  • 美国民众最该关心的应是保持经济的增长,而不是注意力转移到收入与财富的差距上。
    What Americans ought to care most about is maintaining our growth, not the red herring of gaps in income and wealth.
  • 如果你老是犹豫不决,你就失去这次机会。
    If you hesitate too long , you will miss this opportunity.
  • 他毫不犹豫地他婚姻的失败归罪于他妻子的缺点。
    He had no hesitation in imputing the failure of his marriage to his wife's shortcomings.
  • 他说,"我认为,如果能找到建立一个多元化犹太人群休的途径,那么与异族通婚就是来的方向。
    "I think if you can find ways to conceive of a diverse, heterogeneous Jewish community, then that's what we'll be looking at in the future," he said.
  • 在不太明显的情况下,工作流系统在对企业中人们以前所干过的工作进行启发式分析的基础上,建议最合适的人来回答问题。
    In a less explicit situation, the workflow system would suggest the most appropriate individual to answer a question based on heuristic analysis of previous work performances by people in the organization.
  • 他们教我们怎么修理无线电。
    Hey will teach us how to repair the radio.
  • 但朋友们说,他们永远不会忘记六七十年代处于黄金时代那个热情如火的玛格丽特。
    Yet friends say they will most remember the spitfire Margaret of her '60s and '70s heyday.
  • “摩西面掩起,因为他害怕看见上帝。”
    “And Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God.”
  • 我将躲在门后。
    I'll hide behind the door.
  • 她有目的地小刀藏起来。
    She hide the knife on purpose.
  • 如果我们摆一个阵容,使人民感到是一个僵化的班子,保守的班子,或者人民认为是个平平庸庸体现不出中国前途的班子,来闹事的情形就还会很多很多,那就真正要永无宁日。
    If they feel that the leadership is hidebound, conservative or mediocre and that it does not represent the future of China, there will be many more disturbances and never any peace.
  • 我想它是我所见过的最丑陋、结构最复杂的摆设,但是举行晚宴时我们总是它放在桌子中央,因为作为人们谈论的话题它还是很有用的。
    I think it’s the most hideous and complicated ornament I ever saw, but we put it at the center of the table when we’re giving a dinner party. It makes a useful conversation piece.
  • 在层次存储管理系统中,第一层或第二层卷中的数据集移向主卷的移动过程。
    In the Hierarchical Storage Manager, the process of moving migrated data sets from a level1 or level2 volume to a primary volume.
  • 程序设计成为分层结构类型的一种方法,这种类型描述可与其它对象交互作用的对象的数据和各种操作。
    A method for structuring programs as hierarchically organized classes describing the data and operations of objects that may interact with other objects.
  • 数据从某一级存储器转移到另一级存储器中。
    To move data from one hierarchy of storage to another.
  • 六七十年代扩招的最终结果会导致一种受学校遴选制坚决支持的学术等级制度。
    the outcome of expansion in the sixties and seventies will be an academic hierarchy securely supported by scholastic selection.
  • 具有最高军衔的官。
    a general officer of the highest rank.
  • 抛杆赛苏格兰高原上的一种竞赛,一根又长又重的木杆一端接一端地抛掷,从而表现出力量
    A long, heavy wooden pole tossed end over end as a demonstration of strength in Scottish highland games.
  • 比赛的最精采场面在今晚的电视节目中播放。
    The highlight of the match will be shown on TV tonight.
  • 此菜单会展开显示四个预置位置,preset1自动变亮。
    The menu will expand to show four preset position and preset 1 will automatically is highlight.
  • 因此,申请者应该自己的学术履历或个人经历加以梳理,发掘自己能脱颖而出的特点,进而加以强调。
    Thus an applicant should comb his academic history or personal experience for anything that makes him stand out,and then highlight it.
  • 当部落的男人们连续几天围着树转圈、跳舞之后,他们自己的肌肉刺穿。这是聚会中最惊心动魄的场面。
    Certainly the physical highlight of the event is the piercing of flesh, where the males of the tribe walk around a tree in circles and dance around the tree for days on end.
  • 在2002年可持续发展首脑会议推出的环境规划署《全球环境展望报告》重点阐述区域和全球水资源状况及如何应对水资源面临的威胁。
    UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook Report, to be issued at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, will highlight the state of regional and global water resources, as well as the responses to the threats to them.
  • 我将徒步旅行来
    I'll come along on the hike.
  • 天或许会下雨,如果是那样的话,徒步旅行会被取消
    It may rain, in which case the hike will be canceled.
  • 我跟你说:我们去远足。
    I tell you what: we'll go hiking.
  • 明天,他们去那个山坡种植树木。
    Tomorrow they are going to the hillside to plant it.
  • 30.在2003年国际淡水年期间,环境规划署区域海洋方案和全球行动纲领特别在日本第三次世界水论坛和2003年3月22日世界水日期间开展“h2o:从山顶到海洋”的倡议行动。
    30. During the International Year of Freshwater, 2003 UNEP’s regional seas programme and the Global Programme of Action will feature the “H2O: From Hilltop to Oceans” initiative, particularly during the Third World Water Forum in Japan and on World Water Day, 22 March 2003.
  • 茶陵原有县委,因工作做不进去,去冬今春建设的许多组织大部被白色势力打塌了,半年以来只能在靠近宁冈永新一带的山地工作,因此县委改为特别区委。
    There used to be a county committee in Chaling, but as the work there did not take root, most of the organizations formed last winter and this spring have been crushed by the Whites; Consequently, for the last six months we have been able to work only in the hilly regions near Ningkang and Yunghsin, and so the Chaling County Committee has been changed into a special district committee.
  • 他们把他捉住然后他捆起来。
    They hunted him down and strung him up.
  • 板子放在沙发里。
    Please place the board he-hind the sofa.
  • 他们也用internet的术语,而不管这种爆炸性的接口会帮助他们,还是妨碍他们。
    They are also coming to terms with the Internet and whether this explosive interface will help or hinder them.