  • 途中,他遇到了美丽的金克斯(奥斯卡奖得主哈莉·贝里饰)和米兰达(罗莎蒙德·克饰)。她们都将在他这次最新的冒险中起到至关重要的作用。
    On his way,he crosses paths with the beautiful Jinx (Oscar winner Halle Berry) and Miranda (Rosamund Pike),who will play vital roles in his latest adventure.
  • 他既不是鸽,也不是鹰,而是中间
    He is neither a dove nor a hawk, but betwixt and between.
  • “你是自由党党员还是保守党党员?”“都不是,说真的。我是中间。”
    “Are you a Liberal or a Conservative?’ “Neitger really: betwixt and between.”
  • 同年八月,中国共产党中央又致国民党中央一封信,要求组织两党共同抗日的统一战线,并遣代表进行谈判。
    In August of the same year, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party addressed a letter to the Kuomintang's Central Executive Committee, calling for the formation of a bi-partisan united front against Japan and negotiations between the representatives of both parties.
  • 对于那些一不懂行、二不热心、三有性的人,为什么还让他们留在领导班子里?
    What reason is there for allowing people to remain in positions of leadership who have little professional knowledge or enthusiasm and show a factional bias?
  • 有些同志在工作中往往存门户之见,使党变成狭小的圈子,变成狭隘的宗,从而丧失了领导作用。
    Some comrades often manifest a sectarian bias in their work, turning the Party into a small circle or faction and forfeiting the Party's leading role.
  • 起初,大自然给我们带来的是一赏心悦目的奇景异象:观赏鹿群慢腾腾地上山,目睹猫头鹰飞过宁静的、雪光闪烁的夜空,聆听着早晨五点钟郊狼的叫声,我似乎有一种身临伊甸园的感觉。
    The surprises that nature gave us were pleasant at first: watching a herd of deer move slowly up the hill;seeing an owl fly through a silent, snow-spangled night;listening to the coyotes bicker at 5a.m. I felt as though I had come to Eden.
  • 写了喏的一生的希腊传记作者(收集希腊和罗马传记曾被莎士比亚在戏剧中用过);(公元46年?-公元120年)。
    the Greek biographer who wrote Parallel Lives (a collection of biographies of famous Greeks and Romans that Shakespeare used in writing his plays); (46?-120 AD).
  • 使活化变(某些生物复合物)为生物性能活跃的生物
    To convert(certain biological compounds) into biologically active derivatives.
  • 这受到激进的强烈反对。
    This was bitterly opposed by the radicals.
  • 可是一组往克利夫兰的记者可以发现美国生活和为人父母的稀奇古怪的事情。
    But a team of journalists sent to Cleveland could also come up with some bizarre things about American life or parenting.
  • 他被列在警方用于逮捕所有不良帮份子的黑名单上。
    His name is on the black list(blacklist)used by the police to round up all the gangsters.
  • 马华反对林良实的系为了避免新闻被封锁,借用收购课题对林良实展开猛烈的攻击;
    For fear of a media blackout, the anti-Ling faction within the MCA also launched a ferocious attack on Ling.
  • 60年代末,美国激进黑人要求有一个自由黑人州,并主张使用暴力达到这个目的。
    At the end of the 1960s, American radical blacks demanded a free black state and were for using violence to reach that end.
  • 政治联盟一些政党、别或民族为共同事业而组成的联盟;跨党议员集团
    A group of parties, factions, or nations united in a common cause; a bloc.
  • 西北封锁线,指国民党反动包围陕甘宁边区的封锁线。
    The blockade line in the Northwest was built by the Kuomintang reactionaries around the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region.
  • 你们看,敌人在进行经济封锁,奸商和反动在破坏我们的金融和商业,我们红色区域的对外贸易,受到极大的妨碍。
    Just considering the enemy is enforcing an economic blockade, unscrupulous merchants and reactionaries are disrupting our finance and commerce, and the trade of our Red areas with the outside is seriously hampered.
