  • 请宽限几天。
    Please extend the deadline a few days.
  • 期限放宽两天。
    The deadline will be extended two days.
  • 真的不能把期限限到下个月吗?
    Couldn't you put off the deadline till next month?
  • 对于“走后门”这个问题的处理要从严,不是从
    Instead of being lenient, we should be strict in handling cases of backdoor dealings.
  • 大处理了这个小偷。
    he dealt with the thief mercifully.
  • 军队从山里开出, 进入阔平原.
    The army debouched from the mountains into a wide plain.
  • 给债务人两周限期或两周
    To give a debtor a period of grace or two weeks ' grace
  • 由于各个机场的负责人在盐湖城集会,纷纷表示机场无法在12月31日前安装完毕炸弹勘测仪器,美国众议院于11月13日通过了同意将期限放一年的决议。
    The compromise passed the House on Wednesday as airport managers meeting in Salt Lake City expressed concern that many airports would not meet the Dec. 31 deadline to finish the construction needed to install bomb-detection machines.
  • (2)在《外商投资产业指导目录》(1997年12月修订版)中,对于投资中西部的外商投资项目条件放得更,如日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法生产线,仅在中西部地区可列为鼓励类,单机容量30万千瓦以下常规煤电列为限制(乙)类,但边远山区除外,实际上也是针对中西部地区。
    2. In the "Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industry Guidance"(Dec. 1997 Revised Version), conditions for foreign investment projects in western regions were much more relaxed. For instance, those cement projects that have a capacity of 4,000 tons daily can be classified into the category of encouragement; those coal burning power plants with a capacity of 300 MW per unit are classified into the limitation B category, except for remote areas. This policy is actually pointing at the mid and western regions.
  • 我妻子病时,我告假回家去,厂长对我是相当容和照顾的。
    The director of my factory was very decent about my being away when my wife was ill.
  • 宽而深的大冷冻库
    A deep walk-in refrigerator.
  • 父母对儿子的桀骜不驯示以了极大容。
    The parents showed remarkable forbearance toward their defiant and unruly son.
  • 沿俯冲带碰撞过程中的火山和压缩变形使大陆加厚,而侵蚀使它们消减,使之变平,变
    Volcanoes and compressive deformation during collisions along subduction zones makes continents thicker, while erosion wears them down, making them broader and flatter;
  • 膝外翻一种腿部的畸形,两个膝盖异常靠近,而两个踝关节伸开很
    A deformity of the legs in which the knees are abnormally close together and the ankles are spread widely apart.
  • 如果那人继续对她进行骚扰,我将对他这个违法者毫不容。
    If the man continues to molest her, I promise to keep no measures with the delinquent.
  • 丹尼斯很纳闷我为什么在哭,为什么把文瑞克抱得那么紧,为什么会说“我的上帝,我的上帝,请恕我。”
    Dennis wondered why I was crying and holding Erik so tightly and why I was saying, "My God, my God, forgive me.
  • 一九九九年四月,政府放私营机构债券利息收入可享利得税50%优惠税率的最低面值规定,由50万元调低至5万元。
    In April, the Government lowered the minimum denomination requirement for private sector debt securities to qualify for a 50 per cent profits tax concession on income derived from the securities from $500,000 to $50,000.
  • 澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚的体毛浓密、水生小哺乳动物,嘴和尾阔,脚有蹼;鸭嘴兽科的唯一种类。
    small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet; only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae.
  • 对于带已用尽的网络来说,还是有希望的,对于那些期望使其网络避免深层管理的精疲力竭的网络管理人员来说,也是有希望的。
    There's hope yet for bandwidth depleted networks -- and for weary network managers looking to keep their networks out of intensive care.
  • 叶的嫩菊苣,由于缺少日光照射,致使头部窄小发白。
    young broad-leaved endive plant deprived of light to form a narrow whitish head.
  • 那是一个让人难以忘怀的声音:深沉而富有热情,优美且让人慰,深沉中还隐含着笑意。
    It was the kind of voice that you never forget.Deep.Warm.Melodic..Soothing,yet with a hint of laughter hidden in those depths.
  • 这种达观产生了怀,使人能够带着容的嘲讽度其一生,逃开功名利禄的诱惑,而且终于使他接受命运给他的一切东西。
    From this detachment comes high-mindedness ( k'uunghuui ), a high-mindedness which enables one to go through life with tolerant irony and escape the temptations of fame and wealth and achievement, and eventually makes him take what comes.
  • 我们请求银行限付款期,但没门,他们拒绝了。
    We asked the bank for more time to pay but no dice; they refused.
  • 不同字符有不同度的任何字型。
    any font whose different characters have different widths.
  • 长是一种度量,又是一种度量。
    Length is one dimension, and width is another.
  • 度,幅度从一边到另一边的尺寸或范围;
    The measure or dimension from side to side; width.
  • 三度空间的物体有长,,高三个度量。
    A three-dimensional object has length, depth, and height.
  • 中国政府希望美国政府能从发展双边贸易与经济合作的长远利益考虑,切实采取有效措施,放乃至取消现行歧视性的出口管制政策,为促进中美贸易平衡健康发展多做些有益的工作。
    The Chinese Government hopes the US Government will, proceeding from the long-term interest of bilateral trade and economic co-operation, adopt effective measures to relax or even cancel the current discriminatory export control policies against China so as to usher in a healthy and balanced Sino-US trade relationship.
  • 可赦免的可恕的,如宣誓或教堂法律
    Subject to dispensation, as a vow or church law.
  • 一般地说来,游击队当分散使用,即所谓“化整为零”时,大体上是依下述几种情况实施的:(一)因敌取守势,暂时无集中打仗可能,采取对敌实行大正面的威胁时;
    Generally speaking, the dispersal of guerrilla units, or "breaking up the whole into parts", is employed chiefly: (1) when we want to threaten the enemy with a wide frontal attack because he is on the defensive, and there is temporarily no chance to mass our forces for action;
  • 在它敞的大厅里,展出了8000多件珍贵文物。
    In its spacious halls are displayed over 8000 priceless relics.
  • 接近地面,不均称的
    be close to the earth, or be disproportionately wide.