  • 思想政治工作和思想政治工作隊伍都必須大大加強,决不能削
    We must strengthen ideological and political work, reinforce the ranks of cadres in this field and do nothing to weaken them.
  • (心理學)指一種條件反應;因為強化作用的消失或者減而導致條件反應的漸漸消失。
    (psychology) of a conditioned response; caused to die out because of the absence or withdrawal of reinforcement.
  • 條件反射減當非條件的刺激或強化停止時,條件反應的速度或力度的減少或喪失
    A reduction or a loss in the strength or rate of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement is withheld.
  • 並且因其對中國力量的估計不足和日本軍閥的內部矛盾,産生了許多指揮的錯誤,例如逐漸增加兵力,缺乏戰略的協同,某種時期沒有主攻方向,某些作戰失去時機和有包圍無殲滅等等,可以說是他的第三個點。
    Moreover, its underestimation of China's strength and the internal contradictions among the Japanese militarists have given rise to many mistakes in command, such as piecemeal reinforcement, lack of strategic co-ordination, occasional absence of a main direction for attack, failure to grasp opportunities in some operations and failure to wipe out encircled forces, all of which may be considered the third weakness of Japanese imperialism.
  • 運動戰的實行方面,問題是很多的,例如偵察、判斷、决心、戰鬥部署、指揮、蔭蔽、集中、開進、展開、攻擊、追擊、襲擊、陣地攻擊、陣地防禦、遭遇戰、退卻、夜戰、特種戰鬥、避強打、圍城打援、佯攻、防空、處在幾個敵人之間、超越敵人作戰、連續作戰、無後方作戰、養精蓄銳之必要等等。
    The waging of mobile warfare involves many problems, such as reconnaissance, judgement, decision, combat disposition, command, concealment, concentration, advance, deployment, attack, pursuit, surprise attack, positional attack, positional defence, encounter action, retreat, night fighting, special operations, evading the strong and attacking the weak, besieging the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements, feint attack, defence against aircraft, operating amongst several enemy forces, by-passing operations, consecutive operations, operating without a rear, the need for rest and building up energy.
  • 纔不過四天,葛市長已在參加第二個執法人員的喪禮。他說一個對犯罪軟的政府應對這種殺戮分擔責任——他呼籲恢復死刑。
    Mayor Koch, attending his second funeral for a law-enforcement officer in four days, said a government that has gone soft on crime shares the blame for the slaying – and he called for reinstatement of the death penalty.
  • 然而在出現了這種情形之時,不是日本進攻中國的放鬆,反而是它進攻中國的加緊,因為那時它衹剩下了嚮者吞剝的一條路。
    But in that case, so far from relaxing her aggression against China she will intensify it, because then the only way left to her will be to gobble up the weak.
  • 為了更好地貫徹這一原則,中國在健全、完善法律制度,嚴肅執法、堅决打擊侵權違法行為的同時,針對知識産權制度在中國建立的時間較短,公民的知識産權意識比較薄等情況,大力開展知識産權保護的法製宣傳教育,並加速知識産權領域專業人員的培訓。
    Still, the intellectual property rights protection system has only comparatively recently been introduced in China, and some portion of the population has a rather incomplete understanding of intellectual property rights. In order to better implement this principle, while improving its legal system, enforcing the laws earnestly and striking relentless blows at infringements and other unlawful practices, China has spared no efforts in publicizing and providing education about the intellectual property protection legal system and in accelerating the training of professional personnel in this field.
  • 作為經濟上先進但又脆的國傢的公民,我們必須始終不懈地提高技術質量,否則我們的生活水平就會下降。
    As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we must either relentlessly increase the quality of our skills or see our standard of living erode.
  • 關於可靠性設計中的薄環節問題的探討
    The discussion about the weak link in the design for reliability.
  • 他已經抓住了對手的點,然後極有力地陳述了自己的觀點。
    He had now found the weakness in his adversary's case, and he pushed home his points with vigour.
  • 武裝衝突和局部戰爭對世界全局的影響明顯減
    The influence of armed conflicts and local wars on the overall international situation has been remarkably weakened.
  • 所以必須在集體的整風中,經過自己的努力和別人的幫助才能發現自己的點,重新認識自己,改造自己。
    Therefore, it is only through the rectification movement conducted among groups of people that we can discover our weaknesses and know and remould ourselves anew through our own individual efforts and with the help of others.
