  • 我们这里讲的是一个缓慢的、不易觉察的语言演变过程,因而就不可能说明拉语口语时代到底何时结束,而罗曼语族又是何时开始的。
    Since we are dealing here with a slow and imperceptible process, it is impossible to say when spoken Latin ends and Romance begins.
  • 感染的伤口;被迫走进被感染的屋子-简·奥斯
    dirty wounds; obliged to go into infected rooms- Jane Austen.
  • 布贝尔,马1878-1965奥地利裔的犹太学者和哲学家。其名著我和你(1923年)以神与人之间的直接对话为前提
    Austrian-born Judaic scholar and philosopher whose influential I and Thou(1923) posits a direct personal dialogue between God and the individual.
  • 一镇静剂(贸易名字valium)常用作减少忧虑并且放松肌肉;通过提高神经递质伽马氨基酸的抑制作用行动。
    a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions of the neurotransmitter GABA.
  • 妇女还担任联合国欧洲和西亚区域委员会首长。这些区域委员会与非洲、亚洲和太平洋以及拉美洲和加勒比区域委员会一道,倡议促进区域经济发展的措施。
    Women also head the UN regional commissions for Europe and Western Asia which – along with regional commissions for Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean – initiate measures to promote regional economic development.
  • (犹太习俗)男孩满十三足岁即为成,举行成了仪式,以后即负成年人的责。
    (Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility.
  • 爱丽丝认为这是同老鼠谈话的方式,以前,她没有做过这种事,可她记得哥哥的《拉文语法》中有:“一只老鼠……一只老鼠……喂,老鼠!”现在这老鼠狐疑地看着她,好像还把一只小眼睛向她眨了眨,但没说话。
    (Alice thought this must be the right way of speaking to a mouse: she had never done such a thing before, but she remembered having seen in her brother's Latin Grammar, `A mouse--of a mouse--to a mouse--a mouse--O mouse!' The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively, and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes, but it said nothing.
  • 那园给花喷洒了杀虫剂。
    The gardener sprayed insecticide on the flowers.
  • 给玫瑰丛喷上了杀虫剂。
    The gardener sprayed insecticide on the rose - bushes.
  • 拉丁美洲一体化协会
    Latin American Integration Association, LAIA
  • 当然,你过去的作经历和成功,也能使面试官了解你的工作热情。
    And, of course, your previous experience and success will tell the interviewer about your enthusiasm for work.
  • 爱尔兰拉语和文学语言中的爱尔兰岛
    The Latin and poetic name for the island of Ireland.
  • 具有柔和的香紫色至蓝色花的一种欧洲鸢尾。
    European iris having soft lilac-blue flowers.
  • 烯乙烯的三种气态同分异构体之一,c4h8,主要用于制造合成橡胶
    Any of three gaseous isomeric ethylene hydrocarbons, C4H8, used principally in making synthetic rubbers.
  • 语古拉人和罗马人的印欧语言。拉语作为印欧语系意大利语族的最重要的一员,被分为几个历史性阶段和社会方言,并且还是直至17世纪未西欧的最重要的文化语言
    The Indo-European language of the ancient Latins and Romans. Latin, the most important member of the Italic branch of Indo-European, is divided into several historical periods and social dialects and was the most important cultural language of western Europe until the end of the17th century.
  • 打出一个刺拳和一个组合拳。
    Martin uses a jab and a combination.
  • 铃丁当乱响。
    The bell jangled.
  • 我能听到零钱相碰而发出的熟悉的当声,他总是把这些零钱带在身上。
    I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried.
  • 乔木和灌木科具有浆果或核果或蒴果;橄榄;岑树;茉莉;女贞;香。
    trees and shrubs having berries or drupes or capsules as fruits; sometimes placed in the order Oleales: olive; ash; jasmine; privet; lilac.
  • “这都是基米·范林干的。
    “That’s all Jimmy Valentine’s work.
  • 她将从加拿大动身去拉美洲。
    She will journey to Latin America from Canada.
  • 顺着这条马路一直走到一个字路口。
    Go straight down the street until you reach a T-junction.
  • 王平:我最喜欢看卡车大赛。
    Wang Ping: I like to watch the go-kart race most.
  • 你应该看一看马在计算机键盘上表演的拿手好戏。
    You should see Martin doing his stuff on the computer keyboard.
  • 小马丁·路德·金
    by Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • 日工拉美洲或美国西南部的不熟练的劳动力或农场工人
    An unskilled laborer or farm worker of Latin America or the southwest United States.
  • 那整个炎热的夏天,马和劳拉都在工作,画画。
    Through that hot summer Martin and Leora laboured , painting.
  • 源自拉语l硃sus,源自l砨旱墓?シ执蔥消逝,终止]。
    FromLatin l硃sus, from past participle of l砨篬 to lapse ].
  • 他父亲是拉丁人。
    His father is Latin.
  • 他的兄弟很精通拉文。
    His brother is quite at home on Latin.
  • 语学者;拉语诗句
    A Latin scholar; Latin verse.
  • 记住她的拉丁动词
    Knows her Latin verbs.