  • 丰富的,富裕的大量存在或足供应的
    Existing in great quantity or ample supply.
  • 我们的水供应很足。
    We have an ample supply of water.
  • 达到足的程度;以足的方式。
    to an ample degree or in an ample manner.
  • 有为晚会准备的足的事物;足供应。
    had ample food for the party; an ample supply.
  • 富裕的,手头宽裕的有足经济来源的
    Having ample financial resources; well-off.
  • 玛丁有分的理由说明他所做的是对的。
    Martin have ample justification for what he do.
  • 玛丁有分的理由说明他所做的是对的。
    Martin has ample justifications for what he did.
  • 他们的国家准备足的储备粮。
    Their country has set aside ample reserve grain.
  • 一个有足阳光通过落地窗的房间
    A room that provides ample sunlight through French windows.
  • 我们生产大队已经留出了足的储备粮。
    Our production brigade has set aside ample reserve grain.
  • 她没有分利用她的材料。
    She is not doing ample justice to her material.
  • 这些条件是:(1)我们有足的力量;
    These are: (1) that we have ample strength;
  • 佩尔特博士任总统的酒吧侍者已是老手了。
    Dr.Pelt had had ample of experience playing presidential bartender.
  • 一本分显示著者学术水平的书
    A book that gives ample evidence of the author's scholarship.
  • 分的理由相信那个人是无辜的。
    There is ample reason to believe that the man is innocent.
  • 这样她就有裕的时间准备一日三餐饭。
    This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day.
  • 这对年青夫妇已经积蓄了足的钱去度暑假了。
    The young couple have already saved ample money for the summer vocation.
  • 琳达在家用开支方面得到的钱很裕,但得到的零花钱却很少。
    Linda was given ample allowance for household expenses, but very little for pocket money.
  • 他们正采取措施实货源。
    They are taking steps to amplify their supply source.
  • 这个问题值得引起广大的注意和讨论,我所说的只是一个概论,希望诸位研究讨论,给以指正和补
    The problem of protracted war deserves wide attention and discussion; What I have given is only an outline, which I hope you will examine and discuss, amend and amplify.
  • 这些照片以其综合性和丰富而满了想像力。
    By their comprehensiveness and amplitude these picture fille the imagination.
  • 我为自己的努力得到分的报偿而感到高兴。
    I have the satisfaction of being amply rewarded for my efforts.
  • 你的忠心的赞助会得到分的酬谢。
    You will be amply recomposed for your loyal support.
  • 证据完全进一步分证实了我们的猜疑;他们吃饱了。
    the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions; they were fully (or amply) fed.
  • 女主人说屋里已没有酒了—这是为了使他不致于喝醉而有分理由撒出的一个彬彬有礼的小谎。
    The hostess said there was no more drink in the house—a white lie amply justified by the need to get him sobered up.
  • 听众被他满机智短诗的演讲迷住了。
    The audiences are amused by his speech full of epigrams.
  • 无论是开会发言、写文章,都要进行分的说理和实事求是的科学分析。
    When speaking at meetings or writing articles, people should reason things out and analyse them rationally and scientifically.
  • 重点开展运动训练的科学监控研究;体育训练信息采集、分析系统研究;先进训练技术综合应用示范;训练比赛及其器材、设备研制;运动员的科学选材研究;运动损伤机理与调节研究;人体创伤快速修复方法研究;运动员体能恢复和营养补;运动性疲劳发生和恢复的机理研究;体能项目运动员膳食rda的制定和科学干预等。
    This project includes as follows: the major study of scientific monitoring of players' training and of collection of physical training information, and of analytical system, and the comprehensive application and demonstration of advanced technique of training, and competition training and its development of equipment and material, and the study of scientific selection of players and of the injury function for sport and its adjustment, and of the method of quick curing of wound of human body, and recovery of players' physical efficiency and supplement of their nutrition, and of the function of occurrence and recovery of sport fatigue, and establishment of the normal of diet RDA players of physical efficiency and scientific interference etc.
  • 难道主要地不是由于他们坚持为人民服务的立场,用自我牺牲的精神,树立了模范的军民关系,在部队内部建立了能够分发扬下级官兵积极性的同志式的关系,并且依靠群众,总结每次战争的经验,从战术到战略都不断地得到进步的原故吗?
    Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
  • 战争,虚伪,诈骗,混乱以及迫在眉睫的杀戮斥了我们日常生活的世界里。
    Wes till do; living in a world in which war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives.
  • 为被一个团体接受为成员掩盖自己的家世或背景
    To be accepted as a member of a group by denying one's own ancestry or background.
  • 管理风格:“自从我认识迪克以后,我认为他有能力开发、学习和适应风云变幻的环境。”bestbuy的总裁和coo布来德布利.安得森如是说,“他已经转变了他的运营风格,不再是七十年代的那种极权作风了。现在,他会给你分的自由去做你自己必须要做的事情。”
    Management Style: "Dick has been able to develop, learn, and adapt to changing environments over the years I've known him," says Best Buy president and COO Bradbury Anderson. "He's adjusted his operating style from a hands-on, domineering style in the '70s to one now where he gives you the freedom to do what you need to do."