  • 在这一沿海地区,如其来的暴风骤雨是常见的。
    Sudden rainstorms are frequent on this coast.
  • "在东南沿海地区,如其来的暴风骤雨是常见的。"
    Sudden rainstorms are frequent on the southeast coast.
  • 然的暴雨会使山洪爆发。
    Sudden rainstorms would bring the mountain torrents rushing down.
  • 滴水槽飞檐或窗台上的出部分,用于防止其下方受水淋湿
    A projection on a cornice or sill that protects the area below from rainwater.
  • 持续的雨天然放晴了。
    The spell of rainy weather has broken.
  • 有浮凸雕饰的用起的饰品装饰的
    Decorated with raised ornaments.
  • 马鞍前端起的部分。
    raised front part of a saddle.
  • 他在聚会中然出现,使她心烦意乱。
    She is agitated by his sudden appearance at the party.
  • 他在聚会中然出现,使她心烦意乱。
    She was agitated by his sudden appearance at the party.
  • 拉尔夫·斯宾塞先生,这只由基米·范林丁的灰烬中再生的凤凰——灰烬是由然袭来的爱情之火燃成的——在爱尔摩定居下来了,并且取得了成功。
    Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes—ashes left by the flame of a sudden attack of love—remained in Elmore and prospered.
  • 铁嘴古代战舰船头上出的金属或包有金属的铁嘴撞角
    A metal or metal-clad ram projecting from the bow of an ancient warship.
  • 下了坡之后,路然转向右边。
    After the ramp, the road veered to the right abruptly.
  • 指城墙的出部分或其他防御工事。
    projecting part of a rampart or other fortification.
  • 他们破了这座城市的壁垒;他们吹起了喇叭,那壁垒很快就坍塌了。
    they stormed the ramparts of the city; they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down.
  • 他开始朝街上跑去,但是然回转身朝相反的方向跑去。
    He started running towards the street but suddenly doubled and ran in the opposite direction.
  • 警察人员的然出现,使那几个盗贼大惊失色。
    The robbers stood aghast at the sudden appearance of the policemen.
  • 如果美国陷入衰退,特别是股市下跌引发的衰退,那么美国穷人和中产阶层者可能然之间发现自己成了受害的大多数。
    If the country fell into recession-especially a recession sparked by a falling stock market-poor and middle-class Americans might suddenly see themselves as an aggrieved majority.
  • 一队击队员在军行之初担任尖兵
    A team of Rangers were walking point at the outset of the operation.
  • 过分自信的倾向于唐或自信的断言;过分自信的
    Inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively self-assured.
  • 两人间的战时关系通过往来的信号不断发展,只因盟国调遣坎贝尔所在的船只投入诺曼底登陆行动而然终止。
    Their wartime relationship, which blossomed over the signals, came to an abrupt end when the Allies ordered Campbell's ship, the Matt W. Ransom, into service for the D-Day invasion at Normandy.
  • 当夜幕降临菜茵河岸的时侯,阿尔特斯塔特古城然间充满了生机:爵士乐俱乐部和迪斯科舞厅开门营业,餐馆里充满了欢声笑语,当地酿造的阿尔特啤酒从无数啤酒桶中流出。
    As night falls over the Rhine, the Altstadt springs to life:jazz clubs and discos open their doors, restau rants are filled with conversation and laughter and the local Altbier flows from countless pumps.
  • 进,猛冲然快速的移动
    A sudden, rapid movement.
  • (例如水的)然、快速的流出。
    a sudden rapid flow (as of water).
  • 现在世界飞猛进地发展,科技领域更是如此,中国有句老话叫“日新月异”,真是这种情况。
    In today's world things are moving with unprecedented rapidity, especially in science and technology. There is an old saying in China, "Progress is made every day", and that's the way things are today.
  • 她双手然出满了皮疹。
    Her hands broke out in a rash.
  • 他的脸上然长满了皮疹.
    His face broke out in a rash.
  • 她双手然出满了皮疹。
    Her hands have broken out in a rash.
  • 棘爪机器部件上的一个出部分,例如在一个观察棘轮装置中控制棘轮运转的棘爪,用来衔接棘轮的齿,以将往复运动转换为旋转运动;反之亦然
    A projection on a machine part, such as a pawl for controlling the motion of a ratchet wheel in a watch escapement, that engages the teeth of a ratchet wheel to convert reciprocating motion to rotary motion or vice versa.
  • 基于矛盾引发的冲的辩证唯物主义解说。
    a rationale for dialectical materialism based on change through the conflict of opposing forces.
  • 阳性国家显理性,重实质轻形式,重结果轻脸面;
    “Yang” countries are characterised by rationality. They place more emphasis on content than form and care more about results than “face-saving”.
  • 如果他们落在后面,疾病可能会肆虐农户的作物——就好像1988年夏天发生的情况一样,当时英国和北欧的大麦种植者发现以前的抗性作物然间遭受了毁灭性的霉病感染。
    When the breeders fall short, a disease can ravage farmers' crops -- as happened in the summer of 1988, when barley growers in Britain and northern Europe saw their previously resistant crops suddenly succumb to devastating mildew infections.
  • 在这然涌出的悲哀中,竟有这样的痛苦伴随着这段发狂的话,以致我对他的怜悯之情使我忽视了他举止的愚蠢。我避开了,一面由于自己听到了他这番话而暗自生气,一面又因自己诉说了我那荒唐的恶梦而烦躁不安,因为就是那梦产生了这种悲恸。
    There was such anguish in the gust of grief that accompanied this raving, that my compassion made me overlook its folly, and I drew off, half angry to have listened at all, and vexed at having related my ridiculous nightmare, since it produced that agony;