  • 早在加入公时,中国就指出了公缺乏核查机制的不足。
    Upon its accession to the BWC, China pointed out the absence of measures for verification.
  • 他们的宪法规定,条必须经参议院三分之二多数批准。
    Their constitution provides that treaties shall be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate.
  • 代向约翰问好。
    Send John my best.
  • 翰将被调往另一个城市去工作,所以他的同事凑钱为他买了一件送别礼物。
    John will be assigned to work in anther city so his colleagues passed the hat round to buy him a sendoff gift.
  • 每个月出货两次,你认为如何?也就是把目前我们每个月出货给贵公司的总额,大区分为两半。
    How about sending two consignments a month, making them approximately half the value of the present monthly shipment we are sending you now?
  • 杰尼瓦美国纽州中西部一座城市,位于西拉库斯西南偏西的塞内加湖北端。它是一个农业区的加工制造中心。人口15,133
    A city of west-central New York at the northern end of Seneca Lake west-southwest of Syracuse. It is a manufacturing center in an agricultural region. Population,15, 133.
  • 易洛魁美洲土著居民邦联,居住在纽州,最初包括莫霍克,奥内达,奥农达加,卡尤加,和塞纳卡等族人,被称作为五国。1722年后,塔斯卡洛拉人加入邦联,组成了六国
    A Native American confederacy inhabiting New York State and originally composed of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca peoples, known as the Five Nations. After1722 the confederacy was joined by the Tuscaroras to form the Six Nations.
  • 翰比史密斯大几岁。
    John is several years senior to Smith.
  • 两国政府均不承认《穿鼻草》。
    Neither side accepted the Chuenpi terms.
  • 说明城市何以犯罪频仍的老生常谈都不能解释这一似无理性的事件。这次事件再度使纽市犯罪引得全国注目。
    But none of the routine reasons offered for urban crime has been able to explain a seemingly senseless incident that again has put crime in New York City in the national spotlight.
  • 现在办公室谈情说爱虽然是容许的,但是带来的一个问题是:当一位同事提出要与你会时,你不那么容易开口拒绝,尽管你的确不愿意。
    One problem with the new acceptability of office romances is that it is harder not to date a co-worker when you prefer not to.
  • 翰说英语有美国口音。
    Johe speaks English with an American accent.
  • 化学感觉通过利用大32个传感输人来完成(安装在一个芯片大小的器件上),从这些输入中对化学刺激相对反应的模型被用作探测特定气体的基础。
    Chemical sensing is achieved by the use of around 32 sensory inputs (mounted on a chip-sized package) from which a pattern of relative responses to chemical stimuli is used as the basis for detecting selected gases.
  • 它也包括自我束,对个人感情,如发怒和沮丧及对感官享乐如饮食男女的控制。
    It is self-discipline, the control of all the human passions and sensual pleasures---anger and frustration as well as food, drink and sex.
  • 翰寄给玛丽一个包裹。
    John sent Mary a parcel.
  • 在宗教的誓下隐居于世的社区生活。
    of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows.
  • 重力加速度的符号与地球表面重力加速度相等的加速度符号,为9。8米(32英尺)每秒每秒
    A unit of acceleration equal to the acceleration caused by gravity at the earth's surface, about9.8 meters(32 feet) per second per second.
  • 美国与欧洲盟邦已警告塞尔维亚说,这是他们所提出的“最后”计划,并且,如果联合国安全理事会通过决议使用武力,北大西洋公组织已同意禁止塞尔维亚军机飞临波斯尼亚。
    The United States and its European allies have put Serbia on notice that this plan is a "final" offer, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreed to enforce a United Nations ban on Serbian military flights over Bosnia, if the U.N. Security Council approves a resolution to use force.
  • 中国支持《不扩散核武器条》关于防止核武器扩散、推进核裁军进程和促进和平利用核能国际合作的三大目标。
    China supports the three major goals set forth in the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT): preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, accelerating nuclear disarmament, and promoting international cooperation in the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.
  • 站在静静的天空下,眺望广袤的田野——这些即将从逝去的岁月的劳作中得到休息的田野,看到隐隐耸立在我们面前的雄伟的阿勒格尼山脉,注视我们脚下同胞们的坟墓——这一切使我犹豫不决,不知该不该提高我那微不足道的嗓音,去打破上帝与自然界雄辩的沉默。
    Standing beneath this serene sky, overlooking these broad fields now reposing from the labors of the waning year, the mighty Alleghenies dimly towering before us, the graves of our brethren beneath our feet, it is with hesitation that I raise my poor voice to break the eloquent silence of God and nature.
  • 本公司接到许多询问,需要三万公尺蓝色斜纹布的供应。
    We have a large number of inquiries for the supply of approximately 30, 000 meters blue serge.
  • 翰在战役中重伤致残。
    John is seriously maimed in the battle.
  • 翰在战役中重伤致残。
    John was seriously maimed in the battle.
  • 其中严重危害面积2730万公顷;
    The seriously damaged area is 27.30 million hectares.
  • 这次风暴加快了调整的步伐:本港的物业价格已回落了大55%;
    The turmoil accelerated the pace of this adjustment. Our property prices have come down some 55%.
  • 福音中的一个;包括山上的布道。
    one of the Gospels in the New Testament; includes the Sermon on the Mount.
  • 你能从《新全书》选择几乎任何篇章做布道稿并以此作为我们时代的教训。
    You could choose almost any text from the New Testament for a sermon and make a tract for our times of it.
  • 葛德华(所主持的)市政府表示将认真保护揭发浪费、舞弊及贪污的纽市政府员工。
    The Koch administration says it's serous about protecting New York City workers who blow the whistle no waste, fraud and corruption.
  • 立约做服务员
    Was bound out as a servant.
  • 中国重视国际社会关于制订和实施劳动标准的经验,并结合本国经济和社会发展的实际,适时加入有关国际劳工公
    China values the experience of other countries in formulating and implementing labor standards and, in time, will accede to relevant international labor conventions in line with the actual conditions of its economic and social development.
  • 1989年9月,经全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准,中国加入《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公》,成为最早加入该公的国家之一。
    In September 1989, China obtained the approval of the NPC Standing Committee to accede to the UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, becoming one of the first member countries to it.
  • 在本议定书全部发生效力以后,各国不得加入本公前的议定书。
    After the entry into force of this Act in its entirety, a country may not accede to earlier Acts of this Convention.