  • 打得好,可能全部或大部或一部消灭他;打不好,也他一个大的杀伤。
    If we fight well, we may destroy the entire enemy force or the greater part or some part of it, and even if we do not fight so well, we may still inflict heavy casualties.
  • 你愿意运用你的权力我帮忙吗?
    Will you exercise your influence on my behalf?
  • 那我现在就把这些书面资料留你。
    In the meantime, I'll leave this info literature with you.
  • 兹致函给您
    I'm very delighted to inform you that
  • 交谊会一个非正式的舞蹈或聚会,用以一群成员安排认识的机会
    An informal dance or party arranged to give members of a group an opportunity to get acquainted.
  • 为此,国家已兑现举报人奖金1200多万元(有的举报人声明不要奖金),全国“扫黄
    The reward money for informants has reached 12 million yuan (US$1.445 millioIn one instance, the national office of NAPWC gave an informant 1.2 million
  • 关于此事,你能我提供什么消息吗?
    Can you give me any information on this matter?
  • 请告知在订购500吨的基础上贵公司能多少特价优待。
    Please inform us what special offer you can make us based on a quantity of500 tons.
  • 一位警官提供一顿免费的饭食或许违反了法律,但这看上去是不值一提的违法。
    Giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction.
  • 易手,失球把球丢了对方球队,如出现失误或犯规
    A loss of possession of the ball to the opposing team, as by a misplay or an infraction of the rules.
  • 党章草案规定:如果党员严重地违背这些义务,破坏党的统一,违犯国家法律,违背党的决议,危害党的利益和欺骗党,就是违反党的纪律,应当予纪律处分。
    The draft Party Constitution provides that any serious infraction of these duties, undermining of Party unity, breaking of state laws, violation of Party decisions, damaging of Party interests, or deception towards the Party constitutes a violation of the rules of Party discipline, and disciplinary action shall be taken against the Party member concerned.
  •  (1)商标具有侵犯第三人在被请求予保护的国家的既得权利的性质的;
    1. when they are of such a nature as to infringe rights acquired by third parties in the country where protection is claimed;
  • 他们没完没了地批评把我气坏了.
    I was infuriated by/with their constant criticism.
  •  东芝在中国舆论追剿下所做的“解释”简直是火上浇油。把更多中国人惹火了。
    That was adding insult to injury. Even more Chinese people were infuriated.
  • 一个更怪的建议是,除配外,未来的战士要吃下“生物标识器”。
    An even wackier proposal is that, along with their rations, soldiers of the future will ingest"biomarkers".
  • 对于我予的帮助,我得到的只是不义的报答。
    They returned ingratitude for the help I gave.
  • 通常,这些设备保存这样一些表格,它们依据进端口把输入帧映射vlan。
    Typically, these devices maintain tables that map incoming frames to VLANs based on ingress ports.
  • 上届政府遗留本届政府很多问题。
    This government have inherit many problem from the previous one.
  • 已继承他人财产并将其转让他们自己的一些人。
    People who have inherit his property and have it transferred to them.
  • 为获得财产而嫁某人
    Marry sb for his money, ie for the sake of wealth and possessions that he has or will inherit later
  • 父亲或母亲所子女的钱或货物。如果他或她死亡,孩子可在任何情况下对它进行继承。
    Money or goods give by a parent to a child which the child will inherit in any case if the parent die.
  • 上届政府遗留本届政府很多问题.
    This government has inherited many problems from the previous one.
  • 上届政府遗留本届政府很多问题
    This government has inherited many problems from the previous one
  • 你未她饮品是待客不周.
    It was inhospitable of you not to offer her a drink.
  • 你未她饮品是待客不周。
    It is inhospitable of you not to offer her a drink.
  • 我觉得老人这种突如其来的恐惧与自动扶梯的机械性质有关——它归根结底是非人性的东西,很难人以安全感。
    I felt that her sudden fear had to do with the escalator's mechanical nature, its basic inhuman untrustworthiness.
  • 予所有深受苦难的人们的礼物的价值还将用并必须用我们国家全体人民的幸福和福利来衡量。他们将推倒那些将他们隔离的非人道之墙。
    The value of that gift to all who have suffered will and must be measured by the happiness and welfare of all the people of our country, who will have torn down the inhuman walls that divide them.
  • 把初步语法规则教学生
    initiate pupils into the principles of grammar
  • 语言老师应该把基本语法教学生。
    A language teacher should initiate pupils into the elements of grammar.
  • 系统网络体系结构(sna)中的若干话路参数,由系统服务控制点(sscp),通过控制权启动请求(命令),把它们传送主逻辑单元(plu)。这些参数为lu-lu(逻辑单元之间的)话路确定双方建议可选用的通信协议(或规程)。
    In SNA, the session parameters passed in a control initiate request by the system services control point(SSCP) to the primary logical unit(PLU); the parameters specify the proposed protocol options for an LU-LU session.
  • 考虑到这种商品的初次交易,我方可5%的佣金。
    We will grant you 5% commission with a view to initiating busines busines in this line.
  • 护士她的胳膊注射了青霉素。
    The nurse injected penicillin into her arm.