  • 九五年清朝政府在中日战争中失败以后,孙中山依靠兴中会联络民间秘密团体会党的力量,在广东组织过两次反对清朝统治的武装起义,即一九五年的广州之役和一九○○年的惠州之役。
    With the support of the secret societies among the people, he staged two armed insurrections in Kwangtung Province against the Ching government after its defeat in the Sino-Japanese war in 1895, one at Canton in 1895 and the other at Huichow in 1900.
  • 中国菜分成大菜系,或者说种风味。如广东菜、北京菜、四川菜等等。
    It's divided into eight big cuisines, or say, eight styles, such as Cantonese food, Beijing food, Sichuan food, etc.
  • 所谓小康,从国民生产总值来说,就是年人均达到百美元。
    By a comparatively comfortable standard we mean a per capita GNP of US$800.
  • 现在,苏州市工农业总产值人均接近百美元。
    Gross annual industrial and agricultural output in the city of Suzhou has approached US$800 per capita.
  • 事实上,香港也经历过艰难的日子,汲取过惨痛的教训,特别是一九七年香港股票市场的资本总额一夜之间减少一半。
    If it is any consolation, we have had some hard times in Hong Kong too, and have had to learn some painful lessons, particularly in 1987 when the capitalization of our stock market halved almost overnight.
  • 这个电报,揭发了国民党顽固派的反共投降阴谋,驳斥了何、白强迫黄河以南路军、新四军在一个月内撤到黄河以北的荒谬命令;
    Exposing the plot by the Kuomintang reactionaries to attack the Communist Party and capitulate to Japan, they denounced Ho Ying-chin's and Pai Chung-hsi's absurd proposal that the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army should shift from the south to the north of the Yellow River.
  • 其结果,在抗日时期内,在一九三七年只有四万余人的路军和新四军,到一九四五年日本投降时就发展成为一百多万人的大军,并创建了许多革命根据地,在抗日战争中起了伟大的作用,使蒋介石在抗日时期既不敢投降日本,又不敢发动全国规模的内战,而到一九四六年发动全国规模的内战时,由路军新四军编成的人民解放军就有力量对付蒋介石的进攻了。
    As a result, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, which had just over 40,000 men when the War of Resistance began in 1937, grew to a great army of one million by the time Japan surrendered in 1945, established many revolutionary base areas, played a great part in the war and thus, throughout this period, made Chiang Kai-shek afraid to capitulate to Japan or launch a nation-wide civil war. In 1946, when Chiang Kai-shek did launch a nation-wide civil war, the People's Liberation Army, formed out of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, was strong enough to deal with his attacks.
  • 于是雪片一样地制造所谓“共产党捣乱”,“路军、新四军游而不击,不听指挥”,“陕甘宁边区实行割据,向外扩展”,“共产党阴谋推翻政府”,乃至“苏联阴谋侵略中国”等等的假消息、假报告、假文件、假决议,用以蒙蔽事实的真相,企图造成舆论,达其主和即投降之目的。
    For example, it has fabricated and released a spate of false news, false reports, false documents and false resolutions, such as: "the Communist Party engages in disruptive activities", "the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army are merely moving about without fighting and refuse to obey orders", "a separatist regime has been formed in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and is expanding beyond its confines", "the Communist Party is plotting to overthrow the government", and even, "the Soviet Union is plotting aggression against China". Its purpose is to make peace, or in other words to capitulate, by covering up the real facts and confusing public opinion.
  • 又如,共产党、路军、新四军坚决反对投降,坚持抗战团结的方针;
    At home, the Communist Party and the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies are firmly opposing capitulation and upholding the policy of resistance and unity;
  • 每年一度的国际综艺合家欢,今年已是第十六届,于七、月间举行,节目合共20项,包括剪纸剧场、中国舞、芭蕾舞、木偶戏、音乐会和儿童话剧,由3个海外艺团和10个本地艺团演出。
    The annual International Arts Carnival entered its 16th year in 1997. It took place in July and August and had 20 performances of paper theatre, Chinese dance, ballet, puppetry, concerts and children's drama. The shows were staged by three visiting and 10 local groups.
  • 杜唐卡蒙埃及第十王朝的国王。他的陵墓于1922年被霍华德·卡特发现时几乎完好无损
    King of Egypt during the XVIII Dynasty. His tomb was found almost intact by Howard Carter in1922.
  • 为加强消防处处理伤者众多事故的救伤能力而设立第二个流动救伤医护中心的计划,以及为所有救护车添置自动心脏去纤震器的计划已进入最后阶段,可望于一九九年初完成。
    The programmes to commission the second Mobile Casualty Treatment Centre to strengthen the ability of the Fire Services Department to handle multiple casualty incidents and to equip all ambulances with automatic external defibrillators reached a final stage and will be completed in early1998.
  • 北区医院是一所急症医院,於今年二月起,逐步投入服务,并於月设立急症室服务,随即提供全日二十四小时服务,有别於过往分期加长急症室服务时间的做法,为市民提供更方便的服务。
    The North District Hospital is a casualty clearing hospital. It has been operating in phases since February this year. In August, with the introduction of the accident and emergency services, the Hospital began to run 24-hour casualty services to offer the public with greater convenience.
