  • 身处不列颠英勇的岛屿的、身处法兰西和比利时废墟城市的,甚至可是身处德国和意大利的人们
    The people on the heroic island of Britain, in the ruined cities of France and Belgium, yes, perhaps even to people in Germany and in Italy.
  • 我相信他有成功的力。
    I have faith in his ability to succeed.
  • 为钱而放弃政治信仰吗?
    Can you sacrifice your political beliefs for money?
  • 按照自己的信念、态度或力。
    In conformity with one's beliefs, attitudes or abilities
  • ☆鼓励他们追求可成为现实的梦想--确保这些梦想够继续和可信。
    Encourage them to pursue realistic dreams -- and make sure these are kept alive and believable.
  • 你不相信她说的话。
    You can't believe anything she says.
  • 奶奶简直不相信这事。
    Grandma could hardly believe it.
  • 我无疑能相信它。
    I can easily believe it.
  • 我们简直不能相信。
    We can hardly believe it.
  • 你认为真裁减核军备吗?
    Do you believe in nuclear?
  • 我们受骗了, 还以为他帮助我们.
    We were deceived into believing that he could help us.
  • 不过人们可不会轻易相信这种说法。
    People might be cautious about believing this statement.
  • 我们受骗了,还以为他帮助我们。
    We are deceived into believing that he can help us.
  • 考克斯等美国一些反华政客无视这一事实,极力贬低并否定中国人民开发国防尖端技术的创新力。
    Cox and other anti-China politicians in the United States, turning a blind eye to these facts, have tried their best to belittle and deny the Chinese people innovative capacity in developing sophisticated national defense technology.
  • 新加坡华人取英文名并不在少数,但在需要使用华文名的场合,若连华文老师都对之如此菲薄,不不令人感叹。
    While there are many Singaporeans with English names, there are occasions when it is appropriate for one’s Chinese name to be used. It is thus truly sad to know that even a Chinese-language teacher should belittle her Chinese name.
  • 你能听到晨钟响吗?
    Can you hear the morning bell ringing?
  • 派一位门房上来?
    Can you please send up a bellboy?
  • 罢工的工人似乎被束缚在交战状态,而不从中解脱出来。
    The striking worker appears to be handcuff to a position of belligerence from which they cannot extricate themselves.
  • 音乐的声音实在太大, 我们只有彼此大声喊叫才把话听清.
    The music was so loud we had to bellow at each other to be heard.
  • 音乐的声音实在太大,我们只有彼此大声喊叫才把话听清。
    The music is so loud we have to bellow at each other to be heard.
  • 风箱扇火,言语可动怒。
    As fire is kindle by bellows, so is angered by word.
  • 她本地趴在地上匍匐前进。
    Instinctively,she dropped to her belly to crawl.
  • 他单靠这工作就过活。
    This job alone can keep him back and belly.
  • 有这种才的人适于当教师。
    A man of his ability belongs in teaching.
  • 个人财物可能被盗。
    Personal belongings may be stolen.
  • 阿革诺耳因失去了爱女而大为苦恼,责令儿子卡德摩斯去把妹妹寻回来,若不完成任务就不准他再进家门。
    Agenor, greatly distressed by the loss of his beloved daughter, commanded his son Cadmus to go in search of his sister, and not to return without her.
  • 人们只知道,尽管那场景可像是桶里抓鱼,但熊并不是抓住白鲸就吃。
    What is known is that although the situation might seem like shooting fish in a barrel,the bears don't just grab a beluga and call it dinner.
  • 在观景台上看到卑尔根的最好风光--海湾及周围的葱葱群山。
    You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere.
  • 本,你能帮助我吗?
    Would you please do me a favour, Ben?
  • 本对托比说他跑得比学校的冠军还要快;托比要他跑着看一看,否则就别吹牛。
    Ben told Toby that he could run faster than the school champion, and Toby told Ben to put up or shut up.
  • 要不是因为它们,我可根本不会遇见本。
    Without them,I'd never have met Ben.
  • “本,你告诉我罗西埋在什么地方吗?”
    “Ben, can you tell me where Rosie is buried?