  • 从这种意义来,它和英国人的“态度”或“风格”颇为近似。
    In this sense it is akin to English "manner" or "style."
  • 自诩和谎,二者正相仿。
    A vaunter and a liar are near akin.
  • 她双手插要站着,对女主人诉着她的一桩心思。
    She stood with arms akimbo while she gave the mistress a piece of her mind.
  • 女主人双手叉腰站着对他的新仆人话。
    The mistress stood with arms akimbo while she talked to her new servant.
  • “那个护士我什么也不能做的原因是我不相信自己”她,“突然,我下定决心,树立信心我能不靠任何帮助走下过道。”
    “The nurse commented that the reason I couldn't do anything was because I didn't believe I could,” she says. “Suddenly, I was determined. I wanted to believe I cou ld walk down the aisle unaided.”
  • 毕达哥拉斯的格言是难解而真确的;他,“不要吃你的心”。
    The parable of Pythagoras is dark, but true; Cor ne edito;"Eat not the heart."
  • 针对卡塔尔半岛电视台播放的据称是“基地”组织发言人讲话的录音带内容,格雷厄姆:“我们看到的是令人不安的情形,即'基地'组织正在重新集结成形,并重新显示了发动恐怖主义袭击的意愿和能力。”
    Reacting to the tape news which a spokesman for bin Laden's al-Qaeda network told Qatar-based television, Graham said that " what we have seen is a disturbing pattern of the reformulation of al-Qaeda and their renewed willingness and capability to conduct terrorist attacks."
  • 他正跪在座位上,一边望着列车窗外,一边对靠过道坐的妈妈话。
    " He was kneeling on the seat, looking out of the train window and talking to his mother, who sat on the aisle.
  • 讲演者刚开始话,一只小狗从过道里跑过,吸引了听众的注意力。
    Just as the speaker began, a little dog ran up the aisle, and stole the spotlight from him.
  • 他所的话与事实不一致。
    What he said did not quadrate with the facts.
  • “那么,就该把这一切闹个底朝天!”约翰·弗罗洛接着
    “Very good,” returned Jehan Frollo, “we’ll quadruple the devil for them.
  • 所以,没有对外开放政策这一着,翻两番困难,翻两番之后再前进更困难。
    So, if we don't open to the outside world, it will be difficult to quadruple the GNP and even more difficult to make further progress after that.
  • 他将退休,果真吗?
    He says he is going to retire; but quaere, is it true?
  • 有同志反映:在同林彪、“四人帮”的斗争中,政治干部上当受骗甚至陷进去的,从数量上,比其他干部多。
    Some comrades say that in the struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, more political cadres were duped -- or even "trapped in the quagmire" -- than others.
  • 有时,他六岁的儿子的话很有趣。
    Sometimes his six-year-old son's saying is quaint.
  • 有谣言苏格兰最伟大的旅行家早已入乡随俗,并已娶了被奇妙地叫做“非洲妃子”的女人为妻。
    There were rumors that Scotland's greatest traveler had long gone native and married what was quaintly called an "African princess."
  • 可怜的朱庇特惊慌失措,魂不附体,涂满脂粉的红脸蛋煞白,丢下霹雳,拿下头盔,频频鞠躬,战战兢兢,口里呐呐道:“红衣主教大人……御使们……弗朗德勒的玛格丽特公主……”语无伦次,连他自己都不知道什么。
    Poor Jupiter, quaking, bewildered, pale beneath his rouge, dropped his thunder-bolt and took his helmet in his hand; then bowing and trembling: “His Eminence,” he stammered, “the Ambassadors—Madame Marguerite of Flanders—” he could get no farther.
  • 明你有什么资格条件、工作经历及意图等。
    State what qualifications, experience and intention you have.
