  • 根据国家发展战略的需要,人民解放军灵活运用各种军事手段,同政治、经济、外交等斗争密切配合,改善中国的战略环境,减少不安全、不稳定因素,努力遏制局部战争和武装冲突的爆发,使国家建设免战争的冲击。
    In accordance with the needs of the national development strategy, the PLA, by employing military means flexibly and in close coordination with political, economic and diplomatic endeavors, improves China's strategic environment, reduces factors of insecurity and instability, and prevents local wars and armed conflicts so as to keep the country from the harm of war.
  • 仅仅受了轻微的伤害;轻微的泛滥;一阵轻微的骚乱。
    suffered only minor injuries; some minor flooding; a minor tropical disturbance.
  • 许多医生由飞机进往受水灾的北方地区。
    Many doctors were flown up to flooded northern areas.
  • 他想逃亡的企图因到阻挠而落空了。
    He was foiled in his attempt to escape.
  • 后来爆发了第二次世界大战,这个世界受了惨重的创伤。
    World War II followed.
  • 她预感他可能会到意外事故。
    She had a foreboding that he might have an accident.
  • 日本政府周二表示,到罢黜的秘鲁前总统藤森具有日本国籍,而这个身分将让他得以继续留在日本这块祖先的土地上,同时也可能让他不必回秘鲁接受调查人员的侦讯。
    Japan said on Tuesday that Peru's disgraced ex-president Alberto Fujimori has Japanese nationality, a status that allows him to stay in the land of his forefathers and probably avoid facing investigators in Peru.
  • 如果法医学家是他们所在领域的领导者,他们可能会遇更进一步的利益冲突。
    If the forensic scientists are leaders in their field, they may be subject to a further conflict of interest.
  • 在林彪“四人帮”猖獗作乱的十年里,大批优秀作品到禁锢,广大文艺工作者受到诬陷和迫害。
    During the 10 years when they ran riot, many outstanding works were proscribed, and many writers and artists framed and persecuted.
  • 我认为那次事故是我一生中最可怕的遇.
    I number that crash among the most frightening experiences of my life.
  • 他因到戏弄而大怒。
    The jeers goaded him into a fury.
  • 黑暗中的强盗却是大白天的城市商人。他若是被他以“老大”的身份抢劫的同行认了出来,到挑战,便潇洒地射穿对方的脑袋,然后扬长而去。
    the highwayman in the dark was a City tradesman in the light, and, being recognised and challenged by his fellow-tradesman whom he stopped in his character of `the Captain, 'gallantly shot him through the head and rode away;
  • 那醉汉受一群年轻人欺负.
    The drunk had been manhandled by a gang of youths.
  • 他向警方提供情报而那群歹徒毒打.
    He'd been worked over by the gang for giving information to the police.
  • 大人物难免遭误解。
    To is great is to is misunderstand.
  • "尽管反对党费尽了心机,还是在大选中到了失败。"
    The opposing parties failed in the general election for all their pains.
  • 月亮是yee慷慨送给的,而今如此遇,lan感到非常愧疚,并且开始害怕再见到yee了。
    Lan was so ashamed of what had happended to the moon,so generously given by Yee,that Lan began to dread their next meeting.
  • 在中东地区遇到很多意外的地理政治学战略家
    Geopolitical strategists who were overtaken by events in the Middle East.
  • 这是杰拉尔德今年第3次不幸,但他从不为些垂头丧气,仍显得很乐观。
    That's the third accident Gerald has had this year but he still comes up smiling.
  • williamgibson在他的科幻小说《neuromancer》中描述了一个计算机控制空间cyberspace,一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入cyberspace,就可以体验在该空间的一切遇。一套全新的电子刺激将代替人在真实世界的各种感觉。这个cyberspace被认为是未来虚拟现实的目标。
    In the science fiction "Neuromancer", William Gibson describes a space,Cyberspace, controlled by a computer. Once his brain was linked with the computer,a man would undergo all experiences in the space. His various senses in the realistic world would be replaced with a series of new electric stimuli. The Cyberspace is regarded as a goal of future virtual reality.
  • 全世界,并不只有非洲受了这样的一种干旱枯竭。
    Africa was not alone in the global drought.
  • 戈尔周四成功地争取到了延长佛州人工验票时间的机会。不过一般认为,在小布什领先戈尔三百多张选票的情况下,戈尔未来的胜算不大。共和党阵营日前要求佛州法院下令停止重新计票的工作,不过却到法院驳回。
    Al Gore won his fight Thursday to expand manual recounts in Florida, even as advisers said he likely won't overtake George W. Bush's 300-vote lead before the Republican secretary of state certifies their marathon White House race Saturday.
  • 到恶意的流言蜚语的诋毁。
    He was bespattered by malicious gossip.
  • 一位申请以govsux作车牌的公民到了拒绝,公开抗议后,他得到了他想要的车牌。
    A citizen requesting GOV SUX was turned down, protested publicly, and got his tag.
  • 多草的山坡到滥垦。
    Grassy hills were overplowed.
  • 源自使他人受痛苦而获得快乐和性满足的。
    deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another.
  • 因大富大贵而趾高气扬者尤其易妒忌。
    Above all, those are most subject to envy, which carry the greatness of their fortunes, in an insolent and proud manner;
  • 在路易十六统治时期,法国人根本不叫公民而称臣民,受着两个人少势强的集团的蹂躏:无情的贵族和贪婪的教会。
    During the reign of Louis XVI,the French weren't citizens at all but subjects3,ruled roughshod4 by two small but powerful elites5:the callous6 nobility and the greedy clergy.
  • 那个蔬菜水果商试图把一些熟得快要烂的水果卖给我妻子,但是即刻到了我妻子的严厉斥责。
    The greengrocer tried to sell my wife some overripe fruit, but she soon told him where to get off.
  • 1876年,亨利受到一次痛苦的打击。
    In 1876, Henry suffered a grievous blow.
  • 这些教训告诉我们,当着党的领导正确的时候,我们党的工作和革命运动一定是发展的;当着三风不正占了党的统治地位的时候,就会把我们长期艰苦创造起来的基础弄垮,就会使革命到挫折和失败。
    These experiences have taught us that when the Party exercises correct leadership, its work and the revolutionary movements will develop, but when the three erroneous styles predominate in Party leadership, the groundwork laid through protracted, painstaking struggle will be undermined and the revolution will suffer setbacks and defeats.
  • 附近有一片老林,还从未受过斧头的蹂躏。林子深处有一个岩洞,完全被茂密的树丛遮住。洞顶微呈拱形,洞的下处涌出一道清澈无比的泉水。
    Near by there stood an ancient grove which had never been profaned by the axe, in the midst of which was a cave, thick covered with the growth of bushes, its roof forming a low arch, from beneath which burst forth a fountain of purest water.