  • 有一个孩子囊性纤维变性,他母亲尽职地帮他进行理,在孩子胸上连续敲打,听砰砰的声音。她的努力里面饱含着奉献、希望和痛苦。
    I saw the mother of the child with cystic fibrosis faithfully administer physical therapy, heard the hollow thump-thump-thump as she pounded the child's chest, her efforts a talisman of dedication, hope and pain.
  • 日托为学龄前儿童、残疾人或老年人提供的白天教育、管理、娱乐和常天的医服务
    Provision of daytime training, supervision, recreation, and often medical services for children of preschool age, for the disabled, or for the elderly.
  • 付不起医费的病人会被转到收费办事处去,就像其他故意赖账的人一样。
    A patient who cannot pay is turned over to a collection agency, like any other deadbeat.
  • 报告引述致命的医差错。
    Report cites deadly medical errors.
  • 据信,戴琥珀项链有医效用,能防治耳聋、消化不良和掉牙等各种疾病。
    Worn as a necklace,it was believed to have medical qualities,effective against everything from deafness to indigestion to tooth loss.
  • 赫奇博士,芝加哥嗅觉和味觉治基金会的发起人和心理学家,在分析比尔·克林顿的一组电视镜头时发现了鼻子伸长的现象。
    Dr Hirsch, author and psychologist at the Smell and Taste Treatment Foundation in Chicago, discovered the expanding nose while analysing television footage of Bill Clinton.
  • 工伤保险基金支付的待遇主要包括:工伤医期发生的医费用;工伤医期结束后根据劳动能力丧失程度确定的伤残补助金、抚恤金、伤残护理费等。
    Payment of industrial injury insurance funds covers mainly medical costs sustained during the treatment of the injury, and the injury or disability subsidies, pension for the disabled person or family of a deceased person, and injury or disability nursing charge, all of which are to be determined according to the degree of disability upon termination of the medical treatment.
  • 通过减少胃酸分泌来治胃溃疡的药物(商标是tagamet)。
    a drug (trade name Tagamet) used to treat peptic ulcers by decreasing the secretion of stomach acid.
  • 为了寻找治方法,该医生献出了毕生精力。
    The doctor dedicated his life to finding a cure.
  • 语音效果和无序的临床医学家。
    a therapist who treats speech defects and disorders.
  • 听力学研究听力的科学,尤指听力受损及其
    The study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their treatment.
  • 在困惑不解的情况下,医生进行了第二次检查,因为治血压的药物能导致婴儿的先天缺陷。
    At a loss, the doctor administered one more test, because blood-pressure medication can cause birth defects.
  • 停止心脏肌肉纤维颤动的治方法,通常用电法。
    treatment by stopping fibrillation of heart muscles (usually by electric shock delivered by a defibrillator).
  • 成人嗜眠发作和小孩注意力不集中的一种中枢神经系统刺激剂(商标是利他林)。
    a central nervous system stimulant (trade name Ritalin) used in the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and attention deficit disorder in children.
  • 当局也为住院病人及需要特别口腔健康护理的人士提供牙科专科护理服务,并在11家指定牙科诊所为市民提供紧急治服务。
    Specialist oral health services are provided to hospital patients and those with special oral health needs. An emergency dental service is provided to the general public at 11 designated dental clinics.
  • 根据最近美国牙医协会的调查,在7,553名牙医中,只有3.5%在外科治过程中使用激光。
    Just 3.5 percent of the 7,553 dentists recently surveyed by the American Dental Association use lasers for surgical procedures.
  • ,环境卫生事故,以及新机场启用后的问题,都打击了市民的信心,影响了香港的声誉。
    Unfortunate incidents in the health care and environmental hygiene sectors and the difficulties which marred the opening of the new airport dealt a blow to Hong Kong's reputation overseas and dented our citizens' confidence.
