  • 火山喷射烟、 熔岩和灰烬.
    A volcano emits smoke, lava and ashes.
  • 火山喷出烟和灰烬。
    A volcano emits smoke and ashes.
  • 火山喷黑烟和灰土。
    A volcano belches smoke and ashes.
  • 从炉子里扒出炉灰
    Scrape out ashes from a furnace
  • 火山喷出熔岩和灰。
    The volcano eject lava and ashes.
  • 火山喷出了烟尘.
    The volcano belched out smoke and ashes.
  • 如雨点般落下的灰尘(如从火山口中喷者)
    A rain of ashes, eg from a volcano
  • 请你把炉灰扒来好吗?
    Will you scrape the ashes from the furnace?
  • 把我从潜藏在灰中的余烬里救来吧。
    Save me from the dying embers hidden under ashes.
  • 那火山喷了大量熔岩和灰烬。
    That volcano cast forth lots of lava and ashes.
  • 你该把炉灰扒出来。
    You should scrape the ashes out from the furnace.
  • 船长上岸后,那条船在岸边驶进驶
    The ship was standing off ad on while the captain went ashore.
  • 这是有鲨鱼的迹象。他们给我们提了警告,我们都上岸了。
    This was a sign for sharks. They warned us and we all went ashore.
  • 就在汽车开走的时候,泰勒先生冲了来,紧追贼车,一边投掷烟灰缸和花瓶,但要逮到这伙窃贼是不可能的了。
    Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves.
  • 亚洲黑熊;在一些分类中没有把它从熊属中分离来。
    Asiatic black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus.
  • 他们提的批评意见没人理会。
    Their criticisms were waved aside.
  • 你要退出竞选吗?
    Are you going to stand aside?
  • 他们提要帮忙,他都没有理会。
    He set all their offers aside.
  • 他对我们提的反对意见一概置之不理。
    He waved aside all our objections.
  • 这件事需要付辛勤劳动。
    The matter asks hard work.
  • 那妇人显疑心很重的样子,对于店主劝她买的每一样东西,她都投以怀疑的目光。
    The woman showed great suspicion and looked askance at everything the shopman offered for sale.
  • 他提了一些盘根究底的问题。
    He was asking probing questions.
  • 第一是使反对者不疑而我可以其不意。
    First to lay asleep opposition, and to surprise.
  • 天门冬醯胺酶由细菌中分离来的一种酶,能催化天门冬醯胺的水解,用于对白血病的化疗
    An enzyme isolated from bacteria that catalyzes the hydrolysis of asparagine and is used in the chemotherapeutic treatment of leukemia.
  • 设备的费用将用这套机器生产的芦笋支付。
    Equipment cost will be paid for with the asparagus produce by the machine.
  • 该案件已呈现严重性。
    The case has assumed a serious aspect.
  • 事物呈现来了特殊的模样。
    a particular perspective or aspect of a situation.
  • 呈现一种形式、品质或方面。
    take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect.
  • 他的朋友帕萨维诺——三十岁尚未婚,在匹兹堡银行任推销员——说:“如果最坏的情况现,我丢了工作,我就开车到阿斯彭去滑上一个冬天的雪,在餐馆做侍应生。”
    Said his friend, Nori Passavino, a 30-year-old marketing officer for a Pittsburgh bank, also single: "If worse came to worst and I lost my job, I'd just jump in my car and head to Aspen, ski all winter and wait on tables."
  • 认定为假设而给合理的证据;似乎能证明
    To give reasonable evidence for assuming; appear to prove.
  • 假如那座房子售,你要买吗?
    Assuming the house is for sale, would you buy it?
  • 我们俩争吵后,吉尔首先作和解的表示。
    Jill was the first to hold out the olive branch after our argument.