  • 官召来了增援部队。
    The commander has whistled up reinforcements.
  • 运动战的实行方面,问题是很多的,例如侦察、判断、决心、战斗部署、指、荫蔽、集中、开进、展开、攻击、追击、袭击、阵地攻击、阵地防御、遭遇战、退却、夜战、特种战斗、避强打弱、围城打援、佯攻、防空、处在几个敌人之间、超越敌人作战、连续作战、无后方作战、养精蓄锐之必要等等。
    The waging of mobile warfare involves many problems, such as reconnaissance, judgement, decision, combat disposition, command, concealment, concentration, advance, deployment, attack, pursuit, surprise attack, positional attack, positional defence, encounter action, retreat, night fighting, special operations, evading the strong and attacking the weak, besieging the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements, feint attack, defence against aircraft, operating amongst several enemy forces, by-passing operations, consecutive operations, operating without a rear, the need for rest and building up energy.
  • 用缰绳等物控制或指;指马。
    control and direct with or as if by reins; as of a horse.
  • 他以顾问的身份发作用(或行为)。
    He is acting in an advisory capacity.
  • 第九章指挥关系
  • (怎样在现代商战和管理学中发《孙子兵法》里的智慧,是过去10多年来,黄昭虎教授潜心研究的领域。
    (Over the past 12 years, the writer has been lecturing and consulting on the subject of Sun Tzu's Art of War and its application and relevance to business practices and planning.
  • (怎样在现代商战和管理学中发《孙子兵法》里的智慧,是过去10多年来,黄昭虎教授潜心研究的领域。他出过著作,也曾在20个国家,为120家大型机构的执行人员就这门课题主持过训练、讲座。
    (Over the past 12 years, the writer has been lecturing and consulting on the subject of Sun Tzu's Art of War and its application and relevance to business practices and planning. As of to date, he has provided executive training , talks and seminars to over 120 large organisations (including 500 companies) and 20 countries.
  • 总司令被解除了指权。
    The captain was relieved from his command.
  • 他们被免除了指职务。
    They have been relieved of their commands.
  • 对于一个军官来说,海军所能采取的最严厉的处罚,除了军法审判以外,就是解除一个舰长对该艘军舰的指权。不过此事很少发生。
    Relieving a captain of command of a warship is considered one of the most severe punishments that the Navy can take against an officer short of courtmartial, and it happens rarely.
  • 第四,由于中国人口基数很大,在今后相当长的一个时期将面临就业压力,这必然会影响到贫困人口的就业,使很多本来能够奏效的扶贫措施难以发出应有的作用。
    Fourth, because of its large population, China will face employment pressure for a long period to come. This pressure is bound to adversely affect the employment of the impoverished population, so much so that many effective aid-the-poor measures will not play the roles they should play.
  • (四)对文化工作者的创造性发得不够,同时对后起的文化工作者的培养工作也做得不够,致使今天部队有文化干部荒的现象,使连队文化宣传工作受到影响。
    4) We have neither given full scope to the creativity of cultural workers nor done enough to train potential cultural workers. As a result, the army has been short of cultural cadres, which has adversely affected the cultural and propaganda work among the troops.
  • 用发全党的积极性,锻炼出大批的干部,肃清宗派观念的残余,团结全党像钢铁一样。
    Let us give scope to the initiative of the whole Party membership and so train new cadres in great numbers, eliminate the remnants of sectarianism, and unite the whole Party as solidly as steel.
  • 我深信,欧洲国家在一九九九年开始采用统一货币欧罗后,法国人在亚洲市场——尤其是香港和中国内地——方面的经验和专业知识定会发很大的作用,有助加强欧亚在贸易和投资上的伙伴关系。
    I am sure that with the advent of the Euro in 1999, their experience and expertise of the Asian market - in particular Hong Kong and the Mainland of China - will be put to good use to consolidate the Euro-Asian trade and investment partnership.
  • 对传统产业的改造提升作用,为国有企业改革提供了有利条件。
    Explore the role in restructuring ,upgrading traditional industries and provide advantageous conditions to the reform of state-owned enterprises.
  • 飞行员同指塔恢复了联系。
    The pilot renewed contact with the control tower.
  • 他指过许多世界著名的管弦乐队。
    He has conducted many a world-renown orchestra.
  • 他一再棍向我打来。
    He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.
