  • 下层社会的角色也包括在内,他们要么是充当有喜剧色彩的笑柄,要么是充当对主要角色点头腰的从属。
    Lower-class character are included either as comic butts or faithful forelock-touching adjuncts of the main characters.
  • 如果不是里出卖我告诉了工头,我是不会因迟到而受惩罚的。
    I would have got away with coming in late if Harry hadn't sold me down the river and told the foreman.
  • "起初他认为那幅油画是利斯的真迹,可是仔细一看他发现那是一件赝品。"
    "At first he believed the painting was an original by Harris, but by careful observation he found out that it was a forgery."
  • 使某人大怒、发狂、大笑
    Send sb into a rage, a frenzy, fits of laughter
  • 爱玛现在主要担心两件事。一是她曾对邱吉尔说过一些关于简的话,如果她早知道两人已经订婚,决不会那样做。二是她认为自已又一次鼓动里特堕入一段不能成功的恋情之中。
    Her chief concerns now were that she had said things about Jane to Churchill which she would not have said had she known of their engagement, and also that she had, as she believed, encouraged Harriet in another fruitless attachment.
  • 巴尼斯和研究人员们利用勃以及candra和xmm-牛顿x光天文台所做的工作引起了天体物理学家的极大兴趣,因为它们说明了银河系的碰撞似乎是恒星形成的起因。
    Barnes' work and that of researchers working with Hubble and the X-ray observatories Chandra and XMM-Newton have been of particular interest to astrophysicists because they show that galactic collisions appear to be triggers of star formation.
  • 亚洲领袖包括印度圣雄甘地、李光耀资政、马来西亚首相马迪等,都在对抗西方强权的历史过程中展现坚强而不亢不卑的态度,时至今日,实在没有必要流露因任何因素引发的媚外心态。
    Asian leaders, including Mohandas Gandhi of India, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, and Mahathir of Malaysia, are good examples of neither humble nor pushy dealings with the Western powers. In our times, there is absolutely no need to fawn on Westerners any longer.
  • ,谢谢。你(这么说)叫我非常高兴。
    Gee, thanks.You made my day.
  • ,谢谢。你(这么说)叫我非常高兴。
    Gee, thanks. you make my day.
  • 鉴于目前的性别研究大都将女性作为重点对象,佛将把重点放在男孩身上。
    With most of the energy in gender studies currently focused on girls, Harvard will look initially at males.
  • 莱拉说,她最终继承了父亲的遗传基因,而姐姐,娜的天赋在于诗歌。“天赋人各有之,不尽相同。
    Laila said she definitely picked up her dad's genetics while sister Hana's talents are in the area of poetry, "The talents have been divided evenly.
  • 赫尔茨伯格,格得生于1904德裔加拿大物理学家。他因理解分子的电子构造与几何形状而做出的贡献而获1971年诺贝尔化学奖
    German-born Canadian physicist. He won a1971 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his contributions to the understanding of the electronic structure and geometry of molecules.
  • 顿的一个区;黑人犹太人的居民区。
    a district of Manhattan; now largely a Black ghetto.
  • 如果你对朋友嘻嘻瞎胡闹,你该想到他们也会这样对待你。
    If you will act the giddy goat in front of your friends you must expect them to treat you accordingly.
  • 在费城的柯蒂斯学院(20岁时从佛大学以优异成绩毕业后),伯恩斯坦是伟大的弗里茨·赖纳的最具天赋的学生。
    At the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia (after graduating from Harvard, at 20. with honors), Bernstein was the most gifted pupil of the great Fritz Reiner.
  • 里,他的体形简直是个球状。
    Harry, whose shape came as near as makes no difference to a globe.
  • 姆雷特从舞台左侧退下。
    Hamlet goes off stage left.
  • 市内最美丽的遗迹肯夏伦位于卑尔根堡的城墙之内,这座13世纪的哥特式建筑,是在卑尔根市掌握着北海海上贸易的时期为聚会和接待客人而修建的。
    The Hakonshallen, the most beautiful monument in the city, lies within the walls of Bergen's fortress. The great 13th century Gothic hall was built for the parties and the receptions in the days of the city's control over trade in the North Sea.
  • 前[加州]州长布朗率领劳工游行经过曼顿南部,断言他以反抗既得势力做号召将会赢得胜利。
    Former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. led a labor march through lower Manhattan, asserting that his anti-establishment appeal would carry the day.
  • 原因之一是他们中许多人的家庭几代以前也曾经是一夫多妻制的--其中包括参议员奥林·奇和州长麦克·莱维特。
    One reason is that many come from families that were polygamous just a few short generations ago -- among them Sen. Orrin Hatch and Gov. Mike Leavitt.
  • 该党的忠诚分子提名曼顿区的领导人竞选州长。
    The party regulars slated the Manhattan district leader for the governorship.
  • 譬如,“夜鹰计划”说明,在肯尼迪机场搭出租车去曼顿有百分之六十六的危险被超额收费。那对[纽约]市的形象太好了。
    "Operation Nighthawk," for instance, showed that someone grabbing a cab at Kennedy Airport runs a 66% risk of being overcharged for a ride to Manhattan. Nice image for the city, that.
  • 就在二战前夕,她嫁给了菲利普·格雷厄姆--一个才华横溢的佛大学法学院的毕业生,在最高法院任职。
    Just before World War II,she married Philip Graham,a brilliant Harvard Law grad and Supreme Court clerk.
  • 格雷厄姆对他在索的夜晚的描绘,也许只是他的一个夸大的故事。
    Graham's description of his night in Soho is probably just one of his tall stories.
  • 我的两个孪生姐姐爱上了音乐。丽特·安妮学弹祖母留下的那台竖式钢琴,苏珊娜学拉父亲的那把小提琴。
    When my older twin sisters began showing an interest in music, Harriet Anne learned to play Grandma’s upright piano, while Suzanne turned to Daddy’s violin.
  • 世界第五大岛屿,是加拿到北极圈内最大的岛屿;位于格林兰岛和得逊海湾之间。
    the 5th largest island and the largest of the Canadian Arctic; between Greenland and Hudson Bay.
  • 罗,喂用于表示问候某人、听电话或是表达惊讶之情
    Used to greet someone, answer the telephone, or express surprise.
  • 阿洛传统问候语或分别时用语
    Used as a traditional greeting or farewell.
  • 上周去世的“甲壳虫乐队”成员乔治·里森的家人准备按照他的遗愿,把他的骨灰洒入这条印度圣河。
    George Harrison's family plan to immerse the ashes of the Beatle guitarist who died last week in the sacred Ganges river following a private ceremony, a spokesman for the Hare Krishna movement said on Monday.
  • 进入叙利亚班领土的20分钟后,在周三的晚上摩默德.里兹.迪伯离开经济舱,向一位乘务员喊叫并向机舱内开枪,一位名叫abeerbittar----来自宾西法尼亚纽卡斯尔的叙裔美籍家庭主妇回忆道。
    Twenty minutes into the Syria-bound flight, Mahmoud Rizq Deeb walked from the economy class Wednesday night, screamed at a flight attendant and sprayed the aircraft with gunfire, recalled passenger Abeer Bittar, a Syrian-American housewife from New Castle, Pa.
  • "那么他就是病了。""病了?!那我怎么看见一位绅士红光满面呢?"
    "Then he's ill." "Ill? Ha! If ever I saw a gentleman in the pink? "
  • 安妮:因为你是男的吧,……
    Annie: Just because that you am a man...Ha! Ha!