  • 它的主要表现和危害是:高高在上,滥用权力,脱离实际,脱离群众,好摆门面,好空话,思想僵化,墨守陈规,机构臃肿,人浮于事,办事拖拉,不讲效率,不负责任,不守信用,公文旅行,互相推诿,以至官气十足,动辄训人,打击报复,压制民主,欺上瞒下,专横跋扈,徇私行贿,贪赃枉法,等等。
    Its harmful manifestations include the following: standing high above the masses, abusing power, divorcing oneself from reality and the masses; spending a lot of time and effort to put up an impressive front;Indulging in empty talk; Sticking to a rigid way of thinking; Being hidebound by convention; Overstaffing administrative organs; Being dilatory, inefficient and irresponsible; Failing to keep one's word; Circulating documents endlessly without solving problems; Shifting responsibility to others; And even assuming the airs of a mandarin, reprimanding other people at every turn, vindictively attacking others, suppressing democracy, deceiving superiors and subordinates, being arbitrary and despotic, practising favouritism, offering bribes, participating in corrupt practices in violation of the law, and so on.
  • 我们党内有这样两种人。一种人老是拿共产党员的牌子和革命多少年的资格去压别人,硬要党外人士服从自己,话态度生硬,架子摆得很大,以为这就是“领导”。
    Within our Party there are two kinds of people: one kind use their Party membership and seniority in the revolution to intimidate other people, insisting that people outside the Party obey them. They speak rudely to others and put on airs, regarding this as "exercising leadership".
  • 我想把我的最后那句话得婉转些。
    I'd like to qualify my last remark.
  • 将你的"狗是忠诚的"这句话修正一下,加上"通常"二字
    Qualify your statement that " dog is loyal " by adding " usually"
  • 然而谢辽日卡在动手工作以前,装腔作势,延挨很久,不住地使性子,责怪玛特威:
    But before proceeding to the work Seryozhka spends a long time in airs and graces, whims and reproaches…
  • 解释或明;放在或好似放在括号内。
    qualifying or explaining; placed or as if placed in parentheses.
  • 不难理解,人们也许会他“摆架子”,“装腔作势”。
    It is understandable that she might be accused of putting on airs and of being "affected".
  • 我觉得我得把我的话改得具体些,以免产生误解.
    I feel I must qualify my earlier remarks in case they are misinterpreted.
  • 当然,我并不是马来人完全没有受到任何歧视。
    Surely I cannot qualify my stand by saying that there is no discrimination at all.
  • “我们获得了资格,创造了历史,我为中国人民感到无比高兴,”米卢
    " I am so happy for the people of China that we have made history by qualifying," Milutinovic says.
  • 淮海战役是二野、三野联合作战,用毛主席的话,二野三野联合作战,不只是增加一倍两倍的力量,数量变,质量变,这是一个质的变化。
    The Huai-Hai Campaign was a joint operation of the Second Field Army and the Third Field Army. As Chairman Mao said, the joint operation of the two armies meant not just a two- or three-fold increase of strength, a quantitative change, but a qualitative change.
  • 然而这种流动是有限制的,即流动于执行这一方针的各种不同的战争行动的范围中,而不是这一方针的根本性质的流动,即是,是数的流动,不是质的流动。
    But it is fluid within limits, fluid within the bounds of the various war operations undertaken for carrying it out, but not fluid as to its essence; In other words, it is quantitatively but not qualitatively fluid.
  • 上面已经过,在党中央和毛主席的精心领导下,二十一个月的自卫战争打得很好,我们的军事力量继续在发展,再过一段时间数量上就可以同国民党军队平衡,现在质量上已经高过他们。
    As mentioned above, under the careful leadership of the Central Committee and Chairman Mao, we have successfully fought a defensive war over the past 21 months, our military forces have been expanding and, being qualitatively already superior to the Kuomintang troops, they will one day be equal in size to them.
  • 故此世人可见,一些较老谋深算的政界人物在位高权重时常常向人家诉苦,自己活得多苦多累;
    Wherefore you shall observe, that the more deep and sober sort of politic persons, in their greataess, are ever bemoaning themselves, what a life they lead, chanting a quanta patimur!