  • 数量上常大的;太充足的。
    very great in quantity; overabundant.
  • 潘趣传统滑稽木偶剧潘趣与朱迪中爱惹事生的鹰钩鼻的木偶形象,是朱迪的丈夫
    The quarrelsome hook-nosed husband of Judy in the comic puppet show Punch and Judy.
  • 我的兄弟是航空公司的驾驶员,他常热爱自己的工作。
    My brother is a pilot with the airlines. He loves his job very much.
  • 他与常富有的舒潘齐交上了朋友,后者的室内小乐队演奏了很多他的弦乐四重奏。
    He made friends too with jolly fat Schuj.panzigh, whose chamber group performed many of his string quartets.
  • 还有a小调g大调和d小调这三个弦乐四重奏以及一部常精彩的弦乐五重奏,这是他最后的作品之一。
    the three string quartets in A minor, G major, and D minor,, and a heavenly Quintet for Strings, one of Schubert's last works.
  • 洲的准皇家统治者之一。
    one of the quasi-royal rulers of Africa.
  • (商标)钴基合金,含铬和其他金属,常坚硬,用于切削工具或摩擦大的表面。
    (trademark) a cobalt-base alloy with chromium and other metals; very hard; used to make cutting tools and for surfaces subject to heavy wear.
  • 蔓生三叶草本植物,钴蓝色花。
    trailing trifoliate Asiatic and African herb having cobalt blue flowers.
  • 生长在昆士兰州和新南威尔士州的一种常高大的树。
    very tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales.
  • 这次我们采用戒严的方式解决了动乱问题,这是常必要的。
    So we had to quell the turmoil by imposing martial law.
  • 绿茶含有一些黄酮醇,其基本化学结构为:茶中特有的黄酮醇有杨梅黄酮(3'、4'、5'碳位上羟基化)、豕草花粉苷(3'和4'碳位上羟基化),莰醇(4'碳位上羟基化),以及它们的糖苷物。
    Green tea contains a number of flavonols with the basic structure Specific flavonols found in tea include myricetin (hydroxyls at carbon 3', 4', and 5'), quercetin (hydroxyls at positions 3' and 4'), and kaempferol (hydroxyl at position 4'), and their glycosides.
  • 常象金鱼的欧洲鲤鱼。
    European carp closely resembling wild goldfish.
  • 欧洲南部和北干燥的丛林中的一种小灌木;栽培供欣赏其美丽的花和柔软、芬芳、长有绒毛的常绿叶。
    small shrubs of scrub and dry woodland regions of southern Europe and North Africa; grown for their showy flowers and soft often downy and aromatic evergreen foliage.
  • 草地和丛林中陆栖穴居并是夜间活动的蛙,头的上表皮常硬;产于美国西南部。
    terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head; of the United States southwest.
  • 每一次这样的机会都体现了双方各自奋斗目标之间的密切关系,比方说北大所代表的治学传统和南人民对正义和自由的渴望之间的关系。
    Each occasion expresses an affinity between ideals, such as those of the tradition of learning embodied in Beijing Uni versity, and the people of South Africa's quest for justice and freedom.
  • 婚姻全都没有爱。1517年对牧师是否应禁欲都表示怀疑的马丁·路德,却对婚姻改变了态度。
    Not all marriages were without love, but it was Martin Luther, who in 1517 quest ioned whether it was necessary for a priest to be celibate, who changed attitude s to wedlock.
  • 像很多社区里藉藉无名而雄心万丈的政客一样,这位45岁的国会议虽一直奔走于律师事务所和工会。无是寻求足够捐款以换取政治威望。
    Like little-known but ambitious politicians in many communities, the 45-year-old Congressman has been making the rounds of the state's la firms and union halls, all in a quest to raise enough money to buy political respect.
  • 生长于热带森林和丛林地带的大而生命力强的附生蕨类植物;产于洲、亚洲和澳大利亚。
    large robust epiphytic ferns of tropical forest and scrub; Africa and Asia and Australia.
  • 常想问问阿尔芒有关玛格丽特的事情,因为书上的题词,这位青年的长途跋涉和他想得到这本书的强烈愿望都引起了我的好奇心,但是我又不敢贸然向我的客人提出这些问题,生怕他以为我不接受他的钱只是为了有权干预他的私事。
    I very much wanted to question Armand about Marguerite, for the dedication in the book, the young man's journey, his desire to possess the volume, all excited my curiosity; but I feared that by questioning my visitor, I should appear to have refused his money simply to have the right to pry into his business.
  • 这种有问题的主张肯定会招致议.
    Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.
  • 正式的货币不打算用作通货来流通的,尤指由有争议的当局发行的硬币
    A coin issued especially by a questionable authority and not intended for use as currency.
  • 中国传统音乐常棒,要让我谈谈比利时传统音乐,我会不知该说什么,恐怕举不出太多例子。但这里传统音乐的因素却常之多。
    The traditional music in China is very very strong. If you would ask me how is the traditional music in Belgian, well, it's very questionable, I don't know if I could give you a lot of examples. But there is lot here in China.
  • 提出常尖锐问题的人。
    a questioner who is excessively harsh.
  • 好问是者,恰是是之人。
    Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler.
  • 调查人询问或进行调查者,尤指常严厉或粗暴的质问者
    One who inquires or makes an inquisition, especially a questioner who is excessively rigorous or harsh.
  • 有工作的家庭主妇需要快速炊具。因为时间常宝贵。
    The working wife wants the quicker-cooking joint. Time is at premium.
  • 这架飞机的速度常快。
    The speed of this aircraft is very high.
  • 兔子繁殖非常快。
    Rabbits breed very quickly.
  • 产于洲南部的树眼镜蛇,由于其咬人迅速敏捷而令人恐怖。
    southern African mamba dreaded because of its quickness and readiness to bite.
  • 为了逃避责任,上帝又何以会赐予我们以如是敏捷动作?
    Why did the Lord give us so much quickness of movement unless it was to avoid responsibility?
  • 为了逃避责任,上帝又何以会赐予我们以如是敏捷的动作?
    Why do the lord give us so much quickness of movement unless it is to avoid responsibility?
  • 所需要的物品常常几乎完全由先进社会的商人来供应,但常常也会在这个国家自身内兴起一个工匠阶级。这些人对物品的性质没有太多的了解,全靠敏锐的感觉、耐心的观察和灵巧的双手做出某些常精致的物品,如印度的某些棉织品就是这样。
    This demand is often supplied almost exclusively by the merchants of more advanced communities, but often also raises up in the country itself a class of artificers, by whom certain fabrics are carried to as high excellence as can be given by patience,quickness of perception and observation, and manual dexterity,without any considerable knowledge of the properties of objects:such as some of the cotton fabrics of India.