  • 他是一西班牙神职人员。
    He is one of the Spanish priesthood.
  • 那个誉扫地的首相失去了职位
    The disgraced prime minister fell from power.
  • 在申请表上请用印刷体写好姓
    Please print your names in the application form.
  • 那孩子在他那张图画的下面用印刷体大写字母仔细地书写了自己的字.
    The child carefully printed his name in capitals at the bottom of his picture.
  • 葛饰北斋日本艺术家及版画家,其历史场景画及风景画闻于世,作品有富士山的三十六个场景(1826-1833年)
    Japanese artist and printmaker who is remembered for his historical scenes and landscapes, including Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji(1826-1833).
  • 喂?我的字叫托马斯普赖尔。
    Hello? My name 's Thomas Prior.
  • 许多阿肯色人以前似乎并不了解这件事。直到去年夏天,一位叫迈克尔·格拉斯特的狱医在他撰写的小说体报道中才揭露了州监狱中实施的血浆项目。
    Many Arkansans seemed unaware of the plasma programme in their state prisons until last summer, when Michael Galster, a prison doctor, wrote a fictionalised account that exposed it.
  • 冠于枢密院成员姓前的尊称
    Title given to members of the privy council
  • 他就这样由中国西部一直旅行到东北诸省去,沿途跋涉几千里;经过了许多年,有一天,他到一个公共厕所里去,把伞放在墙边,他的哥哥的儿子看见那把伞上的字,才认出他,带他到家里去。
    Thus he traveled from Western China to the northeastern provinces, covering over a thousand miles, and only after years of desperate search, was he brought to the home of his brother through the latter's son recognizing his name on an umbrella left standing against a wall while he was in a public privy.
  • 一九九七年七月一日,香港终审法院成立,取代英国枢密院司法委员会作为香港最高的上诉法院。原有的法院和审裁处也重新设立(虽然某些须予重新命)。香港的司法制度藉此得以延续。
    The continuity of the judicial system was achieved by the re-establishment of all courts and tribunals that were previously in existence (though some were renamed) and by the establishment on July 1, 1997, of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal — which replaced the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as the highest court of appeal.
  • 赢得第一名。
    Win the first prize.
  • 有3学生争夺这份奖金。
    Three students contended for the prize.
  • 职业拳击手身体被击中多次,站不起来了。
    The prizefighter had taken a lot of body blows and wasn't able to get up.
  • 她说:"嗯……我只是想成为一职业高尔夫球手,一个有真本领的人。"
    "Ummm. To, like, become a pro and stuff," she says.
  • 他被指为可能的继任者。
    He has been named as the probable successor.
  • 服缓刑受监视的学生,也写了一封提书,形容老师对他的影响:“她的真挚关怀使我有了信心……她教导我们要看得起自己,鼓励我们求上进。”
    A student on probation nominated his teacher and described how she had helped him turned over a new leaf : "Her sincerity and care has restored my self-confidence. She taught me the importance of self-respect and that spurred me to change for the better."
  • 他的行为使我莫其妙。
    His conduct is a problem to me.
  • 这还是一个称问题,其他问题就更复杂了。
    This is only a problem of name, other problems are more complicated.
  • "先把你的字告诉我们,然后说你的事情。"
    Tell us your name and then proceed with your story.
  • 如果在行政诉讼之前或过程中发起任何有关成为申诉主题的域争议的法律程序,陪审团有权决定是否暂停或终止行政诉讼,或者继续进行裁决。
    In the event of any legal proceedings initiated prior to or during an administrative proceeding in respect of a domain-name dispute that is the subject of the complaint, the Panel shall have the discretion to decide whether to suspend or terminate the administrative proceeding, or to proceed to a decision.
  • 一个不知的法定当事人。
    an unknown party to legal proceedings.
  • 女王走在游行队伍的前列。我的字排在第一位
    The queen led the procession. My name led the list.
  • 他已被授予代理签权,谨此告知。
    I have the pleasure to inform you that he has been authorized to sign for the firm by procuration.
  • 兹授予矢田次郎先生代理我公司签权,其签如下。
    I have granted power of procuration to my chief clerk, Mr. Y. Yada, whose signature is appended below.
  • 我的签如下,同时寄上将行使签权的五味先生的签,请惠察。
    I refer you to my signature at foot, also to that of Mr. Gomi, who will sign per procuration.
  • 惠请认知下列本人签及代理本人的w.t.先生的签
    I refer you to my signature at foot, and also to that of Mr. W.T., who will sign per procuration.
  • 我公司已将代理签权赋予合伙人a。先生之子,谨此告知。
    We have the pleasure to inform you that we have give the firm's procuration to Mr. A., the son of our partner.
  • 我公司已将代理签权赋予合伙人a.先生之子,谨此告知。
    We have the pleasure to inform you that we have given the firm 's procuration to Mr. A., the son of our partner.
  • 兹通知,过去15年中任我公司代理的吉井先生今后将为本公司业务担任签责任。
    We inform you that Mr. Yoshii, who has hold our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm.
  • 兹通知,过去15年中任我公司代理的吉井先生今后将为本公司业务担任签责任。
    We inform you that Mr. Yoshii, who have hold our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm.
  • 居家重誉;出门重衣衫。
    In my own city my name, in a strange city my clothes procure me respect.
  • 今天,在那块土地上,人们开创了一种以典型消费社会而闻于世的生活方式,即一种以挥霍浪费物质财富为基础的生活方式。
    There today, people have originated a life-style which is known to the world as being characteristic of a society of consumption----a life-style based on the prodigal use of material goods.