  • 切尔夫人没有任何精神准备,一时不能自抑,顿时泪水满面。她抽咽说,马克仍无任何消息,她十分挂念他。
    Tears were rolling down her eyes as she sobbingly told the reporter that there were still no news of Mark and that she was very worried about him.
  • 喷妥用于戊硫代巴比妥纳盐的商标
    A trademark used for thiopental sodium.
  • 如果你在面包上一些水,它会变软的。
    The bread will soften if you pour some liquid on it.
  • 古希腊南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼东南部;曾经受斯巴达的统治。
    an ancient region of S Greece in the southeastern Peloponnesus; dominated by Sparta.
  • 曼梯尼亚伯罗奔尼半岛东部,希腊南部的一个古城,公元前362年,底比斯在这里打败了斯巴达
    An ancient city of southern Greece in the eastern Peloponnesus. Thebes defeated Sparta here in362 b.c.
  • 伯罗奔尼半岛位于科林斯湾南岸的一个构成希腊南部的半岛,公元前4世纪前一直由斯巴达人统治
    A peninsula forming the southern part of Greece south of the Gulf of Corinth. It was dominated by Sparta until the fourth century b.c..
  • 拉哥尼亚古希腊南部的一个地区,位于伯罗奔尼东南部。在公元前3世纪和2世纪之间的第二次亚该亚联盟崛起以前该地一直受斯巴达的统治
    An ancient region of southern Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. It was dominated by Sparta until the rise of the second Achaean League in the third and second centuries b.c.
  • 阿戈斯古希腊的一个城邦,位于伯罗奔尼半岛东北部,靠近阿尔戈利斯湾上方。青铜器时代早期开始有人居住,斯巴达兴盛前是古希腊最强盛的城邦之一
    A city of ancient Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus near the head of the Gulf of Argolis. Inhabited from the early Bronze Age, it was one of the most powerful cities of ancient Greece until the rise of Sparta.
  • 来山得斯巴达军事统帅,他在404年的伯罗奔尼战争中取得了对雅典作战的最后胜利
    Spartan military leader who won the final victory over Athens(404) in the Peloponnesian War.
  • (公元前395年)在伯罗奔尼半岛的决战中打败雅典人的斯巴达指挥官。
    Spartan commander who defeated the Athenians in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War (d. 395 BC).
  • 开油漆或墨水的抹刀。
    a spatula for spreading paint or ink.
  • 开腿,尽快跑回家里。
    He sped home as fast as his legs could carry him.
  • 墨水撒在书桌上了。
    The ink has spilt on the desk.
  • 了个小谎说吃了菠菜。
    he told a fib about eating his spinach; how can I stop my child from telling stories?
  • 你可以服尔沙以通肝,服钢以通脾,服硫华以通肺,服海狸胶以通脑。
    You may take sarza to open the liver, steel to open the spleen, flowers of sulphur for the lungs, castoreum for the brain;
  • 飞机把这些草籽大量地在地面上。
    The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes.
  • 一些美国官员后来猜测,那些直升机被用来向库尔德人播毒气。
    The helicopters, some American officials later surmised, were used to spray poison gas on the Kurds.
  • 他把肥料撒在田。
    He spread manure over the field.
  • 他在菜地里撒菜种。
    He's spreading vegetable seeds around the vegetable plot.
  • 撒满了纸烟灰
    be sprinkled with cigarette ashes
  • 她把糖撒在蛋糕上。
    She sprinkled sugar on the cakes.
  • 一些盐在色拉上。
    I sprinkle some salt on the salad.
  • 如果我们将一些粉末到水中,然后在显微镜下加以观察,我们就会看见粉末的粒子被水分子推来推去,如果将水加热,那么粒子运动就快些。
    If we sprinkle some powder into water and then study it under a microscope, we shall see the particle of the powder being pushed about by the molecules of the water. If the water is heated the particles move more quickly.
  • 牧师赐给婴儿名字时,往它身上了圣水。
    Sprinklers are sprinkling water on the street each day.
  • 颜色暗淡像是上了粉末一样。
    as if dulled in color with a sprinkling of powder.
  • 在(食物)上粉末,如面粉或糖粉
    To coat(food) by sprinkling with a powder, such as flour or sugar.
  • 我不会接受你的辩解——你以前过那谎!
    I won't accept you excuse-you've spun that yarn before!
  • 他没有话答,只是笑,笑到嘴里含的一口饭都喷出来,得满桌上,还是吃吃不休。
    He did not answer but broke into laughter, sputtering his mouthful of food all over the table; He continued to eat without pause.
  • 当母亲说我们已经吃够了时,我们便腿冲向了厨房,那声响如同出自一群惊慌失措的牲口。
    When my mother told us we had eaten enough, it sounded like a stampede of cattle as we raced for the kitchen.
  • 法规尤指盎格鲁-克逊时期生效的法规或命令
    A statute or ordinance, especially one in force in Anglo-Saxon England.
  • 谎是我的天才,我不会这末傻,一下子就告诉他实数,我只说是属牛的,牛虽然笨,在十二生肖中,他是和其他的一样活动,可以说是四十六,也可以说是三十四,再嫌多的话,还可减到二十二,让聪明的主考自己去猜罢了。
    Well, telling lies is a natural talent of mine. I was not so stupid as to tell him my exact age straightaway. So I just told him I was born in the year of the ox. An ox may be a stupid animal, but it is one of the 12 animals in the cycle and it is as flexible as any of the rest. I might be 46 or 34. And if he thought that's too old, I could reduce it to 22. I would let this clever examiner make his own guess.
  • 在欢庆时节(如婚礼上)落的彩色碎纸片或纸条。
    small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions (as at a wedding).