  • 他们的生活是一种自的和谐。
    Their life is a natural harmony.
  • 我本来以为哈罗德告诉你那些事后,你决不会漠置之的。
    I thought you'd never cool down after what Harold said to you.
  • 哈德坚决抵制这一计划,你也就根本不能说服他给予支持。
    You'll never convince Harold to support the scheme now that he's set his face against it.
  • 后我请我亲爱的朋友哈洛德帮我把它还给妈。
    Then I enlisted the aid of a dear friend, Harold, to help me get it back to Mom.
  • 她拉上窗帘,坐到哈罗德的身旁,后拉住他的手,正在这时哈罗德说:“还是家里最好,对吧?”
    She drew the curtains and sat down by Harold's side, and took his hand: and when he said, "There's no place like home, is there?"
  • 哈里特的前途已定,爱玛自十分高兴。
    Emma was overjoyed that Harriet's future was now assured.
  • 此事在宾客间引起欢笑,哈丽特姑母却给吓着了。
    Though this occasioned great mirth among the guests, aunt Harriet was horrified.
  • 爱玛从埃尔顿先生的神态上判定他已开始爱上哈里特,便自以为撮合婚姻的计划必成功。
    Emma believed from Mr. Elton's manner that he was beginning to fall in love with Harriet, and she flattered herself upon her match-making schemes.
  • 她突意识到,埃尔顿先生向哈里特献殷勤实则是冲她而来,而她有意鼓励埃尔顿追求自己女友的举动,却被他看成是鼓励他向自己求婚的表示。
    She suddenly realized that what she had taken for gallantries to Harriet had been meant for herself, and what she had intended as encouragement to his suit of her friend, he had taken as encouragement to aspire for Emma's hand.
  • 收获工作已经完成了;这件事已经完了、结束了、终止了;突终止的访问。
    the harvesting was complete; the affair is over, ended, finished; the abruptly terminated interview.
  • 具体说来,要实现以下四个条件:第一,机械化水平提高了(这是说广义的机械化,不限于耕种收割的机械化),在一定程度上实现了适合当地自条件和经济情况的、受到人们欢迎的机械化。
    To be specific, the following four conditions should be realized: First, a higher level of mechanization, one which is relatively well suited to local natural and economic conditions and welcomed by the people (here I mean mechanization in a broad sense, not merely mechanized ploughing, sowing and harvesting).
  • 你切鱼片时肯定弄糟了。当,这并不是说我本人干这活会比你强。
    You certainly made a hash of filleting those fish. That is not to say, of course, that I'd have done it any better myself.
  • 煮半熟的卷心菜头,挖出菜心,填充一些牛肉细丝或火腿,后烘焙;蘸番茄和干酪沙司吃。
    parboiled head of cabbage scooped out and filled with a hash of chopped e.g. beef or ham and baked; served with tomato or cheese sauce.
  • “去卖掉你所有的财产,赠给穷人,把财富积存在天上,后跟我来”。
    Sell all thou hast, and give it to the poor, and follow me.
  • “去变卖你所有的,分给穷人,并且来跟从我”;而除非你要来跟从我;不要把你所有的都变卖了;
    Sell all thou hast, and give it to me poor, and follow me: but sell not all thou hast, except thou come, and follow me;
  • 快点,不你就要误火车了。
    Make haste or you will miss your train.
  • 匆匆离去;突然离开
    To leave hastily; run off.
  • 急速或突地进入状态或参与活动;简一起就餐了。
    to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly; Jane threw dinner together, throw the car into reverse.
  • 他们仍然怒目而视。
    They still glared hatred at each other.
  • “他当会,”那个母亲傲慢地回答说。
    "Of course he can," the mother replied haughtily.
  • 看上去他会突吻那个姑娘一下。
    Look like he's going to haul off and kiss the girl.
  • 新学院仍是有钱人及其子孙们经常光顾的地方,他们去那里的主要目的倒不一定是为了求学长才。就是今天,我们也可以把马领到河边,但却没法让它非喝水不可。
    New college remained largely the haunt of the well-to-do, their sons and their sons' sons, and the desire or ability to learn was a minor consideration. Even today you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.
  • 国王勃大怒,扬言要以刀兵相见。
    The king was so angry that he cried havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
  • 你是否还记得几年前袭击科罗拉多州立大学的那场洪水,这场自灾害使整个校园遭殃。
    If you recall the flood epidemic that hit Colorado State University just a couple summers ago,that natural disaster wreaked havoc all over campus.
  • 尽管被篡改的数据已经修复,但造成这些破坏的病毒仍逍遥法外,并且随时会造成更大的破坏。
    Though the altered file may have been re paired, the virus that did the damage remains at large, ready to do wreak more havoc.
  • 社会主义国家所以在某些情况下也犯严重错误,甚至出现林彪、“四人帮”的破坏这种严重曲折,固有主观的原因,根本上还是旧社会长时期历史遗留的影响造成的,这种影响不可能在一个早上就用扫帚扫光。
    In certain circumstances, a socialist country may make serious errors, and even experience such major setbacks as the havoc created by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four.Naturally, this has its subjective causes, but basically it is due to influences inherited from the old society with its long history, influences that cannot be swept away overnight.
  • 老鹰突向小鸡扑去。
    The hawk pounced on the chicken.
  • 鹰突然向小鸟扑去。
    The hawk pounced on the little bird.
  • "突我拐了一个弯,就看见两个孩子正在玩耍,"司机吉姆·海斯回忆说。他向孩子们拉响了警笛。
    “ Suddenly I came around a curve and saw two children playing,” recalls Jim Hayes,the engineer.
  • 海斯说:"无论从曲调、歌词还是表演方面来说,我们都希望这张专辑是出于自
    "Musically, lyrically, and performance-wise, we wanted this album to grow out of something natural," says Hayes.
  • 矿井爆炸虽不常发生,但却是煤矿工人职业中的危险。
    Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal-miners.
  • 但是,垃圾掩埋仍面临着普遍的污染危害。
    But landfills still pose a widespread pollution hazard.