  • 环境卫生的事故,以及新机场启用后出现的问题,都打击了市民的信心,影响了香港的声誉。
    Unfortunate incidents in our environmental and health care sector and the difficulties which marred the opening of the new airport have dealt a blow to Hong Kong s reputation overseas and have dented our citizens confidence.
  • 专门治儿童的牙齿的牙医。
    a dentist who specializes in the care of children's teeth.
  • 老年牙医学牙科学分支,专门研究老年人牙病和问题的诊断、预防和治
    The branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged.
  • 牙周病学牙科的分支,主要研究牙周疾病的治
    The branch of dentistry that deals with the study and treatment of periodontal disease.
  • 儿童牙科学牙科的一个专门负责护理和治儿童牙齿的分支
    The branch of dentistry that deals with the care and treatment of children's teeth.
  • “到20世纪末,大学教育将对每个男人和女人都免费,会建立起几所全国有名的大学,孩子们会学习简单英语语法以适应简化英语,在拉丁医学视察人员定期检查之后,公立学校都会给贫穷的小孩免费配眼镜,免费看牙医,以及提供各种免费的医护理。”
    "A university education will be free to every man and woman [by the end of the 20th Century]. Several great national universities will have been established. Children will study a simple English grammar adapted to simplified English and not copied after the Latin Medical inspectors regularly visiting the public schools will furnish poor children free eyeglasses, free dentistry, and free medical attention of every kind."
  • 国家还建立了药物依赖性研究中心、药物滥用监测中心、药物依赖治中心和麻醉品实验室,组织科研机构和专家开展科学戒毒方法和戒毒药物研究。
    The state has also established drug dependence research centers, drug abuse monitoring centers, drug dependence treatment centers and narcotic drugs laboratories, and organized scientific research institutions and experts to conduct research on scientific methods of rehabilitation for addicts and pharmaceuticals for drug addiction treatment.
  • 解毒法对酒精或毒品上瘾者进行的治,它通常是一种受医监督的、用以除去体内有毒或致人上瘾的物质的方案
    To treat(an individual) for alcohol or drug dependence, usually under a medically supervised program designed to rid the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.
  • 安定药镇定性药物,用来减轻紧张状态或焦虑并治精神病症
    Any of various depressant drugs used to reduce tension or anxiety and to treat psychotic states.
  • 这种补药对治你的忧郁症十分有效。
    This tonic will work miracles for your depression.
  • 倍他米松一种合成的糖皮质激素,c22h29fo5,以白色结晶粉末存在,用作治皮肤病的主要消炎剂
    A synthetic glucocorticoid, C22H29FO5, that occurs as a white crystalline powder and is used as a topical anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of dermatological conditions.
  • 此外,该署另设有21间美沙酮诊所、18间胸肺科诊所、13间社会卫生科诊所、五间皮肤科诊所、五间遗传科诊所、六间儿童体能智力测验中心及其他诊所。
    The department also operates 21 methadone clinics, 18 tuberculosis and chest clinics, 13 social hygiene clinics, five dermatology clinics, five clinical genetic clinics, six child assessment centres and other clinic services.
  • 这项调查根据39项评选标准对215个世界城市进行了评估,其中包括政治、经济、自然和人文环境、医、教育、住房、交通、购物和娱乐等因素。
    Thirty-nine key criteria were used to judge cities' desirability, including the political, economic, natural and socio-cultural environments, healthcare, education, housing, transport, shopping and recreation.
  •  对于岌岌可危的大面积空鼓和脱落,仅靠粘合已经于事无补了,必须有"刮骨毒"的气概和"壮士断腕"的决心。
    It would not help matters if this were only sticking together the large areas of risky detachment and peeling. Rather, it is imperative to have the heroic spirit of "scraping the bone clear of toxin" and the determination to "die a martyr in the cause of saving art".
  • 通过分子检测,病症的诊断时间将大大提前,甚至早于症状的出现。治将更有效也更易获得。
    Illnesses would be detected much earlier by molecular surveillance, even before symptoms appeared, and therapies would be more effective -- and more available.