Chinese English Sentence:
  • 贸易因多限制而受阻。
    The trade is clogged with restrictions.
  • 它还能提供如多接收方广播、自动重试和归档等增强的功能。
    It can also provide enhanced capabilities such as multi-recipient broadcast, automatic retry and archiving.
  • 最早的母亲节可追溯到古希腊为纪念瑞意(rhea,古希腊神话中的神之母)而举行的春季庆祝活动。
    The earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.
  • 报纸上每天都有文章讨论政府降低失业率的计划——在这些计划被付实现以前,几乎被谈得叫不人感兴趣了。
    Every day the newspapers have contained articles about the government's plans to reduce unemployment-they've been almost ridden to death before they've even been put into practice.
  • 位于或关于美国密西西比和下游或东格兰德河流域州的。
    being in or of a region of the United States including the states of the lower Mississippi valley and east of the Rio Grande.
  • 有瘾的人,嗜毒者对如麻醉剂上瘾的人
    One who is addicted, as to narcotics.
  • 纹理像面包的、圆形的、无籽或有籽果实;煮、烤、烧、碾碎成粉后可以食用;种子烘烤后像栗子;产于太平洋岛。
    round seedless or seeded fruit with a bread-like texture; eaten boiled or baked or roasted or ground into flour; roasted seeds resemble chestnuts; of Pacific Islands.
  • 节假日期间诱人的食品很多,如糖果、曲奇饼、酒等,控制不住的话你的精力就会像乘过山车那样,一下子升至顶峰又一下子跌入低谷。
    The holiday season is full of temp tations--candy, cookies, alcohol-- that send your body on a roller coaste r ride of energy peaks and crashes.
  • 昆西美国马萨塞州东部一城市,为波士顿的一工业郊区。约翰·亚当斯和约翰·昆西·亚当斯都出生在这里。亚当斯家宅现在是一国家历史遗迹。人口84,985
    A city of eastern Massachusetts, an industrial suburb of Boston. John and John Quincy Adams were born here; the Adams homestead is now a national historic site. Population,84, 985.
  • 任意一种属于armillaria种的真菌,有褐色的纤维的根状菌束,在如苹果树或枫树的一些树木的根部造成毁灭性腐烂。
    any of several fungi of the genus Armillaria that form brown stringy rhizomorphs and cause destructive rot of the roots of some trees such as apples or maples.
  • 所以我很怀疑人们搞的这些稀奇古怪的俱乐部,如炮制棒球队什么的。
    That is why I am so dubious about all these fantasy leagues, rotisserie baseball and the like.
  • 位先生,你们走错路了,跟政府妥协是没有什么好处的。我们所应做的事情是唤起民众。
    Gentlemen, you're on the wrong tack. Conciliating the government will do no good. What we must do is to rouse the people.
  • 杂耍提供多种短小节目的舞台娱乐演出,如滑稽节目、歌舞节目以及魔术表演
    Stage entertainment offering a variety of short acts such as slapstick turns, song-and-dance routines, and juggling performances.
  • 答案是:不多,因为有整形手术和如有色隐形眼镜、染发剂、丙烯酸指甲等产品。
    With plastic surgery and products like colored contact lens,hair coloring,acrylic nails,etc,the answer would be: not many.
  • 王冠象征皇室;手纺车和鲟鱼是马萨塞的象征。
    a crown is emblematic of royalty; the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish.
  • 还有许许多多弯弯曲曲的线路,如石膏坊街,玻璃坊街,织布坊街,等等,蜿蜒于整个区域。
    and then the tortuous lines,the Rues de la Pl鈚rerie, de la Verrerie, de la Tixeranderie,etc., meandered over all.
  • 另一方面台海若有风波,首先波及的是东南亚国,他们对北京的对台政策是否理解、支持至关重要,若不能安定他们,可能迫使他们要求美国保护。
    On the other hand, these countries' support for - or at least acquiescence in - China's policy towards Taiwan is of great importance to Beijing. They would be the first to suffer from any turmoil arising in the Taiwan Strait and, and unless China sets up a stable relationship with them, they would definitely have to seek protection from the United States.
  • 另一方面台海若有风波,首先波及的是东南亚国,他们对北京的对台政策是否理解、支持至关重要,若不能安定他们,分分钟可能迫使他们要求美国保护。
    On the other hand, these countries' support for - or at least acquiescence in - China's policy towards Taiwan is of great importance to Beijing. They would be the first to suffer from any turmoil arising in the Taiwan Strait and, unless China sets up a stable relationship with them, they would definitely have to seek protection from the United States.
  • 国君,君主,候公国的统治者
    The ruler of a principality.
  • 女王,女侯统治公国(或封邑)的妇女
    A woman who is ruler of a principality.
  • 这本书不仅写得好极了,而且会引起反响,因为他将曾经侮辱或伤害过他的人全写进书中,把他们公于世了。
    It was not only a great book. It would cause a rustle in the dovecotes, for in it he had pilloried everyone who had ever insulted or injured him.
  • 一些如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。
    Some freshwater fishes such as pike can withstand levels of acidity.
  • 我很高兴地向位提起卢瑟福,他于1908年来到斯德哥尔摩领取诺贝尔奖。这个奖是对他的工作最恰当的回报。
    I am happy to recall that Rutherford came to Stockholm in 1908 to receive the Nobel Prize as a well-deserved reward for his work.
  • 一些如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。
    Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity.
  • 多数议题将围绕这种疾病的感染速度在如非洲撒哈拉南部地区究竟有多快。
    Much of the discussion will focus on how fast the disease is spreading in places such as sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 说我们会好的很容易。但要把这种说法付实施却相当难。
    It is easy to say that we will be good. It is harder to put the saying into practice.
  • 在人们的心中,北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛国王室的生活一直都很朴实,和普通百姓没什么区别。
    The Scandinavian royals have had the reputation of leading down-to-earth lives not so dissimilar from their subjects'.
  • 日本,纽西兰,加拿大和斯堪地那维亚国,是我们学习的对象。在这些国家,礼貌和相互尊敬已经完全成为一种生活方式。
    The obvious role models for us to emulate are Japan, New Zealand, Canada and the Scandinavian countries, where courtesy and mutual respect for each other is truly a way of life.
  • 如此类的事日积月累,加上我的个人阅历,支持了我逐渐成形的价值观。
    These accumulated over time,along with personal experiences,to buttress my own developing sense of values.
  • 为全面实施《1978年国际海员培训、发证和值班标准公约》及其1995年修正案,有关措施均已付实行。
    Measures have been taken to give full effect to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers 1978 and its 1995 amendment.
  • 该平台必须无缝地提供一组工具,使用如java和xml这样的开放标准开发此类应用程序。
    It must provide a seamless set of facilities to develop such applications using open standards such as Java and XML.
  • 在马萨塞州北安普顿市的一家出售二手服装的店里,我和我14岁的儿子约翰同时盯上了那件大衣。它就挂在衣架上,夹在劣质的军用风雨衣和各式各样寒酸的羊毛大衣当中,然而它却像荆棘丛中的一朵玫瑰。
    My l4-year-old son, John, and I spotted the coat simultaneously. It was hanging on a rack at a secondhand clothing store in Northampton Mass, crammed in with shoddy trench coats and an assortment of sad, woolen overcoats -- a rose among thorns.