Chinese English Sentence:
  • 被相对较少的股东有。
    owned by a relatively few shareholders.
  • 爱丁顿,阿瑟·斯坦利1882-1944英国数学家、天文学家和物理学家,相对论的早期护者,在星体演化、结构和运动方面有很深研究
    British mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who was an early exponent of the theory of relativity and conducted research on the evolution, structure, and motion of stars.
  • 浏览着这本书,里根的生活以及我们婚后生活中的点点滴滴又浮现在眼前:他卑微的出身、他的运动和演艺生涯、为政府事务操劳的岁月、和家人朋友一起欢度的时光……最令我记忆深刻的是:里根不仅具有天生的领袖才能,更是一个温情的丈夫和慈爱的父亲。他是一个有深度、充满激情同时又不乏幽默的男人,是一个热爱自己的祖国和人民,抱生活的人。
    And as I flip through the pages of this book, I am overwhelmed by memories of his life and our life together: his humble midwest beginnings; his sportscasting and acting careers; our years in public service as well as our time spent among friends and family, saddled on horses at Rancho del Cielo, and relaxing at home. But mostly, I see Ronnie: the gifted world leader, the loving husband and father, a man of depth, humor, compassion, and love for his country, its people, and life itself.
  • 6、先前有与作证问题直接相关的学科证明。
    and Prior disciplinary evidence directly relevant to the issues being considered.
  • 这条路是为缓解交通挤而开辟的。
    The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.
  • 几年来,自从引进了驾驶考试,就使得驾驶领域的情形如同一块容易发财的宝地,任何有一辆车并有执照会驾驶的人都能当起驾驶指导教师并做广告招学生。
    For several years after the introduction of a Driving Test the situation was that of a Tom Tiddler's Ground, where anyone who owned a car and held a licence to drive himself could set himself up as a driving instructor and advertise for pupils.
  • 历代的宗教家老是训斥挣扎的人们,要对这、对那、对其他的教条训令“有信心”。但是宗教家一直没有告诉我们“该怎么”有信心。
    All down the ages, the religionists have admonished struggling humanity to "have faith" in this, that, and the other dogma or creed, but they have failed to tell people HOW to have faith.
  • 指曾经有某个职位后来又放弃了的人。
    of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office.
  • 有相称的对手或者竞争者。
    provided with a worthy adversary or competitor.
  • 红军第一、四方面军会合后,他坚决护党中央北上抗日的方针,对张国焘另立中央、分裂党分裂红军的行为,进行了坚决的斗争。
    After the rendezvous of the First and Fourth Front Armies of the Red Army, Bocheng firmly supported the Central Committee's policy of marching north to resist the Japanese invaders and opposed Zhang Guotao's attempts to split the Party and the Red Army and set up a separate central committee.
  • 在租约或出租协议下有;货物或服务。
    hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services.
  • (财产的)放弃作为宗教会社成员,放弃有财产之权
    Renunciation made by a member of a religious order of the right to own property.
  • 有比以前更高的社会地位、更科学的政策或方法。
    advancement toward better conditions or policies or methods.
  • 古埃及人曾经有高度文明。
    The ancient Egyptians had advanced civilization.
  • 瑞士和美国的企业家已经在这里(波恩)注册了一个名为‘白星运输公司’的新公司。白星公司是原来那艘遭厄运的船的所有者。他们正在寻求投资者以便建造一艘有最新技术的泰坦尼克号的复制品,并计划在2002年,即在悲剧发生整90年后由英国驶往纽约。
    Swiss and American entrepreneurs have registered a new company here as the White Star Line -- the name of the owners of the original, doomed vessel -- and are seeking investors to build a technologically updated replica to sail from Britain to New York exactly 90 years after the tragedy, in the year 2002.
  • 有共同之处;有签名。
    bear a resemblance; bear a signature.
  • 我们是世界上有最多外汇储备的地方之一;
    we have some of the world's largest foreign currency reserves;
  • 由一九九八年九月起,申请人除不得有住宅物业并符合居港年期规定外,还须通过一项包括入息及资产限额的全面经济状况审查,才可入住租住公屋。
    Since September 1998, applicants have been required to satisfy a Comprehensive Means Test which includes both income and assets limits, a no-domestic-property rule and a residency requirement before entry to public rental housing.
