  • 高尔斯华绥,约翰1867-1933国作家。著有福赛特家史和其它许多福赛特故事,于1993年获得了诺贝尔文学奖
    British writer. Author of The Forsyte Saga(1906-1921) and many other Forsyte stories, he won the1932 Nobel Prize for literature.
  • 俄国人一向对狡猾的格鲁吉亚人通过向他们出售商品来赚取他们的钱而感到十分不满。但毫无供应的景况更可怕。其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人雄传说深深迷住了。
    Muscovites have always resented the crafty Georgians minting money out of them by selling commodities they need. But the prospect of no supplies at all is even worse. Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding.
  • 世界上最高的仙人掌是名为saguaro的仙人掌,高达50至75尺。
    The world’s tallest cactus is the saguaro, which can reach up to 50 to 75 feet tall.
  • 一只从撒哈拉沙漠出土的古代爬行动行,从头至尾大约有40尺长,为此它被荣称为:至尊鳄鱼。
    Roughly 40 feet from head to tail, an ancient reptile unearthed from the sands of the Sahara has earned the nickname Super Croc
  • 在西贡以南15里的地方,他差点给打死了。
    They narrowly missed being killed 15 miles south of Saigon.
  • 1620年,一群国的朝圣者,其中部分是新教徒,为了寻求宗教自由乘坐一艘被称为“五月花”的船离开本国,最终航行到美国。
    In 1620,a group of Pilgrims left from England to search for religious freedom,part of whom were Protestants. And they sailed to America on a small sailboat named the Mayflower finally.
  • 亚洲大型(达3尺左右)可食用蝾螈。
    large (to 3+ feet) edible salamander of Asia.
  • 北美西部的大型蝾螈(达7寸)。
    large (to 7 inches) salamander of western North America.
  • 我每周都到语沙龙去。
    I go to the English Salon every week.
  • 但他们都挑选好的文杂志经常阅读,比如你们的《语沙龙》杂志。
    But they do seek out good English magazines such as your English Salon and read them regularly.
  • 赵:《语沙龙》从2003年1月起介绍了一些瑞士著名景点,如少女峰、达沃斯。
    Zhao: English Salon has introduced some most famous Swiss scenic spots,such as Jungfrau and Davos since January 2003.
  • 这些都是些实用的东西,我希望阅读《语沙龙》的人在出国学习前都要考虑下这些情况。
    These are practical things and I hope that people who read your English Salon will think about it before going overseas to study.
  • 国)除鲱鱼之外的任何市场上买卖的鱼:可食用的咸水鱼或甲壳类水生物。
    (Britain) any market fish--edible saltwater fish or shellfish--except herring.
  • 在以色列和约旦之间的边界上的一个咸水湖;其水面低于海拔尺。
    a saltwater lake on the border between Israel and Jordan; its surface in 1292 feet below sea level.
  • 24日,共有超过200名来自萨尔瓦多红十字会的救生员们参加了一项传统考试——他们总共要游7里的距离,以此证明自己是一个合格的救生员。
    More than 200 lifeguards from the Red Cross of El Salvador are getting ready to swim 7 miles, a traditional test they have to pass in order to qualify to be a lifeguard in La Libertad, Sunday, Feb. 24 2002.
  • 国人习惯于靠左边开车。
    English people are accustomed to driving on the left.
  • 那被告在交纳(1000镑)保释金後, 在开庭前暂时获释.
    The accused was released on bail (of 1000) pending trial.
  • 图篷加托山一座海拔6,804。6米(22,310尺)的山峰,属安迪基山脉,位于智利和阿根廷的边界,在智利的圣地亚哥以东
    A mountain,6, 804.6 m(22, 310 ft) high, in the Andes on the Chile-Argentina border east of Santiago, Chile.
  • 国司法运作的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是清白的。
    British justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until he's proved guilty.
  • 克拉伦登国政治家和历史学家,被错判叛国罪并流放(1667年)。在法国写出他的重要著作国叛乱和内战史(1702-1704年)
    English politician and historian who was falsely accused of treason and banished(1667). While in France he wrote his major work, The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England(1702-1704).
  • 一个国爱尔兰讽刺作家(1667-1745)。
    an Anglo-Irish satirist (1667-1745).
  • 巴特勒,塞缪尔1835-1902国作家。以讽刺维多利亚时代格兰家庭生活的半自传体小说众生之路(1903年)最为著名
    British writer best known for The Way of All Flesh(1903), a semiautobiographical novel satirizing family life in mid-Victorian England.
  •  但无论如何,文网络空间趋向饱和之际,华文网络以无限商机、无限潜能,带来辽阔的发展空间,令全球企业商界竞相掏钱出力,已是不争的事实。
    Nevertheless, while English-medium Internet is becoming saturated, Chinese-medium Internet promises to do well,given the opportunities and potentials which attract funds and support from the business world.
  • 但无论如何,文网络空间趋向饱和之际,华文网络以无限商机、无限潜能,带来辽阔的发展空间,令全球企业商界竞相掏钱出力,已是不争的事实。
    Nevertheless, while English-medium Internet is becoming saturated, Chinese-medium Internet promises to do well, given the opportunities and potentials, which attract funds and support from the business world.
  • 一位曾在沙特阿拉伯精学校教过本-拉登的国老师说,拉登小时侯是一个安静的、非常害羞的小学生。
    Osama bin Laden was a quiet and shy pupil, a British teacher who taught him English at an elite Saudi Arabian school was quoted.
  • 他的雄主义救了一个生命。
    his heroism saved a life.
  • 冬天里他积蓄了10镑钱。
    He saved up &10 during the winter.
  • 在经济形势较为严峻的今天,所有的出版商都由衷地感谢两位拯救了他们的雄--耶酥基督和哈里·波特。
    Publishers hailed Jesus Christ and Harry Potter on Tuesday as saviors of their industry in tough economic times.
  • 国马尔伯勒公爵和奥地利王子尤金在1704年西班牙连续战争期间打败了法国。
    the British Duke of Marlborough and the Austrian Prince Eugene of Savoy defeated the French in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession.
  • 他能准确流利地说语。
    He can speak English fluently and accurately.
  • 国)由蒸汽奶油制成的稠奶油。
    (Britain) thick cream made from scalded milk.
  • 少女峰瑞士中部偏南的伯尔尼山区的一座山,海拔4,160。8米(13,642尺)。1811年首次测量
    A mountain,4, 160.8 m(13, 642 ft) high, in the Bernese Alps of south-central Switzerland. It was first scaled in1811.