  • 他在仪式上誓就职总统。
    he was ceremonially sworn in as President.
  • 证明…合格布可胜任或有能力;证明
    To declare competent or capable; certify.
  • 经法律授权能够署名作证和证明文件的有效性,并且能够做誓证词的人。
    someone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document's validity and to take depositions.
  • 主席宣布散会。
    The chairman dismissed the meeting.
  • 主席宣布会议结束。
    The chairman declared the meeting adjourned.
  • 主席在10时30分布开会。
    The chairman opened the meeting at 10.30.
  • 杰别斯·伯兰德罕牧师在吉默吞飕的教堂讲的一篇神学论文。”
    A Pious Discourse delivered by the Reverend Jabes Branderham, in the Chapel of Gimmerden Sough.'
  • 在赴伦敦举行《舞台生涯》首映典礼的路上,美国司法部长布禁止卓别林再度入境美国。
    On his way to London for its premiere[3]. The US Attorney General had forbidden Chaplin re-entry to the United States.
  • 牧师在布道会上讲慈爱的必要。
    The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.
  • 中国政府还从50年代起在全国公民中开展普遍的民族理论和民族政策的传教育运动,大力倡导民族平等团结,反对民族主义特别是大汉族主义。
    At the same time, the Chinese government initiated a movement to universally promote and educate Chinese citizens in ethnic theories and policies, strongly advocated ethnic equality and unity, and opposed ethnic chauvinism, especially Han chauvinism.
  • 将死!国际象棋中告对手的“国王”被将死的感叹词
    Used to declare the checkmate of an opponent's king in chess.
  • 欢呼着的观众深深地被彼得里的痛苦所吸引。当第二名选手美国的约翰尼·海斯冲进体育场的时候,几乎没有什么人注意到彼得里已经被布为获胜者。
    Caught up in the drama of Pietri's agony,the cheering crowd hardly noticed that he was declared the winner just as second place runner,Johnny Hayes of the U.S.,entered the stadium.
  • 布过程中, 群众的欢呼声此起彼伏.
    The announcement was punctuated by cheers from the crowd.
  • 威尔金森,詹姆斯1757-1825美国独立战争时的将军,曾涉嫌于把肯塔基地区割让给西班牙的阴谋中,但最后被布无罪
    British chemist. He shared a1973 Nobel Prize for research on pollutants in automobile exhaust.
  • 受到大力传的演员;明星
    A performer who receives prominent billing; a star.
  • 在公元502年到556年的梁朝史官编纂的《梁书》中写道:齐朝(公元499年)有一个名叫慧深的中国和尚去扶桑国扬佛教,“扶桑”在大汉国以东20,000里7,000英里)。
    It was written in the Great Chinese Encyclopedia, compiled by the court historian of the Liang emperors from 502 to 556, that there was a Chinese Buddhist missionary, named Hui Shen, who went to a Kingdom of Fu sang during Chi Dynasty (499 A.D.) and that that country was 20,000 li(7,000 miles) to the east of Tahan.
  • 酋长有一个用喇叭布他的莅临的传令官。
    the chieftain had a herald who announced his arrival with a trumpet.
  • 而在广大农、牧民群众中主要是开展生育知识的传教育,提倡优生优育,改善妇幼保健条件,为自愿节育者提供避孕药具和节育技术服务;
    Among the broad masses of farmers and herdsmen, the government has mainly educated them in childbearing knowledge, advocated healthier birth and child-rearing practices, improved health care for women and children, and provided contraceptives and birth control technical services to those who volunteer to practise birth control.
  • 坚持以传教育为主、避孕为主、经常性工作为主,普及科学知识,为群众提供生产、生活、生育的优质服务,最大程度地满足群众计划生育和生殖健康需求,促进人的全面发展。
    Emphasis should be put on information, education, communication, contraception and regular services. It is necessary to disseminate knowledge on science and offer quality services to people in their daily life and childbearing matters, so as to meet their needs in family planning and reproductive health, thus promoting human development in a comprehensive way.
  • 坚持以传教育为主、避孕为主、经常性工作为主,普及科学知识,为群众提供生活、生育的优质服务,最大程度地满足群众计划生育和生殖健康需求,促进人的全面发展。
    Emphasis should be put on publicity and education, contraception and regular services. It is necessary to disseminate knowledge on science and offer quality services to people in their daily life and childbearing matters, so as to meet their needs in family planning and reproductive health, thus promoting human development in a comprehensive way.
  • 必须坚决改变某些地方主要依靠行政手段、突击活动来推行计划生育的做法,坚持以传教育为主、避孕为主、经常工作为主,为广大育龄群众提供计划生育优质服务,特别是要为广大妇女提供生殖保健服务,保护妇女的身心健康。
    The practice of pursuing family planning mainly through administrative means and campaigns in some areas must be resolutely changed. The emphasis should be put on the publicity and education, contraception and regular work. Quality service in family planning should be provided to the people of childbearing age, particularly the reproductive health care for women, to protect their health.
  • 应用数码解决方案公司正在传"植入芯片"的新概念。
    Applied Digital Solutions--which is trademarking the phrase"Get Chipped!"
  • 1992年2月,美国国家航空与航天局科学家布,北极附近的北半球源于氯氟化碳分解的一氧化氯处在前所未有的水平上,同时布这种情况可能引起欧洲、加拿大、俄罗斯和美国北部等许多地区臭氧空洞的发展。
    In February 1992, NASA scientists announced that levels of chlorine monoxide resulting from the breakdown of CFC's were at record levels above the Northern Hemisphere near the Arctic and that these conditions could cause an ozone hole to develop over much of Europe, Canada, Russia, and northern portions of the United States by the year 2000.
  • 九月三日在东京举行的国际微生物首次多边会议上读另一篇有关霍乱病毒的论文。
    Present another paper on cholera enterotoxin at the IAMS on 3 September in Tokyo.
  • 他到国外去向异教徒传基督教。
    He went abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen.
  • 与克里斯蒂娜·阿吉莱拉的夏秋季巡回演出在进行中,尽管富兰克林在仅加盟"命运之子"5个月后便布退出从而使这些计划复杂起来。
    A summer and fall tour with Christina Aguilera is in the works,although those plans have now been complicated by Franklin's announcement that she has left Destiny's Child,a mere five months after joining the group.
  • 陪审团布克里斯廷坠崖而死。
    The jury brought in a verdict that Christine had died from falling off a cliff.
  • 美国电话电报公司政府事务经理帕迪拉说,“说实在的,我们还没看到任何结果。”他说,协调委员会所布的解禁“几乎总是口惠而实不至。”
    Christopher A.Padilla, government-affairs manager for A.T. & T, said, "Practically speaking, we've yet to see any results." Cocom pronouncements about liberalization "are almost always a snow job," he said.
  • 报刊上流传起关于这对皇家夫妇的传闻,两周后此事得到证实,他们布离婚,真是无风不起浪嘛。
    A rumour circulated in the press about the royal couple, and two weeks later it was confirmed when they announced their divorce. There's no smoke without fire.
  • 传印刷的通知作为广告的方式。
    circulating printed notices as a means of advertising.
  • 根据情况,他被判有罪。
    he was convicted circumstantially.
  • 每年春天他们都要替马戏团大加传。
    Every spring they whoop it up for the circus.