  • 这座像具体表现出刻家的情感。
    The statue embodies the sentiment of the sculptor.
  • 为画家或塑家摆姿势的人。
    a person who poses for a painter or sculptor.
  • 为摄影师、画家或塑家摆姿势的人。
    a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor.
  • 在进行了绘画方面的探索之后又回到自己领域的塑家
    A sculptor back on her own ground after experiments with painting.
  • 刻家把大理石块凿成优美的像。
    The sculptor chisel the lump of marble into a fine statue.
  • 刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。
    The sculptor work the clay into the shape of a woman.
  • 拉歇兹,加斯东1882-1935法国裔美国塑家,以其巨型裸体塑闻名,作品包括站立的女人
    French-born American sculptor known for his large nude figures, including Standing Woman.
  • 马约尔,阿里斯蒂德1861-1944法国刻家,以其深受古典风格影响的裸女像而著名
    French sculptor noted for his large, classically influenced statues of female nudes.
  • 他既是著名的刻家又是杰出的肖像画家。
    He is eminent both as a sculptor and as a portrait painter.
  • 他发挥艺术天才,成了刻家
    He turned his artistic gift to good account by becoming a sculptor
  • 德加,(西莱尔·热尔曼)埃德加1834-1917法国画家、塑家,尤以擅长于描绘芭蕾舞演员优美细腻的舞姿而闻名
    French painter and sculptor noted especially for his fluid studies of ballet dancers.
  • 切利尼,贝温尤托1500-1571意大利作家及塑家,以其作品自传和柏尔修斯的塑而闻名
    Italian writer and sculptor who is known for his Autobiography and his sculpture of Perseus.
  • 普莱克西泰勒斯希腊塑家,其现存的稀有的几部作品包括1877年在奥林匹亚发现的手抱戴奥尼塞斯的赫尔墨斯
    Greek sculptor whose few surviving works include Hermes Carrying Dionysius, discovered at Olympia(1877).
  • 霍夫曼,马尔维纳1887-1966美国塑家,他为芝加哥的菲尔德博物馆塑造了110座不同文化类型的
    American sculptor who executed110 figures of ethnic types for the Field Museum in Chicago(1930-1933).
  • 看着泥团在塑家手下成了栩栩如生的形象真令人惊叹。
    It was amazing to watch the lump of clay take life beneath the sculptor's hands.
  • 罗丹是自米开朗基罗之后最著名的刻家:人们热爱罗丹,对米开朗基罗则只是尊敬。
    Rodin is the most famous sculptor since Michelangelo: people love Rodin, while Michelangelo is merely respected.
  • 凯利,埃尔斯沃思生于1923美国抽象画家和塑家,其作品以颜色区较平并有界线极分明的边为标志
    American abstract painter and sculptor whose works are characterized by flat color areas with sharply defined edges.
  • 林,马雅生于1959美国塑家和建筑家,其公共工程有位于华盛顿特区的越战老兵纪念碑(1982年)
    American sculptor and architect whose public works include the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.(1982).
  • 只是在信的末尾他才几乎顺便地提到他是一名好的画家和塑家。
    Only at the end does, he mention, almost incidentally, that he is a good painter and sculptor.
  • 莫迪利亚尼,阿梅代1884-1920意大利画家和塑家,以其塑和裸体画优美、拉长的线条而著称,包括斜卧的裸女(1917年)
    Italian painter and sculptor noted for the graceful, elongated lines of his portraits and nudes, including Reclining Nude(1917).
  • 爱波斯坦,雅格布1880-1959生于美国的英国塑家,以其胸像作品和其宏大却褒贬不一的作品而闻名,如大理石塑维纳斯(1917年)
    American-born British sculptor who is noted for his busts and his massive, controversial works, such as the marble Venus(1917).
  • 考尔德,亚历山大1898-1976美国塑家,三十年代早期在巴黎创造了活动塑,并且创立了固定的抽象塑,即众所周知的稳定风格
    American sculptor who created the mobile in Paris in the early1930's and also produced immobile abstract sculptures known as stabiles.
  • 赫普沃思,芭芭拉1903-1975英国刻家,以纽约市联合国大厦前的独影(纪念戴各·哈马啥尔德)而著名
    British sculptor best known for her Single Form(Memorial to Dag Hammarskj鰈d) at the United Nations Plaza in New York City.
  • 艺术模特作为艺术家的描述对象,尤指被一个画家、刻家或摄影家雇佣摆出某种姿势的人
    One that serves as the subject for an artist, especially a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer.
  • 利西波斯希腊刻家,活跃于亚历山大大帝在位时期。他创作的人物比传统的造型更具真实感
    Greek sculptor who was active during the reign of Alexander the Great. He created figures that were more lifelike than traditional forms.
  • 修复物揭示像家在完成他的创作时极其认真。他把第一次铸造时产生的气泡造成的瑕疵—一修补完好。
    Restoration revealed that the sculptor had finished his creation carefully, patching small defects created by air bubbles trapped in the original casting.
  • 菲迪亚斯雅典塑家,曾监管巴台农神殿的工作,他在奥林匹亚的宙斯像是世界七大奇观之一
    Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
  • 加拉提亚一位少女,起初是皮格莱恩刻的塑像,后来在刻家的请求下阿佛洛狄给予了她生命
    A maiden who was originally a statue carved by Pygmalion and who was brought to life by Aphrodite in answer to the sculptor's pleas.
  • 内韦尔松,路易丝1899-1988俄裔美国刻家,其大量作品常用木头、铸造金属和自然物体制作,以复杂且有韵律的抽象形状为特征
    Russian-born American sculptor whose massive works, often of wood, cast metal, and found objects, are characterized by complex and rhythmic abstract shapes.
  • 贾科尼亚特提,阿尔贝托1901-1966瑞士刻家、画家、超现实主义者,他最著名的是他对人体外形的拉长的刻,如行走的人(1960年)
    Swiss sculptor, painter, and exponent of surrealism who is best known for his elongated sculptures of human figures, such as Walking Man(1960).
  • 霍尔特,温尼弗雷德1870-1945美国塑家和慈善家,在纽约建立了第一个盲人光明之家(1913年),后成为全世界盲人光明之家的典范
    American sculptor and philanthropist who founded the first Lighthouse for the Blind in New York City(1913), which served as a model for other Lighthouses around the world.
  • 奥斯卡奖杯是一座高34.3厘米,重3.9公斤的镀金铜质人形像,它是由美国塑家乔治·斯坦利根据美国电影艺术指导锡德里克·吉本斯的草图完成的。
    The gold-plated bronze human figure, which is 34.3 cm high and weighs 3.9 kg, was created by American sculptor George Stanley based on sketches made by American motion-picture art director Cedric Gibbons.