  • 是的,天晚上往羅馬打了一個長話。
    Yes. Last night to Rome.
  • 裏根總統任期還有數小時即將屆滿,天卻出人意料地完全赦免美國佬[棒球隊]東主斯坦布魯納的罪。斯坦布魯納在水門事件時期被判違法捐款給競選者。
    With just hours left as president, Ronald Reagan came out of left field yesterday with a full pardon for Yankees' owner George Steinbrenner, who was convicted during the Watergate era for making illegal campaign contributions.
  • 昨天股票價格上漲。
    Share prices rose yesterday.
  • 晚口紅抹得太厚,而衣裳穿得又稍嫌太薄,這常常是女人絶望的跡象。
    She weared far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes; that was always a sign of despair in a woman.
  • 晚口紅抹得太厚,而衣裳穿得又稍嫌太薄,這常常是女人絶望的跡象。
    She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes; that is always a sigh of despair in a woman.
  • 晚口紅抹得太厚,而衣裳穿得又稍嫌太薄,這常常是女人絶望的跡象。
    She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes; that was always a sign of despair in a woman.
  • 市府官員表示日發展不足為奇,每逢預算削減總會發生政府做事的推三拉四的現象。市府各局主管,為保護自己地地盤,以及他們所服務的對象,一嚮抵製削減的要求。
    City officials suggested that yesterday's development were not unexpected, that they were part of the bureaucratic minuets common to all budget-cutting. To protect their own turf, their own workers and their constituencies, commissioners routinely resist making the trims they are asked for.
  • 凱特,天的賽艇比賽你看了嗎?
    Kate, did you watch some of the rowing events yesterday?
  • 天我在街上與他邂逅。
    I rubbed up against him in the street yesterday.
  • 晚的舞會上,貝利夫人身穿綴有紅寶石的天鵝絨的衣服,戴着許多鑽石,滿身珠光寶氣,看上去活像一爿珠寶店。
    At the dance last night, Mrs Bailey was in grand feather with a ruby velvet gown and so many diamonds that she looked like a walking jeweller's shop.
  • 天我偶然遇到一位老相識。
    Yesterday I fell in upon an old acquaintance of mine.
  • 傳播了幾年的謠言天才被辟除。
    The rumour that had got abroad for years was criticized yesterday.
  • 天,他抓住了一匹脫繮之馬。
    He stopped a runaway horse yesterday.
  • 晚一位老朋友打電話給我,我已多年沒聽到他的消息了。
    Last evening I was rung up by an old friend whom I had not heard of for years.
  • 一個傢住西切斯特縣的五歲男孩,天早晨開了傢裏的旅行車,載他兩歲的妹妹駛經切斯特港和拉伊鎮兜風。
    A 5-year-old Westchester County boy took his 2-year-old sister for a spin through Port Chester and Rye in the family station wagon yesterday morning.
  • 天購買的東西太多,把我壓得腰酸背疼。
    Yesterday I was so loaded with heavy shopping that my back was aching.
  • 母親於晚安全到達,詳情函告。
    Mother arrive safely last night letter follow.
  • 天我在街上無意之中碰到了我最好的朋友。
    Yesterday I met my ace buddy in the street unexpectedly.
  • 天從舊金山給我打了個電話。
    He called me from San Francisco yesterday.
  • 被告/罪犯天出庭受審。
    The accused/offender came up yesterday.
  • 零售12元5角的入場券天售價高達50元一張。可是黃牛說周末價錢更高,假期票價將會高入雲霄。
    The tickets, which retail for $12.50, were fetching as much as $50 apiece yesterday. But scalpers said that weekend prices are higher and holiday-time prices will go through the roof.
  • 我昨晚幾乎沒睡。
    I can scarcely sleep last night.
  • 天我們給你們送了信,讓你們把所有地方都清理幹淨,把遺留有碎片的地方、堆放廢棄物的地方都清理幹淨。
    ``And we sent you a message yesterday to clean out all of the areas, the scrap areas, the abandoned areas.
  • 這和你天講的不一致。
    That does not accord with what you said yesterday.
  • 那跟他天說的不一致。
    That does not accord with what he said yesterday.
  • “秘書工作呀,您天讓我給秘書學校打電話招人。
    "The secretarial job,You told me yesterday to call the school.
  • 一個皇后區十幾歲的孩子和他二十七歲的共犯天被一位法官判了重刑。法官陳述彼等“罔顧”人命縱火焚燒揭發販毒者阿古恩的居所。
    A Queens teenager and his 27-year-old accomplice received stiff prison terms yesterday form a judge who cited their "callous disregard" for life in torching the home of narcotics whistle-blower Argune.
  • 這是我們以前呆在這兒時的那間房子;他的故事題目總是一成不變;在兩份包子上看到完全一樣的引語;在這個同樣的地點;天他說了同樣的事情;我還想見這個人。
    this is the identical room we stayed in before; the themes of his stories are one and the same; saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers; on this very spot; the very thing he said yesterday; the very man I want to see.
  • 事故發生在昨天。
    The accident happened yesterday.
  • 天收到的那封信是我的一個朋友寄來的。
    That letter that I received yesterday is that friend of mine sends.
  • 法庭昨天未開庭。
    The court was not in session yesterday.
  • 天買了好幾本書。
    I bought several books yesterday.