  • 钢、煤、水泥、化肥、电视机和谷物、肉类、棉花、花生、油菜籽、水果等重要工农业产品的产量已跃世界第一。
    Now China leads the world in the output of steel, coal, cement, chemical fertilizer, TV, crops, meat, cotton, peanuts, rapeseed, fruit and other important industrial and agricultural products.
  • 马里恩美国衣阿华州中部一东部城市,是塞达拉皮兹的一个民郊区。人口20,403
    A city of east-central Iowa, a residential suburb of Cedar Rapids. Population,20, 403.
  • 在新的形势下,要增强忧患意识,安思危,务必继续保持谦虚谨慎、不骄不躁的作风,务必继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
    Given the new situation, we should be all the more mindful of potential perils and prepare for the worst. It is incumbent upon all of us to remain modest, prudent and free from arrogance and rashness in our style of work, and to preserve the style of plain living and hard work.
  • 产于印度和锡兰的尾巴上有鳞的穴鼠。
    burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon.
  • 产于西非的群鼹鼠;与裸鼹鼠形似。
    colonial mole_rat of western Africa; similar to naked mole rat.
  • 建立这种先地位的有权威的分级
    An authoritative rating that establishes such precedence.
  • 当时,那是一个春意盎然的早晨,灿烂的阳光普照大地,我和我的邻们正在观看一位年轻的海军上尉和一位金发士兵工作。
    And now, this spring morning, with the honest light of day on the world, my neighbours and I were watching the young naval lieutenant and the fair-haired rating at work.
  • 稀土族的一种软质、银色的金属元素,同位素能发出x光射线用于小型便携式x光照射仪,存在于独石和磷钇矿。
    a soft silvery metallic element of the rare earth group; isotope 170 emits X-rays and is used in small portable X-ray machines; it occurs in monazite and apatite and xenotime.
  • 以后,又有俄罗斯、塔塔尔等民族移新疆。
    Afterwards, Russians and Tatars migrated into Xinjiang.
  • 精灵住的有魔力的地方。
    the enchanted realm of fairies.
  • 人间,俗世世间凡人凡物住的地方;凡尘世界
    The realm of mortal existence; the temporal world.
  • 下层社会设想在地球表面下面的区域、王国和住场所
    A region, realm, or dwelling place conceived to be below the surface of the earth.
  • 的拜访占了她整个下午。
    visiting with the neighbors filled her afternoons.
  • 每天下午把收音机的音量开得很大, 向我们泄愤.
    The neighbours play their radio loudly every afternoon just to spite us.
  • 家乡某人出生、成长和主要住的城镇
    The town or city of one's birth, rearing, or main residence.
  • 1957年5月在西藏地方政府噶伦柳霞·土登塔巴、先喀·美多吉的支持下,成立了“四水六岗”叛乱组织,稍后又成立号称“卫教军”的叛乱武装,提出“西藏独立”及反对改革的口号,叛乱活动愈演愈烈。
    In May 1957, with the support of Galoins Neuxar Tubdain Tarba and Xainga Gyurme Doje, a rebel organization named "four rivers and six ranges" and later the rebel armed forces named "religion guards" were founded. They raised the slogan of "Tibetan Independence" and "opposition to reform" and further intensified their rebellious activities.
  • 一个非洲土著或者非洲民。
    a native or inhabitant of Africa.
  • 这8座位于西西里岛东南部的城镇,包括卡塔尼亚、莫迪卡和拉古萨在内,均系1693年那场导致9.3万名民丧生的大地震后重建。
    These eight towns in southeastern Sicily including Catania,Modica and Ragusa were rebuilt after a 1693 earthquake which killed 93,000 people.
  • 八十年代以来,仅拉萨市对旧民房的改造就完成了30多万平方米,有5226户民迁入新
    Since the 1980s more than 300,000 sq m of old residential houses have been rebuilt in Lhasa, and 5,226 households have moved to new dwellings.
  • 1965年,纳什迁到波士顿,希望在那里可以过上全新的生活。
    In 1965 he moved to Boston, where he hoped to begin his life afresh.
  • 大夫叫他好好回忆一下,设法重新回忆起他童年时代住地的环境。
    The doctor asked him to reach back and try to recapture the atmosphere of the place in his boyhood.
  • 土库曼人一个传统的游牧突厥族的成员,住在土尔其斯坦以及伊朗和阿富汗境内的邻近区域的
    A member of a traditionally nomadic Turkic people inhabiting Turkmenistan and neighboring areas in Iran and Afghanistan.
  • 比亚迪公司的无绳电话充电电池占全球市场25%的份额、碱性充电电池产量世界第六,奥沃公司的伽玛刀通过美国fda认证,成为进入美国市场的第一家国产高档医疗设备企业。
    Rechargeable batteries manufactured by Beyond Company take up 25 % of the world market share and the output of alkaline rechargeable batteries ranks sixth worldwide. Gamma Rotary Knives produced by Our Company have broken into the American market, and become the first sophisticated medical apparatus made in China to be certified by FDA.
  • 一个阿富汗土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Afghanistan.
  • 然认得出他,真叫人奇怪。
    It's a wonder you recognized him.
  • 目前,全国城市民用气普及率68.4%,城市污水集中处理率20%,城市垃圾粪便无害化率45.4%,城市建成区的绿化覆盖率23.8%。
    At present, 68.4 percent of urban residents in China use gas for fuel and heating; the centralized disposal rate of urban sewage is 20 percent; the innocurity rate of urban garbage and fecal disposal is 45.4 percent; and the afforestation rate is 23.8 percent.
  • 目前,全国城市民用气普及率68.4%,城市污水集中处理率20%,城市垃圾粪便无害化率45.4%,绿化率23.8%。
    At present, 68.4 percent of urban residents in China use gas; the centralized disposal rate of urban sewage is 20 percent; the innocuity rate of urban garbage and fecal disposal is 45.4 percent; and the afforestation rate is 23.8 percent.
  • 我记得他在迁往西雅图前把农场卖给了一位邻
    It is in my recollection that he sold his farm to a neighbor before moving to Seattle.
  • 经过多年分后朋友们设法使他与妻子重修旧好。
    Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation.
  • 为使私人机构能在应付房屋需求方面发挥最大作用,当局正拟订试验计划,鼓励私人发展商以长者可以负担的价格,为长者提供特别设计的所,并附设综合护理服务。
    To enable the private sector to make the fullest possible contribution towards meeting the demand for housing, a pilot scheme is being developed to encourage the private sector to provide affordable, purpose-built accommodation with integrated care services for elderly persons.
  • 在房屋政策方面,政府的施政方针是要减少社会上住环境欠佳的民人数,帮助所有家庭入住合适和能力可以负担的房屋,以及鼓励市民自置所。
    The Government's housing policy objectives are to reduce the number of inadequately housed people in Hong Kong, to help all households gain access to adequate and affordable housing, and to encourage home ownership in the community.
  • 房屋委员会于一九九七年十二月宣布推行租者置其屋计划,在直至二零零七年的十年内,让至少25万个公屋家庭以合理及能力可以负担的价格购买现公屋单位。
    The Tenants Purchase Scheme, announced in December 1997, will provide the opportunity for at least 250 000 households living in public rental housing to buy their flats at reasonable and affordable prices over a 10-year period up to 2007.