  • 这群人一上较为富裕,他们经常到国外度假。
    This group is generally more affluent. Part of the lifestyle usually includes taking regular vacations overseas.
  • 奇迹的康复;奇迹地逃脱
    A miraculous recovery; a miraculous escape.
  • 他可能从来没有把握从哪儿搞到下一顿饭,但他没有别人遭受到的千烦恼。
    He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but it is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people.
  • 这里姑且不谈老巴黎城种种次要的特点,也不谈那随心所欲的过路税,只是从一的观点和整体上来看看市政管辖的混乱状况,大体来说,小岛归主教管辖,右岸归府尹管辖,左岸归学董管辖。
    Neglecting here the originalities, of secondary importance in old Paris, and the capricious regulations regarding the public highways, we will say, from a general point of view, taking only masses and the whole group, in this chaos of communal jurisdictions, that the island belonged to the bishop, the right bank to the provost of the merchants, the left bank to the Rector;
  • 因此,必须对党员进行有关党的纪律的教育,既使一党员能遵守纪律,又使一党员能监督党的领袖人物也一起遵守纪律,避免再发生张国焘事件。
    Hence it is necessary to educate members in Party discipline so that the rank and file will not only observe discipline themselves, but will exercise supervision over the leaders so that they, too, observe it, thus preventing the recurrence of cases like Chang Kuo-tao's.
  • 能行性和一般递归
    effectiveness and general recursiveness
  • 尽管还是个小学生,迈克却有着不一的爱好——垃圾车、垃圾堆、垃圾回收——和垃圾有关的都是他的最爱,而他的理想是:长大后成为一名垃圾搬运工。
    The grade schooler is passionately interested in garbage trucks, compost and recycling -- and dreams of being a trash hauler when he grows up.
  • 新市区拓展区的建筑工程及可行性研究,大致上遵照都会计划内土地用途的一模式和指椅垃并与毗邻旧区的重新规划和重建工程互相配合。
    Construction works and feasibility studies on new urban development areas generally follow the broad pattern of land use and guidelines in the Metroplan, and integrate with the replanning and redevelopment of adjoining old areas in a co-ordinated manner.
  • 丑、在游击区,应在以团结一切社会力量对敌斗争为主的方针下,坚决进行反抓盯反掠夺、反保甲特务统治的斗争,保护基本群众及各阶层的利益,并按照环境及群众要求,适当地实行双减政策,即一地在地富同意下实行双减,或者比控制区减的少一些,或者先从地富自愿的减起,都是可以的。
    2. In the guerrilla zones, under the principle of uniting with all social forces and concentrating on attacking the enemy, we should resolutely fight against press-ganging people, plundering and rule by special agents and the bao-jia system, safeguard the interests of the masses and of people from all social strata, and appropriately carry out the policy of reducing rent and interest rates in the light of the actual conditions and according to the wishes of the masses. That is to say, the rates can be reduced with the consent of landlords and rich peasants, or reduced by a lesser amount than in areas under our control, or reduced first by landlords and rich peasants who volunteer to do so.
  • 为了(保证)冗余度,信号交换机一与两个独立的信号传输点相连。
    For redundancy, a signal switch is typically connected to two independent signal transfer points.
  • 世上所有思想和全部经验都蚀刻、浇铸地应用于此了,她外在的形中,希腊的兽性,罗马的肉欲,中世纪神秘主义的精神的志向与爱的热望,异教的回归和波吉亚兄妹的罪恶,无不表现得精美优雅,淋漓尽致。
    All the thoughts and experience of the world have etched and molded there, in that which they have of power to refine and make expressive the outward form, the animalism of Greece, the lust of Rome, the mysticism of the middle ages with its spiritual ambition and imaginative loves, the return of the Pagan world, the sins of the Borgias.
  • 19世纪时,这幅作品的女神品质给了许多作家、尤其是英国美学家沃尔特·佩特以灵感。
    In the nineteenth century the goddess quality of the work inspired many writers but particularly the English aesthete Walter Pater.
  • 航空机械工人工会主席贝克说,“我们将要尽力争取大幅增加一工资。当公司需要我们让步的时候,我们让了步。现在我们的待遇要改善了。”
    "We're going to go very hard for a very substantial general wage increase," Thomas F.Baker, president of the aerospace machinists' local, said. "We took our lumps when the company seemed to need it and now we're going to get well."
