Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在某物周围散布西。
    spread something around something.
  • 副产品在制作生产另外一种西时附带产生的西
    Something produced in the making of something else.
  • 某事物极端的尽头;尤其指尖锐的西。
    the extreme end of something; especially something pointed.
  • 引导做一件事情的西。
    something intended as a guide for making something else.
  • 超出某物范围的或是挂在某物上方的那种西。
    something that extends beyond or hangs over something else.
  • 美国部普通的大型歌鸟,羽毛为红褐色。
    common large songbird of eastern United States having reddish-brown plumage.
  • 乌鸫一种半球鸣禽(乌鸫),其雄性为黑色,鸟嘴呈黄色
    An Old World songbird(Turdus merula), the male of which is black with a yellow bill.
  • 灰莺产于半球的一种鸣鸟(灰白喉林莺或白喉林莺),羽毛略带褐色,喉部和腹部呈白色
    Either of two Old World songbirds(Sylvia communis or S. curruca) having brownish plumage and a white throat and belly.
  • 安定物用来起镇定作用的西,如平静的音乐
    One that serves to tranquilize, as soothing music.
  • 诱人的香甜味道研究表明消费者在充满温馨的香草或熏衣草芳香的商店里,浏览的时间会更长,购买的西会更多。
    The sweet smell of successStudies show that customers in shops filled with soothing fragrances, such as vanilla or lavender, browse longer and buy more.
  • [口]这(东西)倒挺妙!
    Queer sort (of a thing)this!
  • 西分成类别的机器。
    a machine for sorting things into classes.
  • 至少,要把几年前就该丢弃的西理出来,现在例是容易一些了。
    At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago was now being made easier for her.
  • 杰克随身带着各种各样稀奇古怪的西。
    Jack had all sorts of strange objects on his person.
  • 过道里横七竖八地放着各种西。
    The passage was cluttered up with all sorts of things.
  • “我似乎记得上周你花了20英镑买了一个手提包。”“是啊,起码我有个西在这儿呀。”
    "I seem to remember you spending twenty pounds on a handbag last week." "Well, at least, I've sot something to show for it."
  • 这就是我找寻了很久的西。
    This is just what I have long sought after.
  • 这正是我们很久以来要找的西。
    This is just what we have long sought for.
  • 房间被彻底搜查後,发现了一点可疑的西
    Something suspicious was found after the room was sought through
  • 我不知道“灵魂”在基督教神学里是什么时候发明出来的,可是这“灵魂”变成一种西,而不是一种机会,变成一种本质,而不是一种状态;它把人类和没有灵魂可以拯救的禽兽明确地分别了。
    When the "soul" was invented in the history of Christian theology I am not aware, but this "soul" became a something rather than a function, an entity rather than a condition, and it sharply separated man from the animals, which have no souls worth saving.
  • 台湾在中国的东南。
    Taiwan is southeast of China.
  • 东南部有风。
    The wind is in the southeast.
  • 马尔盖特英国南部一自治市,位于伦敦的部。是一个著名的海滨度假胜地,轻工业也较发达。人口121,900
    A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. A popular seaside resort, it also has light industries. Population, 121,900.
  • 从井岗山,我们往南直取瑞金。
    From Jinggangshan we drove southeast to Ruijin.
  • 那些不定期货船在南亚一带往来行驶。
    Those tramp steamers knock about southeast Asia.
  • 天津在北京的南方。
    Tianjin is to the southeast of Beijing.
  • 九龙中国南一城市,位于中国南沿岸、香港岛对面的九龙半岛上。人口799,123
    A city of southeast China on the southeast coast of China on Kowloon Peninsula opposite Hong Kong Island. Population,799, 123.
  • 麦卡里斯特美国俄克拉荷马州南部城市,位于州府俄克拉荷马城的南。是畜牧区的集散中心。人口16,370
    A city of southeast Oklahoma southeast of Oklahoma City. It is a distribution center in a stock-raising area. Population,16, 370.
  • 南安普敦村美国纽约市南部的一个村庄,位于长岛的南沿海地区,主要是避暑胜地。人口4,000
    A village of southeast New York on the southeast coast of Long Island. It is primarily a summer resort. Population,4, 000.
  • 这种情形已经越来越普遍,在许多南亚国家,很多人选择华文为第二语文或第三语文。
    The same trend exists in Southeast Asia with more and more young Southeast Asians taking up Chinese as a second or third language.
  • 南亚,答案是斩钉截铁的“是”。
    The answer in Southeast Asia is definitely "yes".
  • 榴莲树南亚的一种树(榴莲榴莲属),果实可食用
    A tree(Durio zibethinus) of southeast Asia, bearing edible fruit.