  • 海湾战争就生动地提醒我们,邪恶仍存在,独裁者们也不会骤消失。
    The Gulf War was a vivid reminder that evil will always be with us and that dictators will riot suddenly become an extinct species.
  • 它还让我们想起,虽宝马参与陆虎购并事件是场灾难,但至少这个牌子还是保住了。
    It is also a reminder that,even though most of BMW's involvement in the Rover saga was a disaster,its custody of this marque,at least,was securely handled.
  • 国际媒体的评论则更是讥讽谩骂,声称劳拉·史彭斯事件反映了英国社会的典型问题——等级森严和狂妄自大,使人们再次看清英国依是一个“向后看”、醉心于过去的国家。
    International press comments have been more cynical,claiming that the Laura Spence story is indicative of the quintessentially British problem of class and arrogance and a reminder that a backward looking Britain is still alive and well.
  • 我仍希望新加坡更多一些善意的温情的提醒(属于道德层面),而不是冷冰冰动辄罚款xx元或在劳改法令下接受劳改的惩戒。
    Besides, I hope justice can be tempered with mercy. Do not throw the book at people in the first instance, allow them the benefit of a kind and gentle reminder (this has to do with morality) instead of slapping them with a fine or Corrective Work Order.
  • 这在用电话做生意中是有用处的。它也能用于约会提醒程序一类的应用,或者确认或通知系统,在这些场合,不必一定需要两个人之间的交互通信。
    It has obvious uses for telemarketing, but it can also be used for applications such as appointment reminders, or a confirmation or notification system, where live interaction between two humans is not necessary.
  • 他们回忆了一会往事,后才转向将他们聚集到一起的事务上来。
    They spent some time in reminiscence before turning to the business that had brought them together.
  • 大家会相互回忆几件有关她过去的逸事,后各人将依故我,丝毫不受这事的影响,甚至谁也不会因此而掉一滴眼泪。
    A few reminiscences are exchanged about her, and the lives of all and sundry continue as before without so much as a tear.
  • 我们现在要先由《秋镫琐忆》(主人公是作者之妻秋芙)中摘录几段出来,后由《浮生六记》(主人公是芸)中摘录几段。
    We will begin with certain select passages from the Reminiscences Under the Lamp-Light with the author's wife Ch'iufu as the heroine, and follow it with selections from Six Chapters of a Floating Life, with Yiin as the heroine.
  • 治疗抑制住了癌细胞的扩散,但是这并不能达到彻底根治的疗效。
    Although the treatment stopped the progression of my cancer, it didn't bring a full remission.
  • 索恩科特的卵巢癌病情正在好转,但是目前的诊断结果仍旧不容乐观--她的生命只剩下两年的时间,而且这种几率也只有25%。
    Even though Southcott's ovarian cancer is in remission, the diagnosis is no laughing matter - a 25-percent chance she will live for another two-years.
  • 仗着三十年来他是此间一位品德无懈可击的政治人物,哈特菲尔德参议员安度过以前所有令他发窘的操守问题。可是最近所揭露这位俄勒冈州共和党人的财务行为,把他无可指责的形象破坏无遗。
    Senator Mark O. Hatfield has survived past ethics scrapes by riding on his reputation for three decades as a political figure whose integrity was above question here. But the latest disclosures about the Oregon Republican's financial dealings have shattered any remnants of his unimpeachable image.
  • 如果对林彪、“四人帮”的残余分子,对那些拒绝接受教育、不愿改变立场的分子手软,仍把他们放在重要的岗位上,我们就要犯大错误。
    We shall be making a grave mistake if we are soft on the remnants of the Lin Biao clique and the Gang of Four -- especially on those who reject education and refuse to change their stand -- and if we let such persons remain in important positions.
  • 史密斯突感到非常懊悔。
    Smith was seized with remorse.
  • 他突想离开这个地方。
    He was seized with deep remorse [terror].
  • 她突产生深深的懊悔[恐怖]情绪。
    She was seized with deep remorse [terror].
  • 袭击作突袭击,如为利益或冒险
    To make inroads, as for profit or adventure.
  • 在自上或者社会上偏远、隔离。
    remote and separate physically or socially.
  • 合唱的歌词被歌声所淹没,但是通过正统仪式训练的曲调仍悠扬而又清晰。
    when the measured speech of the chorus passes over into song the tones are, remotely but unmistakably, those taught by the orthodox liturgy.
  • 该博物馆虽地点偏僻,但年内仍吸引游人79305人次。
    Despite its remoteness, the museum attracted 79305 visitors in 1997.
  • 假如不改造,当是很困难的。
    Naturally, it would be difficult for them if they do not remould themselves.
  • ,历史不断前进,人们的思想也要不断改造。
    Of course, history keeps moving forward, which means that people must constantly remould their thinking.
  • 首先好好地认识一下自己,看看自己的思想意识有无毛病,毛病在什么地方,后才会决心改造自己。
    You should first and foremost examine yourself to see whether or not you have weaknesses in your thinking and what they are before you become determined to remould yourself.
  • 对诗歌而言,语词只是附加的,而不是本质性的-弗雷德里克·w·鲁宾逊;他们不得不判断他的不正当行为是出于偶还是由于性格缺陷。
    poetry is something to which words are the accidental, not by any means the essential form- Frederick W. Robertson; they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character.
  • 有粘性偶根的一个常绿攀缘植物属;产于亚洲东南及巴西。
    evergreen climbers with adhesive adventitious roots; southeastern Asia and Brazil.
  • 去掉天蜡后的棉花做成的吸收物质。
    cotton made absorbent by removal of the natural wax.
  • remove:推出ap只会终止应用程序过程软件,平台仍在运行,并且可以进行维护。
    REMOVE: Removing an AP only brings down the application processes software, the platform is still running and maintenance will be able to be done.
  • 后我们把湿透了的鞋脱了下来。
    Then we removed our soaking shoes.
  • 而分析家说,双职工父母的出现、子女数目减少并“被宠坏”、人员流动性的增加、物质主义,以及家庭的团体权威的丧失致使违法行为有增无减。
    Instead, say analysts, the advent of two working parents, fewer and "spoiled" children, increased mobility, materialism and the loss of family and community authority have led to higher lawlessness.
  • 而,信息技术在高速、轻便、低成本方面的发展,对于提高目前进行信息战和信息作战的能力非常重要。
    Nevertheless, the advent of high-speed, portable, low-cost, information technology is absolutely central to the ability to conduct information warfare and information operations today.
  • 为所有这些劳动者生产食物的劳动,虽同其他劳动一样对于最终产品(即本次收获季节作出的面包)来说是必不可少的,但它却不象别的劳动那样从最终产品取得报酬。
    The labour that produced the food which fed all these labourers, is as necessary to the ultimate result, the bread of the present harvest, as any of those other portions of labour; but is not, like them, remunerated from it.
  • 原料一经使用就会毁灭,所以为生产它们所需的全部劳动,以及提供生产手段的人的节欲,都必须从这种使用所产生的成果中得到报酬。
    Since materials are destroyed as such by being once used, the whole of the labour required for their production, as well as the abstinence of the person who supplied the means for carrying it on, must be remunerated from the fruits of that single use.
  • 这并非偶,而是大家为了应付新经济时代的来临所做出的大变革。
    All countries and regions must make such changes in preparation for the advent of a knowledge-based economy.