  •    第七十四全国人民代表大会代表,非经全国人民代表大会会议主席团许可,在全国人民代表大会闭会期间非经全国人民代表大会常务委员会许可,不受逮捕或者刑事审判。
    Article 74. No deputy to the National People's Congress may be arrested or placed on criminal trial without the consent of the Presidium of the current session of the National People's Congress or, when the National People's Congress is not in session, without the consent of its StandingCommittee.
  • 街比其他街美多了。
    This street is prettier by far than others.
  • 老路很好,只是长了点儿。
    The old road is prettier, but it is by far the longer way.
  • 工作条件很好。
    The conditions are pretty good.
  • 在这些工会中,将继续存在比较有利的件。
    In these unions more favourable conditions will continue to prevail.
  • 为了确定一个公平的价格,企业必须对他们自己的成本、现行的定价法、竞争状况以及折扣的种类和行业中惯常的销售件进行评估。
    In settling on a fair price, firms will evaluate their own costs, current pricing laws, what the competition is doing, arid the type of discounts and terms of sales that are customary in the industry.
  • 你穿着那宽大的裤子看上去真滑稽!
    You look priceless in those big trousers!
  • 狗听到了声音,竖起了耳朵。
    The dog pricked up its ears at the sound.
  • 牧师祈求上帝保佑这新船。
    The priest blessed the new ship.
  • 自动收报机用的纸供自动收报机打印用的纸带
    The paper strip on which a telegraphic ticker prints.
  • 将资讯自动印在“现字纸”上的收报机。
    paper strip on which a telegraphic ticker prints.
  • 作为先决件或者研究课程而必需的。
    required as a prior condition or course of study.
  • 本报盘以货物未售出为件。
    This offer is subject to prior sale(goods unsold).
  •  监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理涉及罪犯日常活动的各个方面,为了防止监管工作人员工作中的盲目性和随意性,规定了罪犯的日常行为准则和考核、奖惩的件、程序等,并向罪犯公开宣布。
    Management of prisons and reform-through-labour institutions involves each and every aspect of the daily activities of the prisoners. The criteria and procedures for assessing daily conduct and conditions for rewards and penalties for prisoners are codified and publicly promulgated in order to prevent arbitrary or capricious behaviour on the part of the prison staff in their work. Prison staff must abide by this code to the letter in all aspects of their work.
  • 监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理涉及罪犯日常活动的各个方面,为了防止监管工作人员工作中的盲目性和随意性,规定了罪犯的日常行为准则和考核、奖惩的件、程序等,并向罪犯公开宣布。
    Management of prisons and reform-through-labour institutions involves each and every aspect of the daily activities of the prisoners. The criteria and procedures for assessing daily conduct and conditions for rewards and penalties for prisoners are codified and publicly promulgated in order to prevent arbitrary or capricious behaviour on the part of the prison staff in their work.
  • 《个人资料(私隐)例》(第486章)旨在保障个人资料私隐权。
    The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) protects an individual's right to privacy with respect to personal data.
  • 《个人资料(私隐)例》的目的在于保障个人资料的私隐。
    The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance aims to protect the individual's right to privacy with respect to personal data.
  • 在这街上停车是此处居民特有的权利。
    Parking in this street is the privilege of the resident.
  • 可是地球也有不利于氨基酸生存的恶劣件:虽然地球在其形成初期也可能有件合成复杂的有机物,但那些促使进行这种化学反应的能量也足以破坏氨基酸有机分子本身。
    But the terrestrial environment poses some of the same prob lems for building such molecules: although complex organic compounds could readily have been synthesized under primordial conditions, the energy that drives those chemical reactions is also enough to break the organic molecules apart.
