  • 留在记忆中把…归类贮存于记忆中;把…类,归档
    To classify mentally; categorize.
  • 孩子们早早地学着类了。
    Children learn early on to categorize.
  • 伯恩:不过你怎么对这些次品类呢?
    But how would you categorize the defects?
  • 在这个新世界中,生意可能变得很难进行类和理解。
    In this new world, businesses can be tough to categorize and comprehend.
  • 发布/预订概念提供了一个灵活的依据主题对警示信息进行类的方法。
    The publish/subscribe concept provides a flexible method to categorize alerts by topic.
  • 比如提不提毛泽东同志的错误是路线错误,就有个寸问题。
    For instance, whether or not to categorize his errors as errors of line is a question that has to be handled judiciously.
  • 追求在广告中突出方方面面的公司其实什么也没能突出,因为消费者不能对其进行类并记住那些信息。
    Companies that aspire to stand for everything in their advertising messages don't stand for anything at all, because consumers can't categorize and remember the messages.
  • 比如一直流行的yahoo就指定专门的人力资源来接受用户对网站的建议,并对建议进行评价和类,再把它们加到yahoo网站上特定目录中。
    For example, the ever popular Yahoo dedicates staff resources to accept site suggestions from users, review and categorize them, and add them to a specific directory on the Yahoo site.
  • 类项目为比赛目的而的级,如在拳击比赛中
    A category created for purposes of competition, as in boxing.
  • 对某事物加以类、归属。
    place into a category.
  • 类特定的、通常是粗略的
    A specific, often oversimplified category.
  • 一些早期类学的种类。
    a category in some early taxonomies.
  • (有一定上下限的)类,档次
    Group or category within specified limits
  • 第ii级则细为第iia级(儿童不宜)及第iib级(青少年及儿童不宜);
    Category II, which is subdivided into Category IIA (not suitable for children) and Category IIB (not suitable for young persons and children);
  • 贷款质量5级分类办法
    Five-category assets classification for bank loans
  • 类归入某一特定范畴;归类
    To assign to a particular category; classify.
  • 类的属于或有关类或种类的
    Of or relating to a category or categories.
  • 归类分门别类;归类
    To put into a category or categories; classify.
  • 在有些类中,本目不包含豆科。
    in some classifications this category does not include Leguminosae.
  • 类按等级或类别组织安排
    To arrange or organize according to class or category.
  • 体重级从次轻量级52公斤以下一直到超重量级110公斤以上。
    Bodyweight divisions range from the flyweight category under 52 kilos to the super-heavyweight category over 110 kilos.
  • 重新对事物进行类(通常是归入一个新类)。
    classifying something again (usually in a new category).
  • 课程全日制和兼读制,以照顾不同背景学员的需要。
    To cater for students of different backgrounds, the programme is offered for either full-time or part-time study.
  • 餐饮业生意较旺,一季度增长18.9%,增幅比去年同期提高3.1个百点。
    Catering sector was brisk. In the first quarter, the growth was 18.9% or 3.1 percentage points higher over the same period last year.
  • 行业看,批发零售贸易业增长6.0%,餐饮业增长15.7%。
    In terms of different industries, the sales of the wholesale and retail trades was up 6.0 percent, and the sales of the catering industry was up 15.7 percent.
  • 对于那些只顾迎合一部观众的低级趣味,而不惜败坏社会主义文艺工作者光荣称号的人,广大群众表示愤慨是理所当然的。
    It stands to reason that people are indignant about those persons who are interested only in catering to the bad taste of some audiences and who thereby sacrifice the honourable title of socialist writers and artists.
  • 行业看,批发零售贸易业零售额27860亿元,增长9.2%;餐饮业零售额5092亿元,增长16.6%;其他行业零售额7959亿元,增长3.2%。
    In terms of different sectors, the sales of the wholesale and retail industry reached 2,786.0 billion yuan, up 9.2 percent, the sales of the catering industry was 509.2 billion yuan, up 16.6 percent, and the sales of other industries was 795.9 billion yuan, up 3.2 percent.
  • 1982—1990年,在金融、文教、广播电视、卫生、体育、社会福利、商饮供储、机关团体等行业中女职工人数增长速度别超过男性21至78个百点。
    In the 1982-90 period, the growth rate in the number of females employed in the following sectors, namely finance, culture and education, radio and television, public health, sport and recreation, social welfare, commercial concerns, catering, supply and storage, and government and social institutions, exceeded that of males by 21 to 78 percentage points.
  • 茎或大复叶的花冠如树干的一种热带蕨类;尤其常见于澳洲和新西兰;主要属于桫椤科和观音座莲舅科,也有部属于水龙骨科。
    any of numerous usually tropical ferns having a woody trunklike stem or caudex and crown of large fronds; especially Australia and New Zealand; chiefly of the families Cyatheaceae and Marattiaceae but some from Polypodiaceae.
  • 三名法一种包含有三部类命名法,显示属、种和亚种或品种,例如芸苔属、蔬菜种、葡萄牙亚种花椰菜
    A three-part taxonomic designation indicating genus, species, and subspecies or variety, such as Brassica oleracea botrytis, the cauliflower.
  • 灌木树,广泛布在沿热带的海岸;产生一种轻而硬的木头,用做独木舟的舷外支架,光纤被用做绳索和防漏;常为装饰而载植。
    shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores; yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk; often cultivated for ornament.
  • 因此,研究所得出了这样的结论:这三份调查的一致结果更为可信,它们用科学的析排除了用手机和得癌症之间的直接、必然联系。
    Those studies found "a consistent picture... that appears to rule out, with a reasonable degree of certainty, a causal association between cellular telephones and cancer to date," the agency said.