  • 现在借钱越来越流行,很多学主毕业时都是手拿着学位证,手拿着相当于抵押了所房子的账本。
    Borrowing the money is increasingly popular, and many students emerge from the university clutching their degree in one hand and the equivalent of a home mortgage repayment book in the other.
  • 英国是个发达的工业国家。
    England is an advanced industrial country.
  • 他们向议会递交了份有百万人签字的请愿书,要求废除这项法律。
    They present a petition with a million signature to parliament, asking for the law to is repeal.
  • 那些要求撤销最新工会法规的人在职工大会上形成了个活跃分子集团。
    Those who want to repeal the latest trade union legislation have formed a ginger group within the TUC.
  • ()根据《基本法》规定并依照法定程序制定、修改和废除法律;
    To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and legal procedures;
  •  ()根据本法规定并依照法定程序制定、修改和废除法律;
    To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of this Law and legal procedures;
  • 据《纽约时报》周三(2月14日)报道,美国些最富有的人请求国会不要废除遗产税。
    Some of the richest Americans are urging Congress not to repeal the estate tax,The New York Times reported on Wednesday.(Feb.14)
  • 巴菲特、乔治·索罗斯及其他些有名的大富豪起出面反对总统提出的废除遗产税计划,这确实有点新鲜别致。
    It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax.
  • 尽管该项政策带有定的感情色彩(因为这项计划将保护些小业主的继承人,可以不必为纳税而卖掉公司;事实上大多数人已为他们的积蓄纳过税),但实际上废除遗产税将主要为极少数很富有、很富有的人增添笔意外之财。
    While the policy has some emotional attractions it would protect the inheritors of some sma businesses from having to sell the companies to pay taxes,and it is true that most people have been taxed on their savings once already in practice the tax repeal would mainly be a windfall for a very small number of very,very rich people.
  • 摄政者在他的国家推行了套先进的制度。
    The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.
  • 款美利坚合众国宪法修正案第十八条现予废除。
    Section 1.The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
  • 切事前都安排好了。
    Everything had been fixed in advance.
  • 他们向议会递交了份有百万人签字的请愿书,要求废除这项法律。
    They present a petition with a million signature to parliament, asking for the law to be repealed.
  • 全国性的相关法规、规章的清理工作已基本完成,废止和修改、制定了批法律法规。
    Review of relevant state laws and statutes has been completed by and large, and a number of laws and regulations have been repealed, revised and formulated.
  • 去年四月,国会通过各州可以自行决定是否在联邦州际公路上恢复65英里时速……算是项为期四年的“试验”。其实,撤销这项“试验”是毫无希望的!
    Last April, Congress gave states the option to go to 65 mph on federal interstate highways… supposedly for a 4-year "experiment." Fat chance if will ever be repealed!
  • 你能预付我些钱吗。
    Can you advance me some money?
  • 医学科研中个鼓舞人心的进展
    An encouraging advance in medical research.
  • 像布谷鸟叫样单调地重复。
    repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call.
  • 我们必须一再重复;
    We must repeat and again repeat;
  • 把期限提前一星期
    Advance a deadline by one week.
  • 让我再说一遍。
    Let me repeat that.
  • 从别的地方重复段话。
    repeat a passage from.
  • 请您重复一下好吗。
    Could you repeat that,sir.
  • 我复述遍您点的菜。
    I'll repeat your order.
  • 请你重说一遍,好吗?
    Will you please repeat it?
  • 请把那个重述下可以吗?
    Can you repeat that, please?
  • 请把那个重述下可以吗?
    Could you repeat that, please?
  • 他建议重复做次这试验。
    He suggested repeat the test.
  • 请再重复一遍。
    Please repeat it once more.
  • 重复种行为或陈述。
    repeat an action or statement.
  • 再次供应同样批货、笔交易
    Repeat an order, a deal
  • 把他所说的话正确地重覆遍。
    Repeat exactly what he said.