  • 他們下了一道最後通牒,要我們在五天內還款,否則就要訴法庭。
    They gave us an ultimatum to pay the money back in five days, or they would take us to court.
  • 由於以往美國前綫上供應的"速食食品"實在難以下咽,於是位於馬薩塞州的"軍隊戰士中心"發明了一種真空包裝的三明治,這種三明治的保質期可以長達3年。
    Spurred on by rather unappetizing U.S. battlefield food known as Meals Ready to Eat, scientists at the Army Soldier Systems Center in Massachusetts have devised a vacuum-sealed sandwich that stays edible for up to three years.
  • 我方最多衹能賠償2%,如無法解决,願訴仲裁。
    Allowance our best 2% try utmost if unsettled we unbind arbitration.
  • 儘管那種東西毫無疑問已降格為如“人咬狗”之類的新聞寫作,但在如今卻是無法避免的。
    That sort of thing, though it undoubtedly descends to the level of"man bites dog" journalism, is perhaps unavoidable nowadays.
  • 聲稱天然維生素優於人造維生素,受精蛋比未受精蛋的營養價值高,未經過熏蒸消毒處理的𠔌物比經過處理的好等等如此類的報道屢見不鮮,但沒有一篇是經過證實的。
    There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like.
  • 因此,任何一件不幸的事都可以訴法律。
    therefore, any unfortunate event is grounds for a law-suit.
  • 商標在貿易中的使用不得被不合理的特殊要求所幹擾,如要求與其他商標共同使用、以特殊形式使用或以不利於商標將一企業的商品或服務與其他企業區分開的方式使用。
    The use of a trademark in the course of trade shall not be unjustifiably encumbered by special requirements, such as use with another trademark, use in a special form or use in a manner detrimental to its capability to distinguish the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings.
  • 戰爭的勝負,主要地决定於作戰雙方的軍事、政治、經濟、自然條件,這是沒有問題的。
    Unquestionably, victory or defeat in war is determined mainly by the military, political, economic and natural conditions on both sides.
  • 大會最後通過的給達賴的呈文說,“簽訂的十七條協議,對於達賴之宏業,西藏之佛法、政治、經濟方面,大有裨益,無與倫比,理當遵照執行”。
    A report to the Dalai Lama was approved at the end of the conference. It stated, "The 17-Article Agreement that has been signed is of great and unrivaled benefit to the grand cause of the Dalai and to Buddhism, politics, economy and other aspects of life in Tibet. Naturally it should be implemented."
  • 建立一種初始狀態,如置一個循環的控製值或者置一個參數賦的值。
    To establish an initial condition, such as the control values of a loop, or the value to which a parameter is to be bound.
  • 建立一種初始狀態,如置一個循環的控製值或者置一個參數賦的值。
    To establish an initial condition, such as the control values of a loop, or the value to which a parameter is to is bound.
  • 新英格蘭美國東北的一個地區,由現在的緬因州、新罕布什爾州、佛蒙特州、馬薩塞州和康涅狄格州和羅德島組成
    A region of the northeast United States comprising the modern-day states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connnecticut, and Rhode Island.
  • 該節目招致觀衆多不滿。
    The programme bring quite a crop of complaint from viewer.
  • 該節目招致觀衆多不滿。
    Ht quite a crop of complaints from viewers.
  • 秋季,鄉村音樂協會授予希爾"最佳女歌手"的榮譽,而更傾嚮流行音樂的"美國音樂奬"又給了這位女歌手勝過任何其他藝人的多提名。
    That fall,the Country Music Association rewarded Hill with Best Female Vocalist honors,while the American Music Awards,a show more centered on pop music,accorded the singer a greater number of nominations than any other artist.
  • 然而,人們對早期的家庭手工業依然記憶猶新,如“9點至5點”之類的職工組織已經在對可能受到剝削的遠距離工作者表示關切了。
    However the memories of earlier cottage industries live on, and already clerical organizations like "9 to 5" are voicing concern for exploitable telecommuters.
  • 她鄭重宣佈要把這事訴法律。
    She vow that she will take the matter to court.
  • 出版如委任書等的官方文件。
    bring out an an official document,such as a warrant.
  • 戰國時期(公元前475-221年),各侯國為了自己的邊境,分別修築更多的城墻。
    During the Warring States Period(475 B. C-221 B. C), more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.
  • 簽署全面禁止核武器公約;所有擁有核武器的國傢承擔徹底銷毀核武器的義務,並在有效國際監督下付實施;
    a convention prohibiting all nuclear weapons be signed, whereby all nuclear-weapon states undertake to completely destroy existing stocks of nuclear weapons under effective international supervision;
  • 科德美國馬薩塞州東南的鈎狀半島,嚮東嚮北伸入大西洋。直到19世紀末,漁業、捕鯨和船運業占有重要地位;現今其經濟主要依賴於旅遊業
    A hook-shaped peninsula of southeast Massachusetts extending east and north into the Atlantic Ocean. Fishing, whaling, and shipping were important here until the late1800's; the economy today is based largely on tourism.
  • 當事後葛亮是很容易的。
    It's easy to be wiser after the event.
  • 哈得遜美國馬薩塞州中東部城鎮,位於伍斯特市東北。它是一工業城鎮。人口17,233
    A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population, 17,233.
  • 世界諸語言
    languages of the world
  • 多事件合成一個故事
    Wove the incidents into a story.
  • 今天,黃石國傢公園的特色是與其許多天然間歇泉緊密聯繫在一起的,如迄今尚存的"老忠實噴泉"。
    Today,Yellowstone' s identity is closely associated with its powerful,natural geysers such as the ever present: Old Faithful.
  • 他同意將這個計劃付實施.
    He gave his consent for the project to get under way.
  • 該節目招致觀衆多不滿.
    The programme brought quite a crop of complaints from viewers.
  • 既然爭議不能協議,有必要將其訴仲裁
    Since this dispute is not negotiable , it is necessary to resort to abitration.
  • 貴公司寄來的價格表、折扣率、成交條件和樣品均收到。對以上方面,我們均感到滿意。
    We have received your samples, with a price-list, also your scale of rebate and terms of settlement, all of which we find satisfactory.
  • 該調查顯示,在面試過程中,一些應聘者過早地嚮人力資源經理提出如福利奬金、休假時間和工作靈活性等問題。(30%的招聘經理表示,招聘者在面試結束後的雙方交流中問起薪水問題是可以的。)約39%的受訪招聘經理表示,應聘者根本不應該詢問待遇水平,除非是面試官主動提起。
    Job seekers have also been blasting HR managers with questions about benefits, vacation time and schedule flexibility much too soon in the interview process, according to the survey. (Thirty percent of hiring managers say it's okay for applicants to inquire about salary in post-interview follow-up conversations.) Some 39% of hiring managers surveyed said applicants shouldn't bring up salary at all unless the interviewer brings it up first.
  • 工作應該目標明確、重點突出。確定你的公司或部門中5個急需改進的關鍵領域,並着手調整,緊抓不放,直到一切改好為止。或許你的清單上應列有如成本控製、産品質量、客戶滿意程度等內容。為每一項改進製定硬指標,並派專人負責。你必須及時考核、監督並審查工作的進程,並對取得成果者給予奬勵。
    Keep it simple and focused. Identify five key areas that need improvement in your company or division and keep at them until you get them right. Your list might include such things as cost containment, quality, or customer satisfaction. Set tough targets for each one, and hold people accountable for results. Measure, monitor, and review progress on a timely basis and reward results.