    He answers by saying it is because of the extraordinary, unreliable weather.
  • 他答道這全都是因為國的無常的、靠不住的天氣所致。
    He answered by saying it was because of the extraordinary, unreliable weather.
  • 我在當地報紙上見到一則廣告,說有一臺二手洗衣機出售,要價衹有10鎊,因此我看也沒看就把它買下了。
    There was a second-hand washing machine advertised in my local paper for only ten pounds, so I bought it sight unseen.
  • 如果有人真的存活下來了,那纔是一個奇跡;畫傢是真正不簡單的人;事實上他比他的父親高幾尺。
    in fact, it was a wonder anyone survived; painters who are in fact anything but unsophisticated; as a matter of fact, he is several inches taller than his father.
  • 當你在傢附近也同樣確實地一無所獲之時,就算走上五裏路去釣魚也沒用。
    There is no use in your walking five miles to fish when you can depend on being just as unsuccessful near home.
  • 當你在傢附近也同樣確實地一無所獲之時,就算?上五裏去釣魚也沒用。
    There is no use in your walking five miles to fish when what you can depend on is just as unsuccessful near home.
  • 他是使這個國傢經濟成長的無名雄。
    He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth.
  • 由那些未被人們謳歌的雄們贏得的戰爭
    A war won by unsung heroes.
  • 他至死都在勇的搏鬥。
    he fought valiantly until the end.
  • 她25歲時年早逝使她的父母非常傷心。
    Her untimely death at 25 made her parents heartbroken.
  • 由二零零一年九月起,所有新入職的已受訓文科及普通話教師在入職前應已符合既定的語文基準;新入職而未受訓的,則應在受聘後一年內達到基準;
    Starting from September 2001, all trained new English and Putonghua teachers should meet established language benchmarks before joining the profession and untrained new English and Putonghua teachers should meet benchmarks within one year of employment.
  • 而當情況換成是我在閱讀文書刊時,那種不自在的感覺就好像不翼而飛似的。
    But if I happen to be reading something in English, there will not be such unwelcome curiosity and I will feel completely at ease.
  • 國有不成文的憲法, 美國有成文的憲法.
    Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United States has a written constitution.
  • 最後一裏全是上坡路。
    The last one mile is all uphill.
  • 雄的演講是對我們的極大鼓舞。
    The hero's speech is a great uplift for us.
  • 珀西,亨利1364-1403國士兵,在領導反對王亨利四世的起義中犧牲(1403年)
    English soldier who was killed while leading an uprising against Henry IV(1403).
  • 到14世紀,全歐洲民族語言興起,國封建主義經濟發展,語地位也大大提高,終於出現了書面的語文學。
    By the time of the 14th century, there was across Europe a general upsurge of national languages, the feudalistic economy of England developed, English rapidly rose in importance, and a written English literature emerged.
  • 國不是一個真正變化大的社會;嚮上變化的。
    Britain is not a truly fluid society; upwardly mobile.
  • 同時也應該註意到,至目前為止,已經有6個主辦國贏得世界杯,它們是烏拉圭(1930年)、意大利(1934年)、國(1966年)、西德(1974年)、阿根廷(1978年)和法國(1998年)。
    At the same time, it is significant to note that six nations have thus far won the World Cup when they played host. These nations are Uruguay (1930), Italy (1934), England (1966), West Germany (1974), Argentina (1978) and France (1998).
  • 而日本、美國、內地及國則是香港包裹郵政的主要夥伴。
    Japan, USA, Mainland China and Britain were major partners in parcels.