  • 民兵在军事机关的指下,战时担负配合常备军作战、独立作战、为常备军作战提供战斗勤务保障以及补充兵员等任务,平时担负战备执勤、抢险救灾和维护社会秩序等任务。
    Under the command of military organs, the militia in wartime helps the standing army in its military operations, conducts independent operations, and provides combat support and manpower replenishment for the standing army. In peacetime, it undertakes the tasks of performing combat readiness support, taking part in emergency rescue and disaster relief efforts, and maintaining social order.
  • 陆军及通用武器装备基本实现制式化、系列化,提高了火力压制、地面突击、战场机动、战场情报侦察、作战指和防护能力,满足了多兵种联合作战的要求。
    The basic realization of standardization and serialization of the Army and general-purpose armaments has enhanced the capabilities of fire repression, ground assault, battlefield manoeuverability, battlefield intelligence and reconnaisance, operational command and protection, and has thus met the demand for combined operations.
  • 今年,审计署主要安排了国债专项资金、水利建设资金、扶贫资金、移民建镇资金、国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障和再就业工程补助资金审计,以及检察院、法院系统和部分高等院校财务收支审计,揭露查处了大量挤占挪用、损失浪费问题和个人贪污私分案件,同时,提出了加强管理的意见和建议,为保证专项资金的合理有效使用发了重要作用。
    This year, the National Audit Office generally planned and carried out audits of some special funds including earmarked bond-cushioned funds, poverty alleviation funds, resettlement funds and funds for ensuring the basic living of laid off workers and subsidies for reemployment program. It also audited the revenues and expenditures of public security departments, procuratorial organs, courts and universities and colleges,Through these audits, the National Audit Office has brought to light problems of misappropriation, losses and wastes and embezzlement of public money.Meanwhile, the National Audit Office proposed opinions and recommendations on strengthening the management. In doing so, it has played an important role in ensuring appropriate and effective use of special funds.
  • 欧元的发行和欧洲货币联盟的形成将在世界货币体系重新整合的过程中发至关重要的作用。这主要表现在使该体系更为平衡和对称。
    The launching of euro and the completion of the EMU will be instrumental in reshaping the international monetary system, principally by making it more balanced and symmetrical.
  • 香港人灵敏机巧,应变力强,为香港过往的成就奠下稳固的根基。日后,这些优良的特质依然会发作用,为香港未来的成功打好基础。
    Our resourcefulness and resilience have laid the foundation for Hong Kong's past success, and these qualities will continue to be the foundation for our future success.
  • 面对外围环境不明朗,包括全球股票市场表现反覆、美国发生九一一事件、日圆疲弱及阿根廷的局势变化,本港的外汇和货币市场仍然表现平静,反映市场对联汇制度的信心,而一九九八年九月推出的技术性改革措施亦对联汇制度发了巩固作用。
    The exchange and money markets reacted calmly towards uncertainties in the external environment, including increased volatility in the global stock markets, the events of September 11 in the United States, weakening of the Japanese Yen and the turmoil in Argentina. The resilience of these markets reflected confidence in the linked exchange rate system, which has been reinforced by the technical reforms introduced in September 1998.
  • 我们之所以在困难的时候,能够清晰地看到香港的光明前景,是因为香港有国家作为后盾,再加上本身雄厚的财政储备,运作良好的银行体系,以及香港全体市民一向善於应变的智慧和能力,在「港人治港」的条件下,会得到更加淋漓尽致的发
    One of the reasons that we are able to look beyond the hard times to a bright future for Hong Kong is that we have the powerful backing of our nation. In addition, we have ample fiscal reserves, sound banking systems, as well as the resilience and wisdom of the people of Hong Kong, which will be brought into fuller play under the principle of "Hong Kong people running Hong Kong".
  • 松油树指松腊和易发的油的粘稠的混和物,松节油就是从中蒸馏出来的
    The sticky mixture of resin and volatile oil from which turpentine is distilled.
  • 充分发内在资源的效能。
    to have resource against loneliness.
  • 现有资源的作用。
    the local library is a valuable resource.
  • 他在大半个世纪中,指了无数次战役战斗,九处负伤,屡建战功,以足智多谋的“独目将军”闻名于世。
    Later he commanded countless campaigns and engagements and was wounded at least nine more times. He performed outstanding military exploits and became famous as the resourceful one-eyed general.
  • 欺他指笨拙,游击队就可以放手发自己的聪明。
    and taking advantage of the stupidities in the enemy's command, the guerrilla units can give full scope to their resourcefulness.
  • 在美国版本中,日方指官山五五十六撕下的那一页日历上显示为12月7号;
    In the U.S. version of the film, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the Japanese commander, rips a page off a calendar to show Dec.7;
  • 一个舰队的最高指官;军衔在中将之上和五星上将之下。
    the supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral.