  • 扼要重述用简洁的形式重复
    To repeat in concise form.
  • 要不要我重复一遍?
    Am I expected to repeat it?
  • 要不要我重复一遍?
    Be I expect to repeat it?
  • 听我读,然后重复遍。
    Listen to me and then repeat
  • 这项工作已做完了, 让我们干下个。
    This being done, let's proceed to the next.
  • 请你慢慢重复遍,好吗?
    Will you please repeat it slowly?
  • 好吧,我再重复遍。
    All right.I'll repeat it.
  • 请重复次您点的菜,好吗?
    Could you repeat the order, please?
  • 字不差地重复他们的对话
    Repeated their dialogue verbatim.
  • 准确地把顺序再重复遍。
    repeated the order accurately.
  • 步增进两国的友好关系
    further advance the friendly relations between the two countries
  • 昨天我又重复了遍。
    And I repeated it yesterday.
  • 会议日期已经从星期五提前到星期
    The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday.
  • 个字个字地重复她的评论。
    he repeated her remarks verbatim.
  • 这是个很受欢迎的演出,所以定要提前订票。
    It is a popular show, so advance booking is essential.
  • 个周期反复的事件的后果。
    a periodically repeated sequence of events.
  • 最新事态的发展预示着场全球性的计算机技术革命。
    The recent development adumbrate a world-wide revolution in computer technology.
  • 次次招惹他,他就打了她.
    He hit her after repeated provocations.
  • “十五法郎,”拍卖估价人又叫了次。
    'Fifteen, ' repeated the auctioneer.
  • 他们再的迟延妨碍了调查。
    Their repeated delays hog-tie the investigation.
  • 反复音节被重奏的段或节乐曲
    A passage or section that is repeated.
  • 段时间里面不断的重复。
    continually repeated over a period of time.
  • 字不差地重复她的话。
    He repeated her statement word for word.
  • 字不差地重述了那条消息。
    He repeated the message word for word.
  • 再缺课使人担忧。
    His repeated absence (from school) is worrying.
  • 关於你的善意,她而再地作出保证。
    She gave repeated assurances of your goodwill.
  • 再地;重复地;继续增加地
    Then again; repeatedly; increasingly
  • 伦敦医学研究会的玛利亚·梅纳德博士说:"这研究表明,孩提时代多食用水果将在成年以后产生长期的防癌作用。
    "This study shows that childhood fruit consumption may have a long term protective effect on cancer risk in adulthood," Dr. Maria Maynard of the Medical Research Council in London said.
  • 但即使由伴侣双方共同抚养幼子长大的物种,方也可能离去,留下另方承担抚养义务。
    But even in those where both partners help to raise their young to adulthood, one may still decide to leave the other holding the baby.
  • 不断地让演员扮演同类型的角色。
    cast repeatedly in the same kind of role.
  • 使从边运动到另边。
    causing to move repeatedly from side to side.
  • 再挥棍向我打来。
    He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.