  • 竪直的東半球的多年生植物,有微的藿香味的葉子和白色或粉色的花;美國非本土的一種植物。
    erect Old World perennial with faintly musk-scented foliage and white or pink flowers; adventive in United States.
  • 在這種一定的時期內,中國無産階級為了削敵人和加強自己的後備力量,可以同這樣的大資産階級集團建立可能的統一戰綫,並在有利於革命的一定條件下盡可能地保持之。
    At such times, in order to weaken the enemy and add to its own reserves, the Chinese proletariat may form a united front with these groups and should maintain it as far as possible, provided it is advantageous to the revolution.
  • 它也可使衰的肺恢復彈性,軟化已病變的前列腺。
    ALT-711 could also renew declining lung elasticity and soften an enlarged and hardened prostate.
  • 結果是國勢越來越,人民越來越窮,人權和民權也就無從談起,也就越受人傢欺負,國傢和民族在世界上就越加沒有自己應有的位置。
    Our country was thus getting weaker and weaker and our people poorer and poorer. Human rights and citizens rights were hardly taken care of. We were taken advantaged of by other countries and were unable to secure a position that we deserved in the international arena.
  • 起源於西印度群島的一種流行樂麯;用吉它演奏的音處即興重複的低音。
    popular music originating in the West Indies; repetitive bass riffs and regular chords played on the off beat by a guitar.
  • 減小強度、濃度、純度或變淡,尤指攙和
    To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture.
  • 面對外圍環境不明朗,包括全球股票市場表現反覆、美國發生九一一事件、日圓疲及阿根廷的局勢變化,本港的外匯和貨幣市場仍然表現平靜,反映市場對聯匯制度的信心,而一九九八年九月推出的技術性改革措施亦對聯匯制度發揮了鞏固作用。
    The exchange and money markets reacted calmly towards uncertainties in the external environment, including increased volatility in the global stock markets, the events of September 11 in the United States, weakening of the Japanese Yen and the turmoil in Argentina. The resilience of these markets reflected confidence in the linked exchange rate system, which has been reinforced by the technical reforms introduced in September 1998.
  • 無力裝裝樣子的抵抗
    A faint show of resistance
  • 營養太差的飲食會削對於疾病的抵抗力。
    Poor diet lowers resistance to illness.
  • 當時的情況是國抵抗強國。
    That was a case of a weak state resisting a strong state.
  • 在中國的長篇小說《紅樓夢》裏,那個柔多情的男主角很喜歡和女人混在一起,深深崇拜他那兩個美麗的表姊妹,常以自己生為男孩子為憾。他說“女人是水做的,男人是泥做的”。因為他覺得他的表姊妹是可愛的,純潔的,聰明的,而他自己和他的男同伴是醜陋的,糊塗的,脾性暴戾的。
    In the Chinese novel Red Chamber Dream, the boy hero, a sentimental mollycoddle very fond of female company and admiring his beautiful female cousins intensely and all but sorry for himself for being a boy, says that, "Woman is made of water and man is made of clay, " the reason being that he thinks his female cousins are sweet and pure and clever, while he himself and his boy companions are ugly and muddle-headed and bad-tempered.
  • 他既軟又愛慕虛榮。
    His not only weak but also admire vanity.
  • 由於害怕而減的欽佩羨慕之情
    Admiration tempered with fear.
  • 我最擔心是,這些法例會帶來一些不必要的雇傭常規、條款和條件,使本港的競爭力受到削
    My main concern is that these laws could hurt our competitiveness by bringing in unduly restrictive employment practices and terms and conditions.
  • 因為酒精中毒而衰的身體。
    broken health resulting from alcoholism.
  • 由於長期使用而削
    impairment resulting from long use.
  • 對盲、聾、智的兒童,由福利院負責把他們送到特殊教育學校學習。
    Blind, deaf and mentally retarded children are sent to special education schools.
  • 他把大量時間化在設法幫助智兒童上。
    He invest a lot of time in trying to help retarded children.
  • 動員社會舉辦智兒童培訓班、聾兒聽力語言訓練班、精神殘疾工療站等近百個,建立了多層次的社區康復網絡;
    mobilize society to open nearly 100 training courses for mentally retarded children, hearing and speech training courses for deaf children and work-rehabilitation centers for the mentally retarded and establish a community rehabilitation network of several levels;