  • 通过穿刺术从腹部出液体。
    removal of fluid from the abdomen by centesis.
  • 吸装置用吸装置排出液体或气体,尤指用吸法排出东西的工具,如从体内排出粘液或浆液
    A device for removing liquids or gases by suction, especially an instrument that uses suction to remove substances, such as mucus or serum, from a body cavity.
  • 抽取;拿走
    To take away; remove.
  • 他们采用的是游牧型的耕作方式,从不给土壤加点肥,一旦把土地的肥力干了,就往别处迁移。
    They're nomad cultivators, never replenishing the soil. When they've milked the land dry they move on somewhere else.
  • 假设复制的个人不仅能从事象的物理研究,还能解决医学上亟待解决的问题。
    And suppose the person being replicated were researching not just abstruse questions of physics but pressing questions of medicine.
  • 像食橱的储藏柜或有门、架子和屉的家具;用于储藏或展示。
    a cupboard-like repository or piece of furniture with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display.
  • 壁橱,橱柜直立的,类似于柜橱的贮藏间,带有架子、屉或分隔间,用于保存或展示一批物品或物资
    An upright, cupboardlike repository with shelves, drawers, or compartments for the safekeeping or display of a collection of objects or materials.
  • 中签当我们的代表。
    She was chosen by lot to represent us.
  • 用切实的形式来表达一些象的事情。
    represent or express something abstract in tangible form.
  • 出每天晚上的时间给儿子读书。
    He reserves his evenings for reading to his son.
  • 那个少年噎噎地承认杀死了那个孩子。
    sobbingly, the teenager admitted killing the baby.
  • (指袜子)防止丝。
    (of hosiery) resistant to runs or (in Britain) ladders.
  • 心室纤维性颤动快速的、不协调的搐运动,代替了心脏正常的有节奏的收缩而且可能引起暂时的血液循环及脉搏的停止
    Rapid, uncoordinated twitching movements that replace the normal rhythmic contraction of the heart and may cause a lack of circulation and pulse.
  • 稻子已经抽穗了。
    Rice was shooting out into ears.
  • 理查德从一叠钞票中出一百二十五元买一件大衣。
    Richard peeled off $125 to pay for an overcoat.
  • 理查德每天一个小时搞写作。
    Richard lays aside an hour a day for writing.
  • 在西藏最大的寺庙之一甘赃寺就有许多手铐、脚镣、棍棒和用来剜目、筋等的残酷刑具。
    In the Gandan Monastery, one of the largest in Tibet, there were many handcuffs, fetters, clubs and other cruel instruments of torture used for gouging out eyes and ripping out tendons.
  • 戒除使自己戒掉恶习,如吸毒或
    To free oneself of an addiction, as to narcotics or cigarettes.
  • 青年人也什么都不在乎。譬如,他们会跟你说:烟会上瘾,酒精会使人判断不清。话犹未(同时),他们就会坦诚对你说他们即使烟也不会上瘾,即喝酒头脑也会清醒。
    Adolescents also think of themselves as invulnerable. They will tell you, for example, that smoking is addictive and that alcohol will cloud a drinker's judgment. In the same breath, they will confide that they won't become addicted if they smoke, and that if they drink they'll still be able to think clearly.
  • 若不是剧作家兼导演昆廷·塔伦蒂诺在百忙之中出12个小时说服约翰·特拉沃尔塔在他的《低俗小说》中饰演瘾君子职业杀手文森特·威格,这位前超级巨星也许现在还是一位属于坡形高跟鞋和金表链时代的让人回忆起来还蛮喜欢的昔日大腕。
    If it weren't for the fact that writer-director Quentin Tarantino took 12 hours out of his hectic1 life to convince the former superstar to play heroin-addicted hit man Vincent Vega in his Pulp Fiction,Travolta might have remained a fond throwback to the era of platform shoes and gold chains.
  • 他每次交易以前的牌很快变成一种宗教仪式。
    his cutting the cards before every deal soon became a ritual.
  • 你抽烟上瘾了。
    Have you been addicted to smoking?
  • 亚当斯根本不抽烟。
    Adams doesn't use the weed at all.
  • 布兰诺西,康斯坦丁1876-1957罗马尼亚裔雕刻家,于1904年定居于巴黎。他鲜明地打破现实主义传统,主要用金属和石头为材料创作了极简单明快的几何造型的象雕塑
    Romanian-born sculptor who settled in Paris in1904. He broke sharply with the realist tradition, making abstract sculptures, chiefly in metal and stone, of great geometric simplicity.
  • 他把几只屉翻个遍,终於找到了那封信
    He rooted around in the drawers and found the letter
  • 他把几只屉翻个遍,终於找到了那封信。
    He rooted around in the drawer and find the letter.
  • 我翻遍了所有的屉也找不到丢失的钥匙。
    I couldn't find the lost key even by rooting about in all my drawers.
  • 蔷薇丛栽下不久就开始枝了。
    Soon after it was planted, the rosebush began to branch out.
  • abcnews主管追踪调查的首席记者布瑞恩·罗斯和他的同事们进行了这样一次样调查:他们在洛杉矶市和纽约市任意选择了40名警官,在六个星期的时间内,他们向这40名警官分别上缴了40个钱包,每个钱包里都塞了不同数量的现金,还有带姓名、地址和电话的种种身份证件。
    Over a six-week period, ABCNEWS' chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross and his team turned in 40 wallets or purses to 40 police officers chosen at random in Los Angeles and New York City. Varying amounts of cash were put in each, as well as numerous pieces of identification, with names, addresses and phone numbers.
  • “圆”这个字如果单就其本身而言,而不与任何圆形物体相联想时,它是一个象名字。
    Roundness is an abstract term, so long as one considers it by itself and separates if from any subject that is round.
  • 在过去,医生们把定期给病人血作为治疗的一部分。
    In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment.
  • 乳胶从橡胶树中出。
    latex from tapped rubber trees.