  • 群衆引起騷動。
    The mob raised a bobbery.
  • 精力充沛的大學經費籌措者;一精力充沛的徒步旅行者。
    an energetic fund raiser for the college; an energetic group of hikers.
  • 在那所謂氣憤的一裏,是找不到文學大師的。
    As for the agitated and disappointed writers, chances are there isn't a leading talent among them.
  • 他熱情洋溢的講話激動了衆。
    His fiery speech agitated the crowd.
  • 集會結束之後,人逐漸散去
    The crowd melted away after the rally.
  • 那次衆集會徹底失敗。
    The mass rally was a total fiasco.
  • 集會衆單調而有節奏的喊叫
    The chant of the crowd at the rally.
  • 要是明天下雨,衆大會就延期舉行。
    Should it rain tomorrow, the rally would be postponed.
  • 把廣大人民衆團结起來是極為重要的。
    It is essential to rally the broad masses of the people round.
  • 喧鬧的人;變得無法無天並難以控製的社會集會;一吵吵鬧鬧的十幾歲小孩;在歡鬧的表面下有一種對於普通人的脆弱的同情心;難管教的班級。
    a boisterous crowd; a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand; a robustious group of teenagers; beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings; an unruly class.
  • 許多密切註意美國商業界動嚮的觀察傢認為,人們現在所看到的衹是冰山一角,更多的害之馬將會被揭發,並對全球經濟造成影響。
    Many knowledgeable observers of the US business scene believe that what has happened there is merely scratching the surface and that more corporate black sheep will soon emerge, with ramifications of global dimensions.
  • 橫衝直撞地穿過森林。
    The elephants rampaged through the forest.
  • 結隊的犯罪分子整夜橫行霸道,令村民們驚恐不已。
    Groups of law-breakers have been rampaging about all night, putting fear into the villagers.
  • 主要出沒於巴利阿裏島的體型中等、瘦長而敏捷的獵狗;傳說最初由古埃及的法老馴養。
    breed of slender agile medium-sized hound found chiefly in the Balearic Islands; said to have been bred originally by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
  • 群情激昂。
    Popular feeling ran high.
  • 自由交配在一個育種中自由交配
    Random mating within a breeding population.
  • 恐怖分子嚮人胡亂射擊.
    The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.
  • 房子隨意坐落着;子彈胡亂地射嚮人
    the houses were randomly scattered; bullets were fired into the crowd at random.
  • 我們完全相信,有這樣一支好的軍隊,又有廣大人民衆的支持,一定能夠打敗任何侵略者。
    We are convinced that with such a fine army and with the support of the masses, we can defeat any aggressor.
  • 要努力增強衆體育健身意識,深入推進全民健身活動,創造科學健康文明的生活。
    The public’s sense of sports and fitness shall be aggressively reinforced, and healthy sports aggressively promoted to create a scientific, civilized and healthy lifestyle.
  • 公安、司法機關依法打擊殺人、爆炸、投毒、搶劫、重大盜竊、強姦、綁架和黑社會性質組織犯罪、涉槍犯罪等嚴重刑事犯罪活動,有力保障人民衆的生命和財産安全;
    The public security and judicial organs cracked down on serious crimes related to murder, explosion, poisoning, robbery, large-scale theft, rape, kidnapping, gangs, and guns, effectively protecting the safety of people's lives and property.
  • 沒有形狀的成的昆蟲;沒有形狀的粒子的聚合體;不成形的圓生質。
    amorphous clouds of insects; an aggregate of formless particles; a shapeless mass of protoplasm.
  • 主席用指節敲着桌子以使人安靜下來。
    The chairman rapped with his knuckles on the table to make the audience quiet.
  • 衹聽見一片埋怨聲和咒駡聲,把弗朗德勒人、府尹大人、波旁紅衣主教、司法宮典吏、奧地利的瑪格麗特公主、執棒的捕役、天冷、天熱、颳風下雨、巴黎主教、狂人教皇、柱子、塑像、這扇關着的門、那扇開着的窗,總之,把一切的一切全駡遍了。散布在人中的一堆堆學子和僕役聽後暢快極了,遂在心懷不滿的人中攪亂,挑逗促狹,挖苦諷刺,簡直是火上加油,更加激起普遍的惡劣情緒。
    Nothing was to be heard but grumbling and imprecations against the Flemings, the Cardinal de Bourbon, the Chief Magistrate, Madame Marguerite of Austria, the beadles, the cold, the heat, the bad weather, the Bishop of Paris, the Fools’ Pope, the pillars, the statues, this closed door, yonder open window—to the huge diversion of the bands of scholars and lackeys distributed through the crowd, who mingled their gibes and pranks with this seething mass of dissatisfaction, aggravating the general ill-humour by perpetual pin-pricks.
  • 但是,他們又不從錯誤和失敗中取得教訓,以為錯誤和失敗,衹是由於衆落後和其他臨時因素的影響,因而濫用黨的威信,繼續一意孤行,這就使他們的錯誤和失敗愈來愈嚴重。
    Far from learning from their mistakes and failures, they blame them on the backwardness of the masses or other temporary factors, abuse the Party's prestige, and willfully and arbitrarily persist in their own ways, thereby aggravating their mistakes and failures.
  • 憤怒的人涌嚮前去,那個無賴嚇得後退了。
    The wrathful crowd surged forward. The rascal backed away in fear.
  • “國王搞這名堂,正是為了雇用西西裏國王的這個該死的唱詩班!”窗下人中有個老太婆尖聲厲氣地喊道,“我嚮大傢討教討教!
    “And was it just for the sake of employing these rascally chanters of the King of Sicily that he did that?
  • 驕傲,專橫,魯莽,自作聰明,不同衆商量,把自己的意見強加於人,為了自己的威信而堅持錯誤,是同黨的衆路綫根本不相容的。
    Conceit, arbitrariness, rashness, pretending to be clever, not consulting the masses, forcing one's opinions on others, and clinging to errors to keep up one's prestige--all this is utterly incompatible with the Party's mass line.
  • 産於西非的居鼴鼠;與裸鼴鼠形似。
    colonial mole_rat of western Africa; similar to naked mole rat.
  • 即使在决策時的大方向確實是體的利益,如果掌權者想要人民接受這樣的解釋,那麽,請至少清楚地讓人們瞭解每一個决定的出發點和當局堅持的理由。
    Even if a policy is truly in the interest of the majority and the government wants the people to embrace it, it should spell out clearly the rationale for the decision and why it has to go ahead with it.
  • 理順分配關係,事關廣大衆的切身利益和積極性的發揮。
    Rationalizing the relations of income distribution bears on the immediate interests of the general public and the display of their initiative.
  • 的士兵洗劫了鄉村.
    Bands of soldiers ravaged the countryside.