Chinese English Sentence:
  • 真正精致的石头则应该暗示雄伟或出尘超俗的感觉,然而线条正确倒是更重要之一点。
    While really good pieces of rock should suggest majesty or detachment from life, it is even more important that the lines be correct.
  • 我们感到,然战争的危险还存在,但是制约战争的力量有了可喜的发展。
    We now think that although there is still the danger of war, the forces that can deter it are growing, and we find that encouraging.
  • 然全球变暖这一长期的问题确实很严重,但考虑到诸如环境的迅速恶化和不可更新资源的普遍滥用等当前的问题,它的重要性就有所降低了。
    While the long-term problem of global warming is indeed serious , its significance diminishes somewhat when considering immediate problems such as rapid environmental deterioration and the rampant misuse and abuse of nonrenewable resources.
  • 然我们不希望通过货币贬值来提高竞争力,但我可以向你们保证,我们并没有对香港成本高昂的事实视而不见。
    Although we do not wish to engage in competitive devaluation, I want to assure you that we are conscious of our high costs.
  • 然我们不希望通过货币贬值来提高竞争力,但我可以向你们保证,我们并没有对香港成本高昂的事实视而不见。
    Although we do not wish to become more competitive through devaluation, I want to assure you that we are conscious of our high costs.
  • 然黛安娜自己认为“他根本没注意过我”,但王子后来说道,他觉得黛安娜是个“快乐而迷人的”姑娘,“很有趣。”
    The Prince later remarked that he thought Diana was "a very jolly and attractive" girl, "full of fun," though Diana herself believed that "he barely noticed me at all."
  • 然如此,这理论却产生了神灵和肉体这两种奇怪的相对的东西;这个神秘的观念今日还是十分流行,对我们的人生观和幸福还有很重大的影响。
    Nevertheless from all this followed the curious dichotomy of the spirit and the flesh, a mythical conception which is still quite prevalent and powerful today in affecting our philosophy of life and happiness.
  • 然物业的价格不是由政府来厘定,市场的波幅也不是政府能够控制,但政府是土地最大供应者,对物业价格的长远走势无疑有一定影响力。
    As a Government we cannot set price levels, nor can we dictate the degree of fluctuation in the market. But as the largest single supplier of land in Hong Kong we undoubtedly have an influence on the long-term pricing of property.
  • 不时有骚动事件,该独裁者仍能控制局势。
    Despite the sporadic disturbances the dictator was still riding high.
  • "为人民而死,死犹荣。"
    To die for the people is a glorious death!
  • 然近几年来,新的大马力的柴油公共汽车投入了使用,骑自行车的人还是在稳步上升。"
    "Although in recent years new and big diesel buses are being put in service, bicycling has grown steadily."
  • 然其他车辆也会造成污染,但本港的柴油车辆废气,约占三成来自的士。
    Although they are not the only source of these emissions, taxis produce 30% of all particulates given off by diesel vehicles.
  • 然在若干规模甚小的研究里已有类似的发现,但是调查121000名美国护士的结果对有关食物中脂肪与癌症的传统智慧表示了强烈的质疑(否定)。
    While there have been similar findings in several much smaller studies, the finding from the study of 121,000 American nurses flies in the face of conventional wisdom regarding dietary fat and cancer.
  • 然很穷,但没有失去她的尊严。
    Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity.
  • 事实上,然这并不象比尔·盖茨价值六千万美元的寓所那么昂贵,但在奥斯汀附近,将近二千二百万美元的大笔花费确实需要人下定很大的决心。
    True, it's not as expensive as Bill Gates's $60 million digs, but around Austin it takes a major effort at conspicuous consumption to spend even $22 million.
  • 史蒂芬斯未嫁个好男人,但又憎恶离婚,所以她觉得左右为难。
    Though badly married, Steffens hated divorce, and to she found herself on the horns of a dilemma.
  • "他并不聪明,却很勤奋,所以考试常常取得好成绩。"
    Though he's not clever, he's a diligent worker and has often done well in the examinations.
  • 并不聪明,却很勤奋,考试准会取得好成绩。
    Though he's not clever he's a diligent worker and should do well in the examinations.
  • "他并不聪明,却很勤奋,所以考试常常取得好成绩。"
    Though he's not clever he's a diligent worker and has often done well in the examinations.
  • 另外一种人,然本事不大,但是能够同党外人士虚心合作,遇事共同商议,共同决定,工作勤勤恳恳,结果事情办得很好,也得到人家的尊重。
    The other kind, though not possessing a great deal of talent, knows how to be open-minded in co-operating with non-Party people, consulting them about any matters that may arise, making joint decisions, and working diligently and conscientiously. As a result, they handle affairs fairly well and win other people's respect.
  • 然年事已高,但记忆并未模糊。
    Old age hasn't dimmed her memory.
  • 香港教区然有本身的行政组织,但仍然一直与教宗及各地教区保持联系。此外,也与普世的教会保持密切联系,并采用同样的圣经及类似的领圣体仪式。
    The diocese has established its own administrative structure while maintaining traditional links with the Pope and other Catholic communities around the world. It uses the same scriptures and has similar ecclesial communions as in the universal church throughout the world, with which it maintains close fellowship.
  • 然这些小事绝不触及我们将要叙述的故事的本题,但为了全面精确起见,在此地提一提在他就任之初,人们所传播的有关他的一些风闻与传说也并不是无用的。
    Although this detail has no connection whatever with the real substance of what we are about to relate, it will not be superfluous, if merely for the sake of exactness in all points, to mention here the various rumors and remarks which had been in circulation about him from the very moment when he arrived in the diocese.
  • 经我方努力,买方仍无兴趣,除非按上次建议,同意给予特别折扣。
    Buyer uninterested despite our effort unless you agree special discarnate according our previous advice.
  • 然有雾,但他们能认得出我。
    They can discern me in spite of the fog.
  • 然病体未愈,却自己离开了医院。
    Although she was still ill, she discharged herself from hospital.
  • 知足者贫犹富,贪婪者富亦贫。
    Content makes poor men rich; Discontent makes rich men poor.
  • 热情然高,谨慎不可少。
    Zeal shall no outrun discretion.
  • 然她穷,却未必不诚实。
    Although she is poor, it doesn't follow that she is dishonest.
  • 然好莱坞一致看好他将再度因此片获得奥斯卡奖提名,但汤姆汉克斯本人却不以为然,完全不在乎自己是否能获得提名。
    After winning back-to-back best actor awards for Philadelphia and Forrest Gumphe is refreshingly casual, even dismissive of his Oscar prospects.
  • 然基于internet的培训不会替代课堂培训或cbt,但它确实是另一种选择方案,利用它信息系统(is)部门能对其雇员进行培训。
    Although Internet-based training isn't about to displace classroom training or CBT, it does provide another option with which IS departments can bring training to their employees.
  • 开头我不高兴,但我被迫同意,因为这是杰妮的婚礼而不是我的,然我付一切费用。
    I was displeased at first, but I was forced to agree that it was Jenny's wedding and not mine, even though I paid for everything.