  • 航空兵师一下辖2个至3个航空兵团和驻地场站,航空兵团是基本战术单位。
    An aviation division generally has under its command two to three aviation regiments and related stations. The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit.
  • 未检验分类法的创建过程一是,首先简单地注册一个新的tmodel,然后将这个tmodel归类为一个标识分类法或一个类别分类法。
    Unchecked taxonomies are registered by simply registering a new tModel, and classifying that tModel as either an identifier or as a categorization taxonomy.
  • 来说,凡有意举行婚礼者,必须在婚礼举行日期至少15天前通知婚姻登记官。
    Normally, at least 15 days' notice of an intended marriage must be given to the Registrar of Marriages.
  • 如果该域名(或者"www."后接域名)对应的是活动网页(而不是服务提供方认为的由注册方或isp维护的放置多重域名持有者所注册的域名的一网页),该网页上出现的任何电子邮件地址或者电子邮件链接;
    and(C) if the domain name (or "www." followed by the domain name) resolves to an active web page (other than a generic page the Provider concludes is maintained by a registrar or ISP for parking domain-names registered by multiple domain-name holders), any e-mail address shown or e-mail links on that web page;
  • 假单胞菌任一种革兰氏阳性杆状的假单菌门雷氧鞭毛虫细菌,一见于土壤、水、腐败物,还有一些植物和动物的病原体中
    Any of various gram-negative, rod-shaped, mostly aerobic flagellated bacteria of the phylum Pseudomonad, commonly found in soil, water, and decaying matter and including some plant and animal pathogens.
  • 嗯,那么拿一的来!
    Well, make it Regular then.
  • 前者的目的是确保政府及受审核团体的财政和会计帐项,一都准确妥当。
    Regularity audits are intended to provide an overall assurance of the general accuracy and propriety of the financial and accounting transactions of the Government and other audited bodies.
  • 在这批短期债券到期时,假设利率如预期升高,投资者可将取回的现金投资于票面利率较高的债券。
    When these shorter maturity bonds mature, the fixed income investor can reinvest the proceeds in new coupon bonds, assuming that in-terest rates do rise as expected.
  • 在这批短期债券到期时,假设利率如预期升高,投资者可将取回的现金投资于票面利率较高的债券。
    When these shorter maturity bonds mature, the fixed income investor can reinvest the proceeds in new higher coupon bonds, assuming that interest rates do rise as expected.
  • 他们一见面,他对她的旧情如乾柴烈火又重新燃起。
    As soon as they meet again his dormant love for her is rekindled.
  • 他们一见面,他对她的旧情如乾柴烈火又重新燃起
    As soon as they met again his dormant love for her was rekindled
  • 我们将一相对论的发现归功于爱因斯坦。
    We owe the discovery of the general theory of relativity to Einstein.
  • (物理学)关于特殊或一的相对论,或受其支配。
    (physics) relating or subject to the special or the general theory of relativity.
  • 例如,在每个季度的最后几天,会计部门访问公司的财务数据可以授予最高的优先等级,而在其余的时间内,则降到较低一些的等级,主管可以获得高优先权使用所有的应用程序,包括web浏览,而对其他雇员而言,则一定在较低的优先等级上。
    Thus, for example, the accounting department's access to corporate financials could be given the highest priority on the last few days of the quarter, while being relegated to somewhat lesser status the rest of the time.Executives could get high priority for all their applications, including Web browsing, which might generally be set at a lower priority for other employees.
  • 上说,各成员国不太热衷于设立制度,或依赖法律和条规。
    There is a general reluctance to build institutions, or to rely on laws and rules.
  • 大多数印刷厂(71.3%)从事一的散页印刷,其余大部分从事与印刷事务有关的工作,例如排字和书籍钉装等。
    Most of the printing factories (71.3 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work, and most of the remainder deal with related work such as typesetting and book-binding.
  • 大多数印刷厂(68%)从事一的散页印刷,其余主要从事与印刷有关的工作,例如传统的印前制作和印后加工等。
    Most of the printing factories (68 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work, and the remainder generally deal with related work such as traditional pre-press and finishing services.
  • 情况下,短时间的高负荷并不会影响工作质量,但是在持续的高负荷工作之后,对管制质量的不利影响就随之而来了。
    Higher-than-moderate workload can be maintained for brief periods of time without adverse effects on performance, but adverse performance effects will occur immediately following a period of high workload.
  • 非凡的人不一的或极棒的人
    One that is extraordinary or remarkable.