  • 烘好的蛋糕不容易切。
    A freshly baked cake doesn't cut easily.
  • "'这咖啡香味很好。''是的,这是冲好的。'"
    "'This coffee smells good.''Yes, it's freshly made.'"
  • 一种软而重的有毒金属,可延展,切下时呈蓝白色,但易失去光泽而变成暗灰色。
    a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull gray.
  • 这座白房子的旁边是一个用铁铣松过土的花畦,花畦旁有一堆黑而肥沃的泥土。
    Beside the house was a freshly spaded flower?bed, and nearby a pile of dark, rich earth.
  • 他们结婚;提出的反对理由;做的发型;雨水冲洗过的草;打扫过的地板;我们卖完西红柿。
    they are newly married; newly raised objections; a newly arranged hairdo; grass new washed by the rain; a freshly cleaned floor; we are fresh out of tomatoes.
  • 我们讨论最重要的问题时,他突然插嘴,说了些无关紧要的话。
    We had just got to the most interesting part of the discussion when he butted in with a frivolous remark.
  • 信用合作社的活动才开始。
    Credit co-operatives have just started functioning.
  • 提出筹集基金的问题, 他急忙插嘴说问题已经解决了.
    When I brought up the question of funding, he quickly interjected that it had been settled.
  • macy公司进一批皮货。
    Macy's has just got in a new shipment of furs.
  • 才骑马飞奔了吗?
    Did you gallop the horse just now?
  • 西方学者将日本描写成这样一个国家---由于传统习俗使那些摘掉尿布的儿童被迫对付应接不暇的考试,以确保在最好的大学内获得一席之地.。
    Western pundits painted a picture of a country gripped by a societal fixation to push and push children, barely out of diapers, to their absolute limit to pass a gauntlet of entrance exams required to secure a seat at the best universities.
  • 科学家们只是开始研究怎样利用这些组成人类基因组的大量数据,这些数据有将近30亿个基本单位。
    Scientists are only beginning to learn how to use the vast amount of data that makes up the human genome, nearly three billion basic units of information.
  • 向他开枪,他就跳出马车拼命地跑了。
    When I first shot him he jumped out of the gig and ran like the devil.
  • 与女朋友分手。
    My girlfriend and I just split up.
  • 获得2000英镑的加薪.
    I've just been given a 2000 pay rise.
  • 他是一个外柔内的人。
    He is one of those men who have an iron hand in a velvet glove.
  • 时钟敲过六点钟。
    It has just gone six.
  • 杰夫:才这场比赛,蓝队输就输在了那个守门员身上。
    Jeff: The Blue Team lost the game because of the goalkeeper.
  • 节奏轻快的乐曲模仿威尼斯朵拉船歌而作的歌曲
    A composition imitating a Venetian gondolier's song.
  • 走出饭店就遇见了我的朋友。
    Hardly had I gone out of the hotel when I met my friend.
  • 这里有中国读者问“那个公开叫嚷保护人权的美国哪里去了”,大洋对岸那边厢就有人送来网址,里面有克林顿和戈尔憨笑着的合影,和他们与夫人的公开电邮地址。
    A reader in China asked: "Where is Uncle Sam who has been so vocal about human rights? " Then, almost in real-time, someone on the other side of the Pacific responded with a link to the White House website, in which Clinton and Gore were all smiles, and e-mail addresses of the Clintons and the Gores were listed.
  • 得到考试的结果。很遗憾你没有及格。
    I have just gotten the examination results. I am afraid you have not passed.
  • 得到一个新的洗碗机。
    I've gotten a new dishwasher.
  • 到车站,火车就开了。
    I had scarcely gotten to the station when the train start.
  • 爱玛·伍德豪斯家境富有,人又聪颖、美丽,处于这种环境里的人有些娇生惯养,自以为是,也在情理之中。她参加了她的朋友、伴侣、前家庭教师泰勒小姐嫁给邻近的鳏夫韦斯顿先生的婚礼。
    Emma Woodhouse, rich, clever, beautiful, and no more spoiled and self-satisfied than one would expect under such circumstances, had just seen her friend, companion, and ex-governess, Miss Taylor, married to a neighboring widower, Mr. Weston.
  • 毕业,我还没有开始工作.
    I'm a recent grad and I haven't started working yet
  • 毕业准备教学的研究生。
    a graduate student with teaching responsibilities.
  • 我刚从学校毕业。
    I've just graduated from school.
  • 我妹妹刚从中学毕业
    My sister just graduated from a middile school.
  • 我的弟弟从中学毕业。毕业典礼是上周举行的。
    My brother graduated form high school. Graduation was last week.
  • 我的妹妹从中学毕业,毕业典礼是昨晚举行的。
    My sister graduated from high school. Graduation was last night.
  • 虽然《华盛顿邮报》正处于巨大的财政风险当中--《邮报》公司上市招股,同时尼克松政府威胁不批准《邮报》公司的电视转播许可证--格雷厄姆还是顶住了来自白宫的重重压力。
    Though the Post was at considerable financial risk? ? the Post Company had just gone public and the Nixon administration was threatening the Post's television licenses Graham stood up against the pressure from the White House.