  • 温暖的色泽更增加它的舒适感。
    The intimacy of the room was enhanced by its warm colours.
  • 朱镕基呼吁加强东亚各国之的共同发展。
    Zhu Rongji called for enhanced co-operation among East Asian countries for mutual development.
  • 当局亦增设了1298个护理安老院宿位、一所长者活动中心、两所长者综合服务中心、两所日护理中心和两支长者支援服务队,大大加强为长者提供的正式护理服务。
    There was also significant enhancement in the provision of formal care services for the elders, with an addition of 1298 care-and-attention home places, one social centre, two multi-services centres, two day care centres and two support teams for elders.
  • "有了小汽车,就可以在周末到乡村或海边度假充分享受空闲时。"
    With a car he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the country or seaside on the weekends.
  • 昨天晚上是我很长一段时以来玩得最愉快的夜晚。
    Last night was the most enjoyable time I've had in a month of Sundays.
  • 这个地方没有好玩儿的(无法消磨空闲时)。
    There's nothing to do in this place, ie no means of passing one's leisure time enjoyably.
  • 使用此命令扩大当前窗口以填充可用空
    Use this command to enlarge the active window to fill the available space
  • 因此,各族群在发扬其文化传统的同时,也必须尽量争取扩大彼此的共同空
    In promoting its own culture, all communities should try to enlarge our common space.
  • 当我走进房时,很明显海伦正在告诉我妻子为什么我在公司迟迟不归。
    When I walked into the room it was obvious that Helen had been enlightening my wife about why I was so often delayed at the office.
  • 阿拉伯和以色列之的敌对预示着任何时候都可能爆发公开的战争。
    E-between Arabs and Israelis threatened to break into an open war at any time.
  • 世仇尤指部落或家族怨恨的、常指长期的不和或敌对状态
    A bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostilities between two families or clans.
  • 发展空间十分巨大。
    There is enormous room for growth.
  • 商人在这中的剥削真是大得很。
    The exploitation by the merchants is really enormous.
  • 用计算机计算可节省很多时
    Figuring on a computer saves an enormous amount of time.
  • 美国民故事人物;极其强壮的黑人铁路工人,在赢得和蒸汽钻的比赛后死于劳累。
    hero of American folk tales; portrayed as an enormously strong black man who worked on the railroads and died from exhaustion after winning a contest with a steam drill.
  • 由于有了铁路、轮船、汽车和飞机,旅行变得更容易、更快捷、更便宜,而能拿出时和金钱来旅行的人也大大地增加了。
    Railroads, ships, buses, and airplanes have made travel easier, faster, and cheaper, and the number of people who can spare the time and the money to take trips has grown enormously.
  • 你有足够的时写完论文吗?
    Do you have enough time to finish the paper?
  • 我有足够的时间。
    I've got enough time.
  • 空间不够大。
    There isn't enough room.
  • 空间不够。
    There's not enough room.
  • 我们的时间够吗?
    Do we have enough time?
  • 你打听过开往纽约的列车班次的时吗?
    Did you enquire about the times of the trains to New York?
  • 我告诉那个警察隔壁空房的噪音使我烦恼,他说他将调查一下。
    I told the policeman that I was worried by the noises from the empty house next door, and he said he would enquire into it.
  • 新加坡大学生这么忙,哪里还有多余的时去充实自己?
    How could the busy university student in Singapore then find the time to enrich his mind?
  • 有空时,他们还喜欢到舞厅去享乐、喝酒、跳舞、结交朋友……新加坡大学生这么忙,哪里还有多余的时去充实自己?
    In their spare time, they would go to the disco, where they would drink, dance and make new friends. How could the busy university student in Singapore then find the time to enrich his mind?
  • 需要的是改变固有的文化观念与视野,在更具持久性的精神价值和物质追求之取得更适当的平衡。
    What is needed is a change in cultural mindset and horizon, and a fine balance between the more enduring spiritual values and materialistic enrichment.
  • 一个人对这种影响理解得越深,就越能更好地享受到为民族文化共同繁荣而可能产生的文化融合的成果。
    The more one understands this impact, the better he does his share in making possible the eventual meeting of cultures of nations for mutual enrichment.
  • 数以百万计的美国人选修了晚成人教育课程。
    Millions of people are enrolled in evening adult education programs across America.
  • 一九九九年十一月,香港专业教育学院的全日制高级技术员及技术员程度课程共有18119名学生,部分时制课程有3910名学生,而夜制课程则有20229名学生。
    In November, the enrolment of IVE at technician and higher-technician level was 18 119 full-time, 3 910 part-time day and 20 229 part-time evening.
  • 在一九九九年十一月,一九九九至二零零零年度全日制技工程度课程共有1640名学生,部分时制课程有8276名学生,夜制课程则有4397名学生。
    The enrolment of craft-level students in IVE in November for 1999-2000 courses was 1 640 full-time, 8 276 part-time day and 4 397 part-time evening.
  • 截至十一月,二零零一至零二年度全日制技工程度课程共有1602名学生,日部分时制课程有4619名学生,夜制课程则有3454名学生。
    The enrolment of craft-level students in the IVE in November for 2001-02 courses was 1 602 full-time, 4 619 part-time day and 3 454 part-time evening.
  • 二零零一年十一月,香港专业教育学院二零零一至零二年度的全日制高级技术员及技术员程度课程共有22589名学生,日部分时制课程有3233名学生,而夜制课程则有18604名学生。
    In November 2001, the IVE's enrolment for 2001-02 at technician and higher-technician level was 22 589 full-time, 3 233 part-time day and 18 604 part-time evening.