  • 主甲板被淹没了;雨季让整个地都被水淹没;被水淹了的浴室;被淹没的农田;水都溢出来了的浴缸。
    the main deck was afloat (or awash); the monsoon left the whole place awash; a flooded bathroom; inundated farmlands; an overflowing tub.
  • 海事处提供免费检查和谘询服务,以推广修船、拆船和海上装卸货物的安全工作法。
    The Marine Department provides a free inspection and advice service to promote safe working practices in ship-repairing, ship-breaking and cargo-handling afloat.
  • 近来各面都有所改进。
    There's been an overall improvement recently.
  • 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新信用购物案。
    A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme.
  • 杂物包盛放杂物和残渣的容器或地
    A receptacle or storage area for odds and ends.
  • 奶瓶装有代替母乳喂养婴儿的牛奶或其它婴儿配食物的容器
    A receptacle filled with milk or formula that is fed, as to babies, in place of breast milk.
  • 大提包大的容器,如包、篮子或手袋,用于把东西从一个地带到另一个地
    A large receptacle, such as a bag, basket, or pocketbook, used to carry things from one place to another.
  • 汽车把代表们送到招待会。
    Official cars-ried the delegates to the reception.
  • 一个很大的供人们进入和接待人们的地
    a large entrance or reception room or area.
  • 那个笨蛋接待员在什麽地
    Where's that fool of a receptionist?
  • 校长向董事会抱怨道:“学校的旅游活动很少,还得在步行能及的范围内进行,因为没有钱买票去更远的地。”
    The schoolmaster complained to the board: “School journeys are few, and have to be within walking distance because there is no money for fares to go further afield.”
  • 我们的旅客很多来自欧洲,有些来自更远的地
    We got a lot of tourists from Europe, and some from even further afield.
  • 印刷区表面没有凸起但是可以上墨(和排墨相对)的印刷法。
    the process of printing from a surface on which the printing areas are not raised but are ink-receptive (as opposed to ink repellent).
  • 面,不能不多听艺术家的意见,理由有二:一、毕竟人家是内行,会分别什么是宝什么是草,也不会走宝。
    They should thus be receptive to the views of artists. There are two reasons for this.Firstly, artists are experts in their field. They can tell a good production from a bad one and will not miss out on a gem.
  • 传教士到远去传播其信仰.
    Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith.
  • 壁阶为缩减其上墙壁的厚度而形成的墙壁狭长部分或凹处
    A ledge or recess in a wall formed by a reduction in thickness above; a setoff.
  • 镶板,板条一个通常为长形的平板条,构成其被固定的表面的突起、凹陷或框架部分
    A flat, usually rectangular piece forming a raised, recessed, or framed part of the surface in which it is set.
  • 西国家的不景气造成交易额猛降。
    Recession in the western countries have cause business to slump.
  • 在对阿富汗实施举世瞩目的军事打击的同时,美国还在其它地开展反恐行动。
    While the most visible military action is in Afghanistan, America is acting elsewhere.
  • 西的一部和西南,和阿富汗、印度、不丹、尼泊尔接壤。
    Afghanistan, India, Bhutan and Nepal in the southwest and part of the west;
  • 这地变得认不出来了。
    The place has changed beyond recognition.
  • 完全改变了模样;以未被承认的式。
    beyond recognition; in an unrecognizable manner.
  • 他脸上掠过一丝笑意,表示认识对
    A sudden smile of recognition flashed across his face.
  • 普什图语一种伊朗语,是阿富汗和巴基斯坦西部的部分地区的主要
    An Iranian language that is the principal vernacular language of Afghanistan and parts of western Pakistan.
  • 用可识别的式描写。
    depicted in a recognizable manner.
  • 没有官认可或约束的。
    not officially recognized or controlled.
  • 这个俱乐部会得到官的认可的。
    the club will be formally recognized.
  • 阿金想起母亲说过应该用肩膀把肉扛回家。他得出结论,驴子是一块很大的肉,也应该用这种法带回家。
    Ah Kin recollected that his mother had told him to carry the meat on his shoulder, so he concluded that as the donkey was a mass of meat, it also should be taken home in that way.
  • 我清晰地记得你的慷慨大
    I have vivid recollection of your generosity.
  • 第十二条 在植树造林、保护森林、森林管理以及林业科学研究等面成绩显著的单位或者个人,由各级人民政府给予奖励。
    Article 12 The people's government at various levels shall award organizations or private individuals who have made outstanding achievements in connection with afforestation, forest protection, forest management and forestry-related scientific research.
  • 这个熔炉没有、也不应该熔掉对另一个地的另一种生活式的记忆。
    The melting pot does not melt away all recollections of another way of life in another place----nor should it.
  • 一种先将一个信号的频谱分成几个可独立传送的频带然后再合成的法。
    A system that divides the frequency spectrum of a signal into a number of bands, which are separately transmitted and then recombined.