  • 当我们要推举一个王的时候,他把很多落花生我们,以为贿选,于是他就当选。
    When we were in the process of selecting a King, he brought us lots of peanuts, as an inducement for us to elect him. It was not surprising that he was elected.
  • 奖励报酬、奖励或酬劳,尤指政府因对某种被视为有益于国家的行为而予的奖励,如捕杀野兽、种植某些农作物、开办某些实业或参军等
    A reward, inducement, or payment, especially one given by a government for acts deemed beneficial to the state, such as killing predatory animals, growing certain crops, starting certain industries, or enlisting for military service.
  • "蒂姆,我是凯茜。"护士说金的肝脏功能急剧下降,他们已经开始她引产。
    "Tim, it's Kathy, " our nurse said that Kim's liver function had nosedived, and they had already started inducing labor.
  • 加感导线增加传感以提高其传导性
    The addition of inductance to a transmission line to improve its transmission characteristics.
  • 恩惠无义务而予的帮助;恩惠
    A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.
  • 有人建议我不要孩子他们想要的任何东西,除非我希望我的孩子将来不被社会所接受。
    I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised.
  • 弗里克,亨利·克莱1849-1919美国工业家,因钢铁工业积聚大笔财富,并将一座收藏他的艺术藏品的纽约城大楼遗赠公众
    American industrialist who amassed a fortune in the steel industry and bequeathed to the public a New York City mansion housing his art collection.
  • 随着工业化的不断完善,对供、原料、劳动力和运输的需求也日益增大。
    As industrialization increased, greater and greater demand was created for supplies, raw materials, labor and transportation.
  • 一些主要工业国交联合国系统的钱有一大部分以联合国在这些国家中花钱购买材料、支付工资和业务费用的形式又还了它们。
    A large share of the money that some major industrialized countries give to the UN system returns to them in terms of the money the UN spends in their countries on materials purchased, salaries and operating expenses.
  • 他们的孩子留了一帮佣人,得不到应有的照管。
    Their children is left to the ineffectual care of a parcel of servants.
  • 好心办坏事;收取少量的利息;仁慈的绅士;慈善集团的仁慈的礼物。
    good-hearted but inept efforts to help; take a kindly interest; a kindly gentleman; an openhearted gift to charity.
  • 这个任务交一个声音小的人是不合适的。
    this function is ineptly left to a small voice.
  • 那天早些时候迫使敌人放弃我军的阵地现在需要布置起来,对付那必然的反攻。
    Positions surrendered to our troops earlier in the day had now to be prepared against the inevitable counter-attack.
  • 只有坚决地广泛地发动全体的民众,方能在战争的一切需要上以无穷无尽的供
    The resolute rallying of the people on a broad scale is the only way to secure inexhaustible resources to meet all the requirements of the war.
  • 旅社,招待所供旅行者,特别是青年旅行者的受监督的便宜的住宿处
    A supervised, inexpensive lodging place for travelers, especially young travelers.
  • 这种签证专门发那些高级技术人员和其他一些专业人才。安基塔的h?4配偶签证与她丈夫的签证密不可分,婚姻的结束也就意味着她在美国居留权的终止。如果她返回印度,她必须留下自己刚八个月的孩子,因为根据美国和印度的法律,不经过丈夫同意就把儿子带出美国会被视为绑架。
    Because Ankita's visa,a spousal H- ,was inextricably tied to her husband's,the end of her marriage would also be the end of her right to stay in the U.S.If she returned to India,Ankita would have to leave her eight- month- old baby behind,since taking her son out of the country without her husband's consent could be considered kidnapping by both the U.S.and India.
  • 照顾婴儿但不他喂奶。
    take care of an infant without breastfeeding it.
  • 洗礼命名基督教中婴儿洗礼和命名的圣礼
    The Christian sacrament of baptizing and naming an infant.
  • 如果你可以一个步兵连三小时时间去占领一个位于险要地点的碉堡,他们是会进入阵地拿下碉堡的。
    You can give an infantry company three hours to take a pillbox in a tough spot and they'll go in and take it.
  • 走开,我可不想把我的感冒传染你。
    Go away, I don't want to infect you with my cold.
  • 我先得给你打一针。
    I'll give you an infection first.
  • 我们感染的地区定位。
    We localized the source of the infection.
  • 异体接种诊断(法)早期传染病的一种诊断方法,将假定的被感染的个体或组织暴露清洁的、实验室饲养的蚊子、壁虱或其它带菌者,然后通过检查带菌者来确定传染性微生物是否出现
    Diagnosis of an infectious disease at an early stage by exposing a presumably infected individual or tissue to a clean, laboratory-bred mosquito, tick, or other vector and then examining the vector for the presence of the infective microorganism.
  • 克隆技术只提供那些没有生育能力,又没有其他选择的人。”
    This will be for people who suffer from infertility and have exhausted every other option."
  • 这种技术帮助艾莉森怀上了瑞安和他的现在已两岁的双胞胎妹妹——但这样可能使不育基因传下一代。
    The technique helped Alyson conceive Ryan and his twin sister, now 2 year old -- but it may also have passed an infertility gene to the next generation.
  • 优柔寡断;把匕首我-莎士比亚。
    infirm of purpose; give me the daggers - Shakespeare.
  • ——中国政府对未成年犯、女犯、老弱病残罪犯以及少数民族罪犯、外籍罪犯,在充分考虑他们的生理、心理、体力和生活习惯等方面特点的前提下,在生活、管理、劳动等方面予不同于其他罪犯的特殊待遇。
    --- The Chinese Government provides special treatment which is different from the general prison population in terms of daily activities, administration, labour requirements, etc. to juvenile, female, elderly, infirm and disabled prisoners in addition to minority nationality Chinese and foreign prisoners in full consideration of this group's special physical and psychological traits, physical strength limitations and daily customs.
  • 各种等级的教授都学生高分以避免学生他们不好的评价,因为现在学生的意见在决定教授终身职位和提升时是要被考虑在内的。
    Professors at every level inflate to escape negative evaluations by students, whose opinions now figure in tenure and promotion decisions.
  • 定调予一个确定的音调或声调
    To give a particular tone or inflection to.
  • 很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,但我的车撞到篱笆墙了,我得打电话修理厂。
    I'm sorry to inflict myself on you so late, but my ear ran into the fence and I must telephone the garage.
  • 痛打予严重身体伤害;痛打
    To inflict severe physical damage on; beat up.
  • 现在有核武器,一旦发生战争,核武器就会人类带来巨大的损失。
    Now there are nuclear weapons; if war broke out, they could inflict untold losses on mankind.