  • 豪达荷兰西部一城市,鹿特丹的北方。1272年成立自治市,由于奶酪市场而扬名。人口60,026
    A city of western Netherlands northeast of Rotterdam. Chartered in1272, it is noted for its cheese market. Population,60, 026.
  • 艾恩德霍芬荷兰南部的一座城市,位于鹿特丹南,在地图上开始标名于1232年。在第二次世界大战期间是盟军攻击的主要目标。人口192,854
    A city of southern Netherlands southeast of Rotterdam. Chartered in1232, it was a major Allied objective in World War II. Population,192, 854.
  • 毛泽同志正确处理党内问题的政策,使大家团结起来了,渡过了最困难的时刻,完成了长征。
    Thanks to Comrade Mao Zedong's policy of correctly handling problems within the Party, we became more united, went through our roughest time and completed the Long March.
  • 它们靠着先进的滴灌技术顽强扎根在沙山移的通道上,地面粗糙度数百倍地增加使得风速急剧锐减。
    These plants are tenaciously rooted in the passage of the eastward shift of the sand dunes by means of the advanced dripping technology. The increase of the ground roughness several hundred-fold makes the wind velocity quickly decrease.
  • 它们(两样西)都是圆的。
    They are both round.
  • 它们(两样西)都是圆的。
    They is both round.
  • 通过与水糖或牛奶等西混合而变得有活力。
    activate by mixing with water and sometimes sugar or milk.
  • 在丁太太送晚饭来时,我装着打听关于我的住所必需的西,请她坐下来守着我吃,真诚地希望她是一个地道的爱絮叨的人,希望她的话不是使我兴高采烈,就是催我入眠。
    and, under pretence of gaining information concerning the necessities of my establishment, I desired Mrs Dean, when she brought in supper, to sit down while I ate it; hoping sincerely she would prove a regular gossip, and either rouse me to animation or lull me to sleep by her talk.
  • 两路之具体作战部署,第七、第九两兵团之进路线,均由三野首长另以详细命令规定之。
    The specific battle plan for these two routes and the route along which the Seventh and Ninth Armies are to march eastward is to be worked out by the commanders of the Third Field Army.
  • 所有中巴路线均设票价优晃垃优待12岁以下(市区半直通线、旅游服务和区走廊特快线除外)及年满65岁的乘客(机场线除外)。
    Children under 12 were offered concessionary fares on every service except routes with urban limited stop, recreation and Island Eastern Corridor express routes. Passengers aged 65 or above were offered concessions on all CMB route except airport routes.
  • 南水北调(东线)
    Water Diversion Project (East Route)
  • 八路军山东纵队
    Shandong Column of Eighth Route Army
  • 还有数条直通巴士线,直达广省和华南各地。
    Direct bus services operate different routes into Guangdong and other parts of southern China.
  • 南反“九路围攻”
    Counter-Campaign against “Besiegment by Nine Routes of the Enemy Forces” in Southeastern Shanxi
  • 再做同样一个西的动作。
    an act of duplicating.
  • 员工们常常在办公室里讨论私事,彼此通报家里又添置了什么西,孩子生病的情况,以及夫妇间的疾病治疗的复杂性。
    Workers routinely discuss their personal affairs in the office, keeping each other informed about their home purchases, their children's illnesses, and the convo- luted nature of their marital therapy.
  • 我讲的西别人理解了吗?
    Did I get it across?
  • 因此他们不赞成争取江西的计划,而只赞成在福建、广、江西之间的三个边界区域的流动游击,同时也没有在游击区域建立红色政权的深刻的观念,因此也就没有用这种红色政权的巩固和扩大去促进全国革命高潮的深刻的观念。
    Therefore, they disapprove of the plan to take Kiangsi and only approve of roving guerrilla actions in the three areas on the borders of Fukien, Kwangtung and Kiangsi; at the same time, as they do not have a deep understanding of what it means to establish Red political power in the guerrilla areas, they do not have a deep understanding of the idea of accelerating the nation-wide revolutionary high tide through the consolidation and expansion of Red political power.
  • 六,也就会明白单纯的流动游击政策,不能完成促进全国革命高潮的任务,而朱德毛泽式、方志敏⑴式之有根据地的,有计划地建设政权的,深入土地革命的,扩大人民武装的路线是经由乡赤卫队、区赤卫大队、县赤卫总队、地方红军直至正规红军这样一套办法的,政权发展是波浪式地向前扩大的,等等的政策,无疑义地是正确的。
    And sixthly, one will also understand that the policy which merely calls for roving guerrilla actions cannot accomplish the task of accelerating this nation-wide revolutionary high tide, while the kind of policy adopted by Chu Teh and Mao Tse-tung and also by Fang Chih-min[1] is undoubtedly correct -- that is, the policy of establishing base areas; of systematically setting up political power; of deepening the agrarian revolution; of expanding the people's armed forces by a comprehensive process of building up first the township Red Guards, then the district Red Guards, then the county Red Guards, then the local Red Army troops, all the way up to the regular Red Army troops, of spreading political power by advancing in a series of waves, etc., etc.
  • 西摸上去象橡胶。
    It feels like rubber.
  • 车轮擦到某种东西。
    The wheel is rubbing against something.
  • 轮胎似乎损坏严重,肯定是与什么西摩擦的。
    This tyre seems badly worn , it must be rubbing.
  • 这轮胎看来磨损严重,一定被什么西磨擦了。
    This tyre seems badly worn; it must be rubbing against on something.
  • 废物毫无价值的西;垃圾
    Something of no value; rubbish.
  • 不管借口多么有道理,文明如果使人类失掉了土地,便是一种不好的文明,假使在未来的文明中,每个人都能够拥有一英亩的土地,那么,他便有一点西可以开始发展了。
    No matter what the excuse, a civilization that deprives man of land is wrong. But suppose in a future civilization every man is able to own an acre of land, then he has got something to start with.
  • 西没用--你把它扔了吧。
    That's rubbish you can throw it away.
  • 省450万妇女开发“吨粮田”900万亩,占全拾吨粮田”面积的60%,平均亩产达1016公斤。
    In Shandong Province, 4.5 million women opened 9 million mu (one mu equals about 6.7 acre) of high-yield fields, 60 percent of the total land in the province, on average 1,016 kilograms per mu.
  • 残骸破裂或被毁坏的西剩下的碎片、碎石或残余物
    The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage.
  • 不想获得;没有兴趣得到或拥有任何西。
    not acquisitive; not interested in acquiring or owning anything.
  • 征服地通过征服而获得的西,例如领土
    Something, such as territory, acquired by conquering.
  • 无须付钱而得到的西。
    something acquired without compensation.
  • 通过购买获得的西。
    something acquired by purchase.