  • 与喜鹊相似的黑白鸣鸟。
    black-and-white oscine birds that resemble magpies.
  • 他们形状相似,但颜不同。
    They resemble each other in shape but not in colour.
  • 欧洲的一种兰,花的形状和颜像蜜蜂。
    European orchid whose flowers resemble bumble bees in shape and color.
  • 关于或使用安尔字体(类似于现代的大写字母)。
    relating to or written in majuscule letters (which resemble modern capitals).
  • 不动声的不善表达感情的;含蓄的
    Not disposed to expressions of feeling; reserved.
  • 布什总统聪明地坚持立场,敦促国会对以列所请求安置苏联犹太人百亿元贷款担保暂不采取行动。他的立场引起沙米尔总理的以列政府及支持以列的美国人激烈的抨击。并且一个以列阁员把总统恶意形容成说谎者和反犹者。
    President Bush is wisely standing firm in urging Congress to delay action on Israel's request for $ 10 billion in loan guarantees to resettle Soviet Jews. His request has drawn fierce rhetorical fire from the Israeli Government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and its American supporters, and an Israeli Cabinet minister offensively characterized the President as a liar and an anti-Semite.
  • 红土湿润的热带或亚热带地区的红残留土,被雨水冲掉了可溶性矿物质、氢氧化铝和二氧化硅,但是仍保留了氧化铁和氢氧化铁
    A red residual soil in humid tropical and subtropical regions that is leached of soluble minerals, aluminum hydroxides, and silica but still contains concentrations of iron oxides and iron hydroxides.
  • 表示顺从的脸、微笑、姿势
    A resigned look, smile, gesture
  • 弹性沥青一种深棕,柔软可弯曲的烃树脂
    A brown-to-black, soft, elastic hydrocarbon resin.
  • 一种用作黄颜料和泻药的树胶脂。
    a gum resin used as a yellow pigment and a purgative.
  • 一种坚硬的黄到褐的半透明化石树脂,用来制造珠宝。
    a hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; used for jewelry.
  • 一种苦味棕的树胶树脂,现在主要用于兽用药物。
    an acrid brown gum resin now used mainly in veterinary medicine.
  • 愈疮木树脂从愈疮木树中提取的绿褐树脂,用于药品或光漆
    A greenish-brown resin obtained from this tree, used medicinally and in varnishes.
  • 通过一层涂料来显示,如显示树上的斑或树脂
    To show through a layer of paint, as a stain or resin in wood.
  • 笃耨香脂一种从笃耨香树上提取的柠黄半流性的树指状液体
    A brownish-yellow resinous liquid obtained from the terebinth.
  • 一种深红树脂物质,从树木中提取,用于照相凸版印刷。
    a dark red resinous substance derived from various trees and used in photoengraving.
  • 一种黑的树脂物质,从某些树中提取,用作天然漆。
    a black resinous substance obtained from certain trees and used as a natural varnish.
  • 硅锌矿一种无的常发荧光的矿物,zn2sio4,从玻璃状到树脂状不等,是锌的一种次要的矿砂
    A colorless, vitreous to resinous, often fluorescent mineral, Zn2SiO4, a minor ore of zinc.
  • 新西兰的一种小乔木,叶大,具树脂质,花绿白,圆锥花序。
    small round-headed New Zealand tree having large resinous leaves and panicles of green-white flowers.
  • 软的黑灰脂状岩蔷薇分泌物,用于制香水,尤其用作保香剂。
    a soft blackish-brown resinous exudate from various rockroses used in perfumes especially as a fixative.
  • 各种松属树木木料,直纹、耐用,通常含树脂,白到黄
    straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus Pinus.
  • 裂榄一种(烈榄属苦樗裂榄)属的芳香、含树脂的树木,生有羽状复叶,开白的小花,产于美国佛罗里达,中美洲和西印度群岛
    An aromatic, resinous tree(Bursera simaruba) of Florida, Central America, and the West Indies, having compound leaves and small white flowers.
  • 具有香油似的树脂的草本植物,有披针状的叶和粗壮、多叶的茎,大的深黄的花开在长梗顶部;生长在美国西北部。
    balsamic-resinous herb with clumps of lanceolate leaves and stout leafy stems ending in large deep yellow flowers on long stalks; northwestern United States.
  • 阿魏胶一种褐、味苦、气味难闻的树脂物质,取自伞形科阿魏属的几种植物的根,从前用以入药
    A brownish, bitter, foul-smelling resinous material obtained from the roots of several plants of the genus Ferula in the parsley family and formerly used in medicine.
  • 箭毒一种黑的树脂提取物,可从几种热带美洲的森林植物中获取,尤指从南美洲的防己藤或乌贼属的某些种类中提取的,被南美洲的某些印第安族用作抹在箭矢上的毒药
    A dark resinous extract obtained from several tropical American woody plants, especially Chondrodendron tomentosum or certain species of Strychnos, used as an arrow poison by some Indian peoples of South America.
  • 的南方人抵抗黑人解放运动的秘密组织。
    a secret society of white Southerners to resist Black emancipation.
  • 代纳尔一种用于氯乙烯和丙烯腈共聚纤维商标名,该产品用于制造防火、防虫和容易染的纺织纤维
    A trademark used for a copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile employed in making fire-resistant, insect-resistant, easily dyed textile fiber.
  • 一种多价金属元素,坚硬、易碎、蓝白,防腐防锈。
    a hard brittle blue-white multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing.
  • 父亲在赞赏旅馆对面的美丽景
    Father was admiring the lovely scene opposite the hotel.
  • 牛蛙一种大的,体重的蛙,蛤蟆属,尤指牛蛙原产于北美,有很具特的低沉的,洪亮的叫声
    Any of several large, heavy-bodied frogs, chiefly of the genus Rana and especially R. catesbeiana, native to North America and having a characteristic deep, resonant croak.
  • 能昆能京,唱念俱佳。他的音宽厚宏亮,表演洒脱大方。深得乃师俞振飞先生真传,有“小俞振飞”之美誉。
    He not only has natural and unrestrained performance, resonant voice and superb skills of singing and recitation, but also can play Beijing Opera. So he was acclaimed as Little Yu Zhen-Fei.
  • 他的嗓音宏亮,表演上善于继承,敢于创造,舞台风度颇佳,享有“第一老生”之美誉,在拿手戏《血手记》、《十五贯》、《蔡文姬》、《钗头凤》、《烂柯山》、《新蝴蝶梦》、《扫松》、《弹词》、《寄子》等中都有出独创的表演。
    His voice is resonant; his performances are good at inheriting and are creative. He has good stage manner and is acclaimed as "First Male Character". He acted the leading roles in New Butterfly Dream, Swept Pine Needles, Cai Wen-Ji, Entrusted Son, A Phoenix Hairpin, Lanke Mountain, Fifteen Strings Of Coins, The Story Of Bloody Hands.