  • 推而广之,不同宗教信仰的新加坡人,不能在相互信任、尊敬和了解的基础上,建立真正的友谊。
    This would in turn hinder the formation of genuine relationships built on solid trust, respect and understanding between Singaporeans of different faiths.
  • 第七,这样的和平使所有人能够在公海上不受阻碍地自由地航行;
    Seventh, such a peace should enable all men to traverse the high seas and oceans without hindrance;
  • 你可以自由行事,因为委员会把上此事交给你全权处理。
    You will be able to make your arrangements without let of hindrance as the Committee is going to leave the matter entirely in you hands.
  • 现在回过头想想,当初要是把晚晴园拆掉,留下的是千古遗憾!
    On hindsight, if we had destroyed the villa, we would now live to regret it!
  • 我们的厂长以来销售量为他行动的准绳。
    Our factory director hinged his action on future sales.
  • 乌云预示着暴风雨即到来。
    Dark clouds hint at the storm to come.
  • 平静的海上没有一点迹象显示暴风雨即来临。
    The calm sea gives no hint of the storm that is coming.
  • 台湾经济真正以祖国大陆为腹地,获得广阔的发展空间。
    Taiwan may then truly rely on the mainland as its hinterland for economic growth and thus get broad space for development.
  • 祖国广阔的腹地、快速发展的经济和日益提高的国际地位,也必为香港的发展提供得天独厚的有利条件。
    The vast hinterland of China, its rapidly growing economy and rising international stature will also provide Hong Kong with highly favorable conditions for its development.
  • 记者在我的周围形成一个包围圈,他们问题雨点般地向我抛来,'你为加拿大雇用了150名工程师,是这样吗?
    I was encircled by reporters. They rained questions on me. 'You're hiring a hundred-fifty engineers for Canada, right?
  • 多年来,人口普查局(censusbureau)人口处副处长乔治.德尔皮奈尔(jorgedelpinal)的工作就是美国人口按照种族和民族分门别类:白人、黑人、拉美裔、亚裔,或印第安人。
    For years, Jorge DelPinal's job as assistant chief of the Census Bureau's Population Division was to fit people into neat, distinct racial and ethnic boxes: white, black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American.
  • 一些来的历史学家会对他作出评价。
    some future historian will evaluate him.
  • 约瑟夫斯,弗莱维厄斯犹太领、历史学家,曾参加犹太人反对罗马人的起义。他的《犹太战争史》是关于马萨达围困(72-73年)的重要史料来源
    Jewish general and historian who took part in the Jewish revolt against the Romans. His History of the Jewish War is the major source of information about the siege of Masada(72-73).
  • 如果中国加入世界贸易组织--其是以与美国达了协议为前提--那是一个历史性的时刻。这件事还有着某种历史的必然性。
    If China's entry into the World Trade Organization, foreshadowed by the agreement it reached with the United States, will be a historic occasion, it also has a certain historic inevitability.
  • 混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。
    Put the mixed historical facts in sequence.
  • 美国黑人大学生中女生近63%,全国117所传统的黑人学院和大学只有一所-位于亚特兰大的全部是男生的莫雷霍斯学院-男生是多数。
    Nearly 63 percent of African-America undergraduates are women, and of the nation's 117 historically black colleges and universities, only one--all-male Morehouse College in Atlanta--has a majority of men.
  • 新颁布的法令使失业者遭受什麽样的打击?
    How will the new law hit the unemployed?
  • 租金的提高加重穷人的负担。
    The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor.
  • 农夫在牛套上大车之前先给它们套上轭。
    The farmer yoke the oxen before hitch them to the wagon.
  • 但是同时也可以推想得到的是,原来专用于生产的新生力量同样也可以为破坏性的战争服务,这一点主要有利于取守势的一方,特别是欧洲国家,而英国原来以岛国地位在防御上所占有的优势,或由此丧失。
    But hence it follows that the same new forces which have hitherto served particularly for production will not withhold their services from destruction, and will principally favour the side of defence, and especially the European Continental nations,while they threaten the insular State with the loss of those advantages which have been gained by her insular position for her defence.
  • 我不明白你怎么能和平和希特勒相比。
    I don't see how you can talk about peace and Hitler in the same breath.
  • 他们如不醒悟,必落得希特勒同样的下场。
    If they don't come to their senses, they will end up in the same grave as Hitler.
  • 部分国营工业私有化
    Hive off parts of a nationalized industry to private ownership
  • 新市镇由两个分别位于东涌及大蚝的市镇发展组成,预期到二零一一年总人口达32万。
    The two urban development areas, at Tung Chung and Tai Ho, will have a total target population of 320 000 by 2011.
  • 我得知他到来的消息,却只变成一个玩笑。
    I hear the news of his arrival, but it turns out to be a mere hoax.
  • 我得知他到来的消息,却只变成一个玩笑。
    I hear the news of his arrival, but it turn out to is a mere hoax.
  • 霍伯森认为,由于"新新人类"是在经济大增长的时代中成长起来的,他们过惯了富裕的生活,总把自己的来想象的很美好,而事实并不一定是这样。
    "Because Generation X grew up one of our greatest economic booms, they've been spoiled by good times, and have made assumptions about what would be there for them they shouldn't have," said Hobson.
  • 中国支持有助于加强公约有效性的措施,并积极参加公约特设工作组关于促进国际合作、加强信任和核查等措施的讨论。
    China supports measures that help strengthen the effectiveness of the convention. It will actively join in discussions of the Ad Hoc Group on promoting international cooperation, enhancing trust, strengthening verification, and other issues.
  • 青年人要是书念少了,要维持生活是很艰难的。
    Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to support themselves.
  • 我试探性地锄头迎着蛇的正面向前推去,就像一个拳击手为了估量其对手的力量,在一开始的几个回合向他打出刺拳一样。
    I pushed the hoe in the snake's face, tentatively, the way a boxer jabs at his opponent in the early rounds to measure him.
  • …拽起通过经过垂直于其上的滑轮的绳子…吊起来
    To hoist by means of a rope passing through an overhead pulley.
  • "我来抱你,"她说着,双臂他抱了起来。
    “ I'll carry you,” she announced,hoisting him into her arms.