  • 要经常地了解与研敌人,及时地不懈地驳斥敌人,开展我们的政治攻势。
    We must constantly monitor and analyze what the enemy is doing, and promptly and unremittingly refute him in a political offensive.
  • 一位研组成员认为这次实验"非常有前景",但沉淀物和水样必须在实验室中经过化验才能得出实验的最后结论。
    One of the group members said the experiments, were "very promising" but sediment and water samples would have to be analyzed in a laboratory before conclusions could be drawn.
  • 由哈佛大学医学院的刘思闽博士带领的几位研人员分析了美国75521名健康妇女--作为正在进行的护理健康研的一部分,12年来研人员一直对这些妇女进行跟踪调查--患中风的几率。
    Researchers led by Dr. Simin Liu of Harvard Medical School analyzed stroke rates among 75,521 healthy U.S. women who were followed for 12 years as part of the ongoing Nurses' Health Study.
  • 人员分析了23份关于包括中美洲、南美洲、墨西哥南部地区和西印度群岛在内的新热带区鹦鹉的生态和行为的近期研,确定平均有30%的鹦鹉巢穴遭到偷袭。
    The researchers analyzed 23 previous studies of parrot ecology and behavior in the Neotropics area that includes Central and South America, parts of southern Mexico and the West Indiesand determined that, on average, as many as 30 percent of all parrots' nests were poached.
  • 这两个组织发起并资助了一些科学家去分析4500多项主要集中在饮食和患癌关系方面的科学研,通过现有的最佳科学论据,科学家们提出了一些人们应采取的措施来降低患癌的危险,其中包括:
    The two organizations sponsored a team of scientists who analyzed more than 4,500 research studies -- most of which focused on the cancer diet link. Using the best scientific evidence available, the scientists then issued steps people can take to lower cancer risk.Among them:
  • 我应卡内基先生的请求,做这20年研工作期间,分析过不下数百位士绅名援,他们多半承认,巨额的财富皆是借助卡内基的秘诀才得以累聚,其中有:
    While I was performing the twenty year task of research, which I had undertaken at Mr. Carnegie's request, I analyzed hundreds of well known men, many of whom admitted that they had accumulated their vast fortunes through the aid of the Carnegie secret; among these men were:
  • 笔迹学笔迹研,尤指旨在作为一种性格分析的手段的笔迹研
    The study of handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing character.
  • 废弃物社会学通过观察和分析废弃物对一个社会及文化进行的研
    The study of a society or culture by examining or analyzing its refuse.
  • 整理、分析、批判和概括也是会犯错误的,但是不断地同群众商量,不断地研群众的实践,这就使党有可能少犯错误,并且及时地发现和纠正错误,而不致使得错误发展到严重的地步。
    Mistakes may still occur even after classification, analysis, critical judgement and synthesis, but by constantly consulting the masses and analyzing their practices, the Party will be able to avoid mistakes or to discover them once they are made, and correct them in time to prevent their becoming serious.
  • 局部解剖学对某一解剖后的局部或部分的研或描述
    The study or description of an anatomical region or part.
  • 解剖,把东西切开把组织切割或分成(小块),尤指为了解剖研
    To cut apart or separate(tissue), especially for anatomical study.
  • 组织病理学关于病态组织的微小的构造上的变化的研
    The study of the microscopic anatomical changes in diseased tissue.
  • 组织学对动植物组织的微以构的解剖研
    The anatomical study of the microscopic structure of animal and plant tissues.
  • 骨骼学研骨的结构和功能的解剖学的分支
    The branch of anatomy that deals with the structure and function of bones.
  • 家系学,系谱学关于祖先和家庭历史的研或调查
    The study or investigation of ancestry and family histories.
  • 熟练使用文字的练习对于自然科学的研也是有帮助的。
    Some practice in the deft use of words may well be ancillaryto the study of natural science.
  • 安德森说,这些研结果表明"人们对事情的情感反应并非完全是固定不变的。
    Anderson said these results show that "people's emotional responses to events are not completely fixed and rigid."
  • 这项研报告的作者卡麦隆·安德森博士说,我们从每天的日常生活中可以体会到,人是可以"捕捉"到伴侣或者朋友的情绪的。
    Everyday experience suggests that people are capable of "catching" the mood of a spouse or friend, said lead author Dr. Cameron Anderson.