  • 特和迈克、拉斯特斯和菲斯特斯、醉酒的牧师、波兰新郎和傻金发女子——所有这些都遭到了禁止,至少是在公共场合。
    Pat and Mike, Rastus and Festus, the drunk priest, the Polish bridegroom, the silly blonde -all are now off-limits, at least in public.
  • 回家后,母亲决定做一个紫浆果
    When we got home, my mother decided to make a blueberry pie.
  • 质言之,每个农村都必须造成一个短时期的恐怖现象,非如此决不能镇压农村反革命的活动,决不能打倒绅权。
    To put it bluntly, it is necessary to create terror for a while in every rural area, or otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the activities of the counter-revolutionaries in the countryside or overthrow the authority of the gentry.
  • 丹麦籍诺贝尔获奖人波尔所成立的“哥本哈根学”,也吸纳了欧洲各国在核物理领域最优秀的人才等等。
    Danish Nobel Prize Laureate Bohr's "Copenhagen School" also attracted the best brains in nuclear physics from all over Europe.
  • 为了加强可能即将进入高潮的调查,今天将有九名探员及一名警佐从“重案组”来增援由四十人组成的专案小来缉捕杀死伯恩的凶手。
    To bolster the investigation, which may be coming to a head, nine detectives and a sergeant from the major-case squad will be added today to the 40-man detective task force hunting Byrne's killers.
  • 曼梯·里一毕业就入了伍,被分到陆军航空兵第27轰炸队,这个轰炸队在1941年12月7日前两周到达马尼拉。
    Right after graduation, ML enlisted and was assigned to the 27th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Corps. The group arrived in Manila two weeks before Dec.7, 1941.
  • 8日,以色列为报复慕尼黑大屠杀,飞机轰炸了10个游击队基地。
    On the 8th, Israeli planes bombed ten guerrilla bases in revenge for Munich massacre.
  • 保守会蔑视我们从根本上变革的努力。
    Conservatives would defy our efforts at bootstrap improvements.
  • 给犯人分工作,可避免他们因生活苦闷或无所事事而烦燥不安,并帮助他们养成从事有意义工作的习惯。
    Employment keeps inmates purposefully and gainfully occupied, thus reducing the risk of unrest due to boredom and lack of constructive activities. It also helps inmates develop the habit of doing meaningful work.
  • 美国(在波斯尼亚无地面部队)将承受越来越大的压力去履行它提供维持和平部队的诺言——尤其现在俄国已同意兵。
    The United States, which has no ground troops in Bosnia, will be under increasing pressure to live up to its promise to contribute peacekeepers — particularly now that Russia has agreed to send soldiers.
  • 里面有波士顿奶油吗?
    Is there Boston cream pie in it, please?
  • 反动派必定失败。
    Reactionaries are bound to fail.
  •  有些国家为了促进出口业务,有时会实行一种奖励补助办法,萨依认为“这些都是赠给我们国家的礼物”;由此可以清楚地看到。流行学以单纯价值理论为评判事物现象的依据时,会发生怎样的错误,用生产力理论来评判这类现象就可以得出正确结论,假定法国因为看到它的工业没有能获得充分发展,认为应实行百分之二十五的保护税才能使工业获得保障,而英国方面对于它的出口商却给了百分之三十的补助,这种出于英国方面的“礼物”对法国将发生什么影响呢?
    In to what mistakes the prevailing economical school has fallen by judging conditions according to the mere theory of values which ought properly to be judged according to the theory of powers of production, may be seen very clearly by the judgment which J. B.Say passes upon the bounties which foreign countries sometimes offer in order to facilitate exportation; he maintains that 'these are presents made to our nation.' Now if we suppose that France considers a protective duty of twenty-five per cent sufficient for her not vet perfectly developed manufactures, while England were to grant a bounty on exportation of thirty per cent, what would be the consequence of the 'present' which in this manner the English would make to the French?
  • 资产阶级革命派报刊
    press published by bourgeois revolutionary school
  • 他们依照反动的指示,烧屋、捉人,十分勇敢。
    On the instructions of the reactionaries, they burned down houses and made arrests, and quite brazenly too.