  • 第七十条 煤矿企业的管理人员违章指挥、强令职工冒险作业,发生重大伤亡事故的,依照刑法第一百一十四条的规定追究刑事责任。
    Article 78 Where administrators of a coal mining enterprise give directions against regulations and order miners to work at risk, thus causing serious casualty, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the provisions of Article 114 of the Criminal Law.
  • 第七十九条 煤矿企业的管理人员对煤矿事故隐患不采取措施予以消除,发生重大伤亡事故的,比照刑法第一百十七条的规定追究刑事责任。
    Article 79 Where administrators of a coal mining enterprise take no measures against hidden danger of accident in the mine, thus resulting in serious casualty, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law.
  • 怎么办?我想买本目录,但是百元太贵了。
    What'll do? I want a catalogue, but $800 is too expensive.
  • 八纲辨证
    categorical identification in terms of Eight Classes
  • 九)有些人,基于战争的流动性,就从根本上否认战争计划或战争方针之相对的固定性,说这样的计划或方针是“机械的”东西。
    89. Because of the fluidity of war, some people categorically deny that war plans or policies can be relatively stable, describing such plans or policies as "mechanical".
  • 当时苻坚有步兵六十余万、骑兵二十七万、卫队三万余骑,东晋只有水陆军万。
    Fu Chien had an infantry force of more than 600,000, a cavalry force of 270,000 and a guards corps of more than 30,000, while the land and river forces of Eastern Tsin numbered only 80,000.
  • 这个洞穴是十世纪走私的人使用的。
    This cave was used by smugglersin the eighteenth century.
  • 中国共产党的十年,是把马克思列宁主义同中国实践相结合而不断追求真理、开拓创新的十年,是为民族解放、国家富强和人民幸福而不断艰苦奋斗、发愤图强的十年,是为完成肩负的历史使命而不断经受考验、发展壮大的十年。
    The 80 years of the Communist Party of China are 80 years of constant pursuit for truth and pioneering and creation by integrating Marxism-Leninism with China's practice ; they are 80 years of ceaseless and unremitting hard struggle for the liberation of the nation, the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people ; and they are 80 years of withstanding endless tests and growing steadily in strength in the course of accomplishing the historical missions.
  • (十四)除一刻也不放松对于路军新四军进攻之外,在各战场上的国民党军队和日军继续去年的休战状态,以便转到完全停战议和的局面;
    The Kuomintang to continue last year's state of cease-fire with Japan on all fronts in order to turn it into one of general truce and peace negotiations while ceaselessly attacking the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.
  • 一九五年六月五日,我们将庆祝胜利。
    And on June 5, 1985 we'll celebrate our victory.
  • 是的,真是酷热难耐。气温已经升到了三十摄氏度。
    Yes, it's sweltering. The temperature has climbed to thirty-eight degrees centigrade.
  • 为集中及改善供水故障汇报服务,该署于一九九年九月设立供水故障汇报中心,由经过特别训练的客户服务代表全日24小时当值,代替现有的两个供水故障投诉中心。
    To centralise and improve the technical fault report service, the two existing Technical Complaint Centres were replaced by a Technical Fault Report Centre in September 1998, which is manned 24 hours a day by specially trained customer service officers.
  • 世纪法国唯物主义
    French materialism in the 18th century
  • 他是十八世纪的人。
    He lived in the 18th century.
  • 这看上去更像十世纪的英格兰。
    It looks more like the eighteenth-century England.
  • 今天,我们在这里隆重集会,同全国各族人民一道庆祝中国共产党成立十周年,也同世界上一切爱好和平和追求进步的人们一道,瞻望中国和世界发展的光明前景。
    We gather ceremoniously here today to celebrate , together with the people of all ethnic groups across the country, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and along with all people in the world who love peace and pursue progress , look to the bright future of the development of China and the world.
  • 该监狱于一九九七年月四日投入服务,认可收容额为208名。尽管监狱挤迫对资源方面造成相当压力,惩教署仍能继续有效地实施各项计划。
    It became operational on August 4, 1997, with a certified accommodation of 208.Despite overcrowding which stretched resources, the CSD continued to implement its programmes effectively.
  • [26]但在过去的年中,随着学生与持证教员一起对体育投入时间的增加,教员们帮助学生不断提高特定的保健技能----包括社交合作和集体配合,成绩开始发生了变化。
    [26] But over the past eight years, as students spent more time in PE with certified instructors who helped them work on specific fitness skills--including social cooperation and teamwork--the scores began to tell a different story.
  • 委员会与律敦治医院、香港大学社会医学系和护理学系、香港中文大学社会及家庭医学系携手合作,于二零零零年月在律敦治医院成立香港戒烟健康中心,提供戒烟辅导服务。
    In collaboration with the Ruttonjee Hospital, the Department of Community Medicine and the Department of Nursing Studies of the University of Hong Kong, and the Department of Community and Family Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the council set up in August 2000 a Smoking Cessation Health Centre, located at the Ruttonjee Hospital, to provide smoking cessation support services.