  • 安德森博士的研小组还发现,夫妻双方中控制力较弱的一方在情感交汇方面变化最大。
    Anderson's team also found that the partner who had less power in the relationship did most of the changing in terms of emotions.
  • 麻醉学对麻醉的医学研和应用
    The medical study and application of anesthetics.
  • 医学中研与应用麻醉药剂的分支。
    the branch of medical science that studies and applies anesthetics.
  • 借此机会,望贵公司认真研一下我们修订的陈年葡萄酒价目表。
    We take this opportunity of calling your attention to our revised price - list, as annexe, for old vintage.
  • 当数字以电子形式出现时,智能工作人员便可以对此加以研、注释,以任意数量或以任意喜欢的观点进行观察,并将它们分发以获得其他人员的合作。
    When figures are in electronic form, knowledge workers can study them, annotate them, look at them in any amount of detail or in any view they want and pass them around for collaboration.
  • 在过去的几年里,西藏社会科学院先后完成了《西藏通史》(藏、汉文)、《夏格巴棗西藏政治史(批注)》、《西藏古代近代交通史》(汉文)、《藏族哲学的理智》(藏文)、《西藏哲学词典》(藏文)、《藏学文献目录索引》等一批重要专著的编写,在藏学研方面取得了突破性的进展。
    In the past few years, the Academy has made a breakthrough in Tibetan studies by completing a sequence of important monographs, including A General History of Tibet (Tibetan and Chinese editions), A Political History of Tibet by Xagaba (Annotated), A Communications History of Ancient and Modern Tibet (Chinese edition), The Inference Theory in Tibetan Philosophy (Tibetan edition), A Dictionary of Tibetan Philosophy (Tibetan edition), and Index of the Catalogues of Tibetan Studies Documents.
  • 时至今日,本港的大学每年动用三十二亿元进行研
    Our universities now spend some $3.2 billion annually on research.
  • 有关此点,我在十月的首份《施政报告》中已概略介绍过多项主要的新措施,包括提供足够土地每年兴建八万五千个住宅单位,以加强住屋费用方面的竞争力;研方法解决人手不足,特别是专才短缺的问题;提高本港制造业的增值能力,以及寻找更佳方法,务求即使在邻近经济体系币值占优的情况下,仍能像以往般吸引游客访港等等。
    I have outlined a number of major initiatives in this respect in my first policy address in October - by providing sufficient land to build 85,000 units of apartments per annum to enhance the competitiveness in the cost of our housing and by examining what needs to address the manpower shortage especially at the high end of the market, by enhancing the value-added in our manufacturing industry, by finding better ways to attract tourists back to Hong Kong despite the currency advantage in the neighbouring economies, and so on.
  • 夏尔科,简·马丁1825-1893法国神经学家,以其对神经系统疾病的研闻名。西格蒙·弗洛伊德是他的一个学生
    French explorer who led two missions to the Antarctic(1903-1905 and1908-1910). He died when the Pourquoi Pas? sank off Iceland.
  • 英国南极勘查局教授约翰·克罗克索尔说:"然而,我们的研人员发现,信天翁正以惊人的速度被杀死,而凶手正是延绳钓捕鱼作业。
    'However, our research has discovered that albatrosses are being killed at a horrific rate,' said Professor John Croxall, of the British Antarctic Survey. 'The trouble stems from long-line fishing in which boats tow huge, heavily baited lines.
  • 这首诗发表于同年7月以后,当年南洋大学中国文学研会为收集新旧中国古典诗词而编辑《云南园吟唱集》。
    The poem was published sometime after July 1960 in a collection of Chinese classical poems put together by the Chinese Literary Society of Nanyang University The publication was titled ''Yunnan Garden Anthology of Poems''.
  • 人体测量学对人体测量的研,用于人类学的分类和比较
    The study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison.
  • 弗雷泽,詹姆斯·乔治1854-1941英国人类学家,在其最著名的作品金枝中研了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性
    British anthropologist who examined the importance of magic, religion, and science to the development of human thought in his most famous work, The Golden Bough(1890).
  • 民族志或人种学的人类学家。
    an anthropologist who does ethnography.