  • 这个学生把书放在一起。
    The student piled his books.
  • 要洗的衣服积如山了。
    The laundry have really piled up.
  • 他堆起很多木头。
    He piled a lot of logs.
  • 成捆的木材劈后按捆成的木材
    Wood cut and piled in cords.
  • 这些书随意地放着。
    the books were piled up helter-skelter.
  • 衣服、家具和食品得像小山一样。
    Mountains of clothes,furniture and food piled up.
  • 他把文件堆在桌上。
    He piled the papers on his desk.
  • 隐匿不见使消失于被积起来的东西下面
    To cause to vanish under something piled up.
  • 他妻子常对他说上一大难听的话。
    His wife often piled masty things upon him.
  • 有的地方问题成堆。
    In some places the problems have piled up.
  • 碟子和盘子被放在餐桌上。
    Plates and dishes were piled on the table.
  • 那堵墙下瓦砾成堆。
    The debris has piled up against the wall.
  • 桌上堆满了票据。
    The invoices are piled up on the table.
  • 她把书积在我的房间里。
    She piled up her books in my living room.
  • 不久,风把雪吹积成一的。
    Soon the wind had piled the snow into drifts.
  • 积,层云雪等积起来的团块
    A piled-up mass, as of snow or clouds.
  • 哎呀,工作积得不少。
    Oh, wow. There's a lot of work piled up.
  • 书晃了几下,然后就倒了。
    The piles of books tottered and then fell.
  • “他在成的信件和剪辑中寻找”。
    he searched through piles of letters and clippings.
  • 街道因积着大量未融化的积雪而无法行走。
    streets unpassable because of piles of unmelted snow.
  • 我们把报纸一叠叠在地板上。
    We put the newspapers in piles on the floor.
  • 请你把这些衣服分成两,行吗?
    Can you sort these clothes into two piles, please?
  • 他们把干树叶推成一的点着了。
    They shovelled the dry leaves into piles and fired them.
  • 总经理的桌子上满了文件。
    The managing director 's desk is covered with piles of papers.
  • 链式反应,即原子反应含有大量的铀。
    Chain-reacting piles, or atomic-power reactors, contain a great quantity of uranium
  • 要不是你,我恐怕还在文件中挣扎。
    If it were not for you, I would be struggling in the piles of papers.
  • 这辆卡车从路上驶过,把雪推到路旁,成一的,就像铲子铲的一样。
    This truck goes along the road, shoveling the snow into great piles at the sides.
  •  运输企业应当将承运的不同质量的煤炭分装、分
    Transport enterprises shall put coal of different quality to be transported into different packages or stock piles.
  • 他们去看正在建造的新房子时,他们不得不跨过一碎砖头。
    They had to step over piles of broken bricks when they went to see their new house being built.
  • forrester研究公司认为,数据仓库提供了不能解决很多最终用户需求,并且无目标的昂贵数据积。
    Forrester Research, said that data warehouses "provide expensive piles of untargeted data that fail to address many end users' needs."
  • 我有时还会给客户出出主意,谈谈什么样的旅行更适合他们,还要准备回答成的问题。
    Sometimes I advice people on what kind of holiday tours will be suitable for them and get ready to answer piles of questions.
  • 长城的建立,仅靠尽心工作的人们把石头随意积起来还不行,它需要有熟练的建筑师指导和统一的目的才能建成。
    A great wall does not just happen because many committed people drop stones into piles. It requires a master architect, and a unity of purpose.