  • 他在一家法国银行有外国人帐户。
    He has a non - resident account with a French bank.
  • 他坚决拥护和平。
    He is resolute for peace.
  • 全国爱国同胞团结起来,反对妥协退让,护坚决抗战!
    Fellow patriots throughout the country, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and support resolute armed resistance!
  • 平津和华北的全体爱国同胞团结起来,反对妥协退让,护坚决抗战!
    Fellow patriots of Peiping, Tientsin and northern China, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and support resolute armed resistance!
  • 如果我有人和天使的言辞,而没有爱;那么我只是宏亮的锣或铿锵的钹。
    If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
  • 我们对海外贸易的依赖要求我们的人员要有魄力与机智。
    Our dependence on overseas trades places drives and resourcefulness in the export industries at a premium.
  • 海军将军有海军上将,海军五星上将,海军少将或海军中将军衔的人
    One who holds the rank of admiral, Admiral of the Fleet, rear admiral, or vice-admiral.
  • 美国投资者在发展服务业方面有丰富的经验和先进的管理方法,我欢迎美国投资者能抓住机遇,积极参与中国的金融、保险、商业零售、外贸、会计师事务所等中介服务组织的发展。
    American investors have rich experience and advanced management methods in the development of service industry. I would like to encourage American investors to seize the opportunities in China and actively participate in the development of intermediary agencies such as finance, insurance, retailing, foreign trade and accounting firms.
  • 不过亚洲各国只有一个君主和一大群宦海沉浮的宠臣和官吏,而欧洲则有一个人数众多和相当稳定的大土地所有者阶级,后者远不及前者穷奢极欲,因为他们就个人来说有的剩余产品要少得多,而且在很长一段时间内还要用大部分剩余产品供养他们的家臣。由于社会的好战习俗以及政府无力给予保护,当时大土地所有者为了自身的安全必须豢养一批家臣。
    except that, in lieu of a single monarch and a fluctuating body of favourites and employ, there was a numerous and in a considerable degree fixed class of great landholders; exhibiting far less splendour, because individually disposing of a much smaller surplus produce, and for a long time expending the chief part of it in maintaining the body of retainers whom the warlike habits of society, and the little protection afforded by government, rendered indispensable to their safety.
  • 事实上,由于苏联已经有了大量增加的核能力,我们依靠大规模报复战略的可靠性和谨慎态度要让位于我们的灵活反应战略。
    Indeed, as the Soviet Union acquired vastly increased nuclear capabilities, the credibility and prudence of relying on massive retaliation gave way to our flexible response posture.
  • 我两手抓住瓶子,将瓶颈放在固定的墙上的厚铜开瓶器下,瓶盖立即掉在一个老木箱里,我伸手将它捡了出来,感觉好凉,中间已经弯曲,但我知道我需要有这个纪念品。
    With two hands, I positioned the bottleneck under the heavy brass opener that was bolted to the wall. The cap dropped into an old wooden box, and I reached in to retrieve it. I was cold and bent in the middle, but I knew I needed to have this souvenir.
  • 虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但是台湾是中国领土一部分的地位从未改变,由此,中国有对台湾的主权也从未改变。
    Although the two sides of the Straits have not been reunified, Taiwan's status as a part of Chinese territory has never changed, neither, therefore, has China's sovereignty over Taiwan ever changed.
  • 虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但是台湾是中国领土一部分的地位从未改变,由此,中国有对台湾的主权也从未改变。
    Although the two sides of the Straits remain to be reunified, the long-term existence of this abnormal situation has not imbued Taiwan with a status and rights in international law, nor can it change the legal status of Taiwan as a part of China.
  • 我们希望香港可以有世界一流的废物处理系统,能够激发各行各业共同努力减少制造废物,同时鼓励各界就物料回收和再用提出新意念和作出新投资。
    What we want for Hong Kong is a world class waste management system that stimulates efforts by every sector to reduce waste and that encourages new ideas and new investment in the recovery and reuse of materials.