  • 实践证明:为了纯洁党的队伍,主要的问题是加强对于吸收新党员工作的管理,是要求支部大会和上一级党的委员会对于申请入党的人和预备期满的预备党员进行认真的审查,是使预备党员在预备期真正受到考察和教育,是对于还不完全合乎件的党员及时地进行教育,并且对于混入党内的坏分子加以清洗,而不是在规定某些人的入党介绍人的多少,介绍人党龄的长短,和作预备党员时间的长短。
    Practice has shown that the chief measures needed for keeping the Party ranks pure are to maintain strict supervision over the work of recruiting new members; to see that the general membership meeting of the Party branch and the Party committee at the next higher level carefully check applicants for admission and probationary members at the end of their probationary period; to subject probationary members to careful observation and educate them during their probationary period; to give timely education to Party members who are not fully up to standard; and to expel any bad elements who have wormed themselves into the Party. Purity does not depend on the number of Party members required for recommending different types of applicants, the length of Party standing of such members or the length of the probationary period.
  • 井然的,有理的以有规律的,有系统的秩序排列或进行的
    Arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order.
  • 或许不久的将来,就像最初微处理器将处理器的不同构件并人一块单独的芯片一样,微处理器和内存将会并人同一块芯片。
    Perhaps in the near future, processors and memory will be merged onto a single chip, just as the micro- processor first merged the separate components of a processor onto a single chip.
  • 拉皮条,为妓女拉客
    To serve as a procurer of prostitutes.
  • 拉皮的人为妓女拉客的人,拉皮的人
    One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer.
  • 拉皮在性交易中充当中间人或联系人;充当拉皮的人
    To act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer.
  • 孩子们不要用棍子戳那可怜的狗!
    Stop these boys prodding their sticks at that poor dog!
  • 当两个件对于产生结果同样必不可少时,说结果多少是由一种件产生的,多少是由另一种件产生的,是毫无意义的;
    When two conditions are equally necessary for producing the effect at all, it is unmeaning to say that so much of it is produced by one and so much by the other;
  • 第四十四 违反本法的规定,生产、销售未经依照产品质量法的规定确定的检验机构检验合格的消防产品的,责令停止违法行为,没收产品和违法所得,依照产品质量法的规定从重处罚。
    Article 44 Those who, in violation the rules of this law, produce and sell fire control products that have not passed qualification check by inspection institutions designated in accordance with rules of the Product Quality Law, shall be ordered to stop illegal action, and be confiscated with product and illegal income, and be strictly punished in accordance with the rules of the Product Quality Law.
  • 香港市民人人身体健康,是提高香港生产力和确保香港持续发展的先决件。
    A healthy population is the pre-requisite for the increased productivity and continuous growth.
  • 基督教徒的团体;表明忠于基督教或信仰的任一团体。
    a group of Christians; any group professing Christian doctrine or belief.
  • 这些不平等约先后规定,西方天主教、基督教传教士可在贸易港口租地自行建造礼拜堂,受地方官保护,“任传教士在各省租买田地,建造(教堂)自便”,中国地方官“务必厚待保护入内地传教之人”,中国官员不得查禁中国信教之人等。
    According to these unequal treaties, Western Catholic and Pretestant missionaries could lease land for building their own places of worship in trade ports and enjoyed the protection of local officials; missionaries could also freely lease or buy land for construction and other purposes in the provinces; local Chinese officials must treat kindly and protect those missionaries who came to inland regions to preach their religions; Chinese officials must not impose prohibitions on Chinese who professed a religious faith;
  • 这些不平等约先后规定,西方天主教、基督教传教士可在贸易港口租地自行建造礼拜堂,受地方官保护,“任传教士在各省租买田地,建造(教堂)自便”,中国地方官“务必厚待保护入内地传教之人”,中国官员不得查禁中国信教之人等。
    According to these unequal treaties, Western Catholic and Protestant missionaries could lease land for building their own places of worship in trade ports and enjoyed the protection of local officials; missionaries could also freely lease or buy land for construction and other purposes in the provinces; local Chinese officials must treat kindly and protect those missionaries who came to inland regions to preach their religions; Chinese officials must not impose prohibitions on Chinese who professed